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Star Crossed

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Everything posted by Star Crossed

  1. Star Crossed

    Strip The Moderaters Of Their Meagre Powers?

    Roughly speaking, we're made of this. As this thread will be deleted tonight, I'd just like to throw up a final, ironic italian salute to all those who disagree with me on this issue, eloquent as some of you may, indeed, be. I hope we've all learned something from this episode. Most of all, however, I hope that the Moderater class will be stripped of their ridiculous powers as soon as possible, so we can all feel comfortable again, being shat on and manipulated only by those whose ability as moderators we respect. A good evening to you all! SC
  2. Star Crossed

    Strip The Moderaters Of Their Meagre Powers?

    The lowest form, I've been told. Ever considered a career in moderatEing yourself, Star Crossed? You are excellently qualified. Nice spellling.
  3. Star Crossed

    Strip The Moderaters Of Their Meagre Powers?

    Well, allow me to retort with the H-U-M-O-U-R of sarcasm... Great work, NAP. That's the topic dealt with once and for all, then. Must be satifying, that. Almost Columbo-like, the way you tied up all those loose ends. No complaints from me. Brilliant! An inspired piece of Moderation. A 20% warning and my (inoffensive) sig removed. Isn't that exactly the sort of pathetic sh*t you hired the Moderaters for?
  4. Star Crossed

    Robert Earl Jones

    He's on telly NOW, BBC1 for those of you lucky enough to be blessed with the BBC. In The Sting, a classic movie if ever there was one. Arrr!
  5. A pirate with the name of Giles? Bwhahahahhaha Arrr! That be irony Phantom's employin' thar, or I'll be swabbing the deck by moonlight in me sister's bloomers. Arrr, 'n' this'll be saaarcasm, 'n' all! Anubis, the Jackal of the high seas, get yerself a flagon 'o' rum fer that gem.
  6. The sentiment's appreciated mpfc but, unfortunately, like so many of these landlubbers you've failed to grasp that it is the Moderaters with whom I have a problem (specifically their unworthy privileges), not the Moderators (Well, not many of them... yet). I don't know how many times I'm going to have to clarify this point. A salty old cumbrian sea-dog who spends as much time on the DL as you do, mpfc, must surely know the difference between the 3 ers and the many ors by now!? Arrr! Shiver me timbers!
  7. Star Crossed

    Margaret Thatcher

    Brilliant! I do hope that bigtimedead becomes a DL regular. Then we can look back in a few months at the painful, private candour of that first post. Oh, how we'll laugh... Edit: Arrrr! It'll be like Davy Jones 'imself is dancing a jig inside your ribcage. etc.
  8. Star Crossed

    Who Locked My Thread?

    To the numbnuts who locked my thread; Get rid of the Moderat[e]rs' powers. That's all. No need to stifle a free and fair vote on an issue of concern. Thankyou.
  9. Star Crossed

    Ideas and possibilities for 2007

    It's Mister Spock! Did you mean Ricardo Montalban, PDM? Alive and, according to his Recent Happenings bit on Wiki, well enough to be pissed-off at his celebrity neighbour. His elder brother Carlos, however, died in 1991 at the same age Ricardo is currently. That's a pretty wild cocktail of celebrity mortality you envisage. There'd be wild-card points being scored all over the world if some of your crazy hits come off. I love it! Best of luck, and welcome to the forums, PDM.
  10. Star Crossed

    Birthdays, Births, Anniversaries Etc...2006

    Yay! Many happy returns of the day to you, Six!
  11. Star Crossed

    Strip The Moderaters Of Their Meagre Powers?

    Yup, totally aware. Them that moderate the forums. He who shall not be named. Aiii Yog Sothoth.... the gate.. the key.. Fetch me my copy of the Necronomicon!!! Phantom, stop playing the ignorant F*****t. This thread and the poll which you so badly misinterpreted, is about stripping the 3 "Moderaters", not the actual team of Moderators, of their powers. If only a Moderator could adjust the vote-count to reflect your utter incomprehension... While we're about it, could the Moderator who changed the poll options please remove the "Probably" option from the poll and move those votes to the "Yes" column? Much obliged. Mind your language. I may have to give you another warning. Because I can! Not for long, you pathetic little cuntwad. Seeing as you've just kicked me 4 consecutive times (or was it Banshees?) out of the chat for no reason, I'd say the case for your Moderater "powers" is getting less credible by the minute. Dipshit, you're sealing your own fate. Vote Yes to remove the Moderater class.
  12. Star Crossed

    Strip The Moderaters Of Their Meagre Powers?

    Yup, totally aware. Them that moderate the forums. He who shall not be named. Aiii Yog Sothoth.... the gate.. the key.. Fetch me my copy of the Necronomicon!!! Phantom, stop playing the ignorant F*****t. This thread and the poll which you so badly misinterpreted, is about stripping the 3 "Moderaters", not the actual team of Moderators, of their powers. If only a Moderator could adjust the vote-count to reflect your utter incomprehension... While we're about it, could the Moderator who changed the poll options please remove the "Probably" option from the poll and move those votes to the "Yes" column? Much obliged.
  13. Star Crossed

    Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Hurricanes, Mudslides

    I dreamt last night that there was a massive earthquake in California. Specifically, the southern San Andreas fault and the San Jacinto faults moving simultaneously, wreaking Mag-8.0 havoc on the locals.
  14. Star Crossed

    Fidel Castro

    Fidel Castro sneezes but has a lemsip and a cigar and feels better again. Then he does some Pilates.
  15. Star Crossed

    Aaron Spelling

    ... ello? Our nervous guest hasn't scored too highly on the Rant Index, but the Stammerometer is going off the scale.
  16. Star Crossed

    Someone's Abusing Entropy

    How can there possibly exist anything smaller than that which is visible to the naked eye? Heresy! Burn the witch!
  17. Star Crossed

    The Kings Of Tonga

    Sh*t! RIP King Taufa'ahau Tupou IV.
  18. Star Crossed

    Someone's