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Star Crossed

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Everything posted by Star Crossed

  1. Star Crossed

    Are You A Post Whore?

    That might be because you're one of the people who has the most face to lose when people see your post-count. The post-count should be kept visible for precisely that reason; so we can see just how many posts people are slopping out. I don't think loyalty is the issue here, mpfc. Nobody should think that a high post-count is somehow directly proportional to loyalty. I'm sure there are plenty of members who have been "loyal" to the DL for a lot longer than us, whose post-counts are only in double figures. Their posts, however few and far between, have probably been of high quality and nobody's questioning their "loyalty". This loyalty issue is just a smokescreen you've belched out to cover the central issue; that your post-count is excessively high, leading to an overall degradation in the quality. You're a funny, intelligent guy but you spread yourself too thin, consistently. That alone is the issue.
  2. Star Crossed

    Are You A Post Whore?

    I'd often wondered how this consummate professional kept his stats up. Presumably, mpfc's ability to consistently crack out double-figures every day is thanks largely to posting frenzies like this tonight:- 11:57 11:59 12:02 12:04 12:07 (coffee break, or summat) 12:26 12:28 The last one is fair enough; mpfc's rekindled a shining moment in cinema which was both well-conceived and acted but the rest of these, I would contend, are filler. Pure and simple.
  3. Star Crossed

    Parting Shots

    Superb spot, Paddy! Flying plane, open door; I always thought that would be bad, but since I had the chance to jump out of a plane, I know it would be bad. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrgggghhh! Thud! How about the priest, played by Patrick Troughton, in The Omen (1976), who tries to warn Ambassador Thorne that his son Damien is from hell, then gets impaled by a lightning rod which falls from the spire of his church. An emphatic exit (pic too big to post) stage left for Father O'Whatever. "Aaaaaaaarrrrgggghhh!" Thud!
  4. Star Crossed

    Stuart Hall

    Thank god for that. Given the ineptitudes and banality of the brain dead "journalists" who are on the radio today, Stuart Hall is a legend and long may he live I concur wholeheartedly, Ernie. Aa a regular listener to Radio 5 Live on saturdays during game-time, I can state categorically that his half-time/full-time match reports are the only interesting thing broadcast, and the only sign that anyone on Radio 5 Live can be arsed to say anything vaguely original or amusing. So what if his flowery similies are worked out beforehand? That doesn't detract in any way from his ability to put life and meaning into his descriptions of what can, at times, be a phenomenally dull game. I'd much rather have Stuart Hall telling me that "the striker whirled like a turbo-charged dervish in the box to confuse and confound his opponents, before making contact with the ball like the firing-pin of a Howitzer and sending it thundering into the net which rippled, Tsunami-like, from end to end. 1-0 to the visitors!" than f*cking Mark Bright saying "he's under pressure from the defenders but he's scored with his left foot. 1-0." As this post marks my quintillionth consecutive "no news, just a sly comment" post, I'll shut up for a while now. I hope Stuart Hall, however, keeps rambling on brilliantly, nonsensically, for years to come.
  5. Star Crossed

    Abdelaziz Bouteflika

    Yes. My source inside the IAEA tells me that Algerian physicists are working on a new kebab recipe that could potentially de-stabilise the entire european take-away industry. It is assumed that the pitta bread components will not be exported from Algeria due to the risk of shipments coming under attack from, or being stolen by, agents of the Axis of Weevil. sorry
  6. Star Crossed

    Why Are We Here?

    You wash your dishes in tonic? Bit extravagant, but each to their own. Still, Brun prbnoaly wahses his disdhes ind gin.
  7. Star Crossed

    Paul Hunter

    I once had some friends who were into their Dungeons & Dragons role-playing stuff. I think they used to use 16- and 20-sided dice. Freaks. Anyhoo... If a triple-1 gets you to the gate and a 3-4-3 gets you laid, what would a 14-17-12 get you?
  8. Star Crossed

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    ... lame ... son, 24 ... killed by his 57 year old, cancer-stricken mother, wielding a hoe? This must be some bored kiwi journalist's idea of a good wind-up. A hoe? The guy was asleep! Ugh, I can almost see her hacking away at him with it, him waking up with a sore neck thinking "that's weird, I was just having a dream about someone attacking me with a h..." and then he rolls over and sees the blade of the hoe come crashing into the bridge of his nose "...oe. aaaargh, mum noooo!" etc. Must have been a pretty grim crime scene. In the long list of dangerous household items the hoe, I would venture, comes quite near the bottom. She probably did it to give the lads in the forensics bureau a cheap laugh.
  9. Star Crossed

    Where Have All The Ranters Gone?

    That's pretty deep, Eddy. I've got to respect that. There's a part of all of us which finds it hard to let go, I'm sure. My avatar, on the other hand, is just a pair of kittens I found on google. Cute, aren't they? Come and join me and the other DL girls in chat sometime, Eddy; we'd love to know more about you.
  10. Star Crossed

    Parting Shots

    Yeah, they should have wet that sponge LG. Those b*st*rds!
  11. Star Crossed

    Sir Patrick Moore

    Mans like Sir Patrick Moore 'im lookin' fly an' ting tonight, a'ight bruv? Him be checkin' out da moon an' ting. Him be needin' some Head an' Shoulders, an' 'is lyrical flow be a bit slurred, but apart from that 'im lookin' wicked. Bo! Chris Lintott, protege-man's him lookin' well sinister in the garden, checking out Patricks' 15-incher. Sir Patrick's parting shot tonight, re: the moon;
  12. Star Crossed

    Kim Jong-Il

    A 3.5-on-the-...radiation leaks from the site (or not). The top estimate is 15kt - about the same as Hiroshima. We're talking very small atomic. Compare that to Russia's biggest ever hydrogen test - 57-odd MT Great point Dr H; worth a link I think. Tsar Bomba The stats on the sheer scale of this explosion are mind-boggling. It's the bomb equivalent of a George Best thread, wrapped tightly in an Emlyn Hughes thread, encased in a Paul Hunter thread shell and detonated with a Taufa' thread charge. In the open air.
  13. Star Crossed

    Kim Jong-Il

    A 3.5-on-the-Richter-scale dud. That's either a small thermonuclear weapon, or enough HMX to compress the core of a gigantic thermonuclear weapon that, thankfully, failed to detonate. I don't see this as a fake, even if western media tries to portray it as such. We'll find out (maybe) in the next few days when trace radiation leaks from the site (or not). Edit: If it was a nuclear explosion, maybe we should ask the North Koreans if they could help us bury the Paul Hunter thread?
  14. Star Crossed

    Paul Hunter

    No we're not. Some of us are d**ks.
  15. Star Crossed

    Where Have All The Ranters Gone?

    Here's a reply for you, you attention-seeking egomaniac! Welcome to the club, Eddy. Like most others, myself included, you've burned your first post at the stake in a manner which will come back to make you blush in future, should you become a regular DeathLister. Good to have you on board. Get in the chat sometime.
  16. Star Crossed

    Alex Higgins (And Snooker)

    That's more than can be said for the poor plant he pissed on.
  17. Star Crossed

    J. D. Salinger

    I was going to go and read the Cliffs Notes to help me with my A-Level English Literature coursework but, thanks to the insight and analysis on this page, I don't need to. Thanks guys. You really outdid yourselves. No, really... good job.
  18. Star Crossed

    Paul Hunter

    I saw it hovering around 270 for a while - not bad for a snooker player in the small hours. DWB I'd have thought the maximum number of people reading this thread should be 147.
  19. Star Crossed

    Paul Hunter

    A sort of online pathologist? That would be cool. Not sure if the erection would be appropriate, though...
  20. Star Crossed

    Birthdays, Births, Anniversaries Etc...2006

    Whilst everyone's busy in the Paul Hunter thread, I'll take this opportunity to wish Laurence Simon, Ninja Turnip and PeacefulDarkMistress many happy returns! Oh, and PDM, if you're at all interested in having an affair, you can find me in DL chat sometime. I never disappoint. PM me if you're shy, foxy lady...
  21. Star Crossed

    Paul Hunter

    Try supergaytdonkleyhungooiledstuds.com. Fair play, I feel the same way sometimes.
  22. Star Crossed

    Kim Jong-Il

    According to US untelligence, Osama Bin Laden was supposed to be on the verge of death from those same ailments about 5 years ago, wasn't he? And I think they pronounced something similar about Fidel Castro back in the 80s. I wish the US would issue a statement that I'm about to die of renal failure and diabetes. That diagnosis seems to be gold-standard precursor to a vigorous and belligerent old age these days. George Bush: The United States remains the leading global proliferator of missile technology, including transfers to Israel and Britain.
  23. Star Crossed

    Parting Shots

    Superb, DttG. No mention of Ewar Woowar would be complete without a nice play-on-words. I've got 3 suggestions:- 1) Tony Montana (Pacino) in "Scarface"; goes out with all guns blazing, coke all over his face, dead coppers everywhere. - a man after my own heart! The Skull then shoots him in the back at point blank with a shotgun and he falls 20 feet into a pool. Dead. 2) Brooks Hatlen (James Whitmore) in "The Shawshank Redemption" - one of the saddest film deaths I can think of. Brooks kills himself, an old man who cannot adjust to life in the modern world. After 30 years in prison, he's fully "institutionalised" and life on the outside is frenetic, bewildering and lonely. He hangs himself after scratching "Brooks was here" on the ceiling beam, which Red (Morgan Freeman) later sees when he's allocated the same flophouse room upon his release. A real tearjerker. 3) That Steve Buscemi chap in "Fargo" when he's chopped up and fed into a wood chipper. I like that one.
  24. Star Crossed


    I think the simple answer to the question posed by this poll is this: If you need to ask the question, you probably wouldn't understand the answer.
  25. Star Crossed

    Caption Competitions

    "Well the vertigo continues even now as I write this letter, it's such a strange flower suitable to any occasion carried it with me on my wedding day and now I place them here in memory of something that has died." I notice that he has one of those little whiteboards on the wall by his desk. I love that it's blank; this guy has got nothing to do today, no plans, no commitments, he's just going to sit there and surf for porn, and maybe have a snack or three.

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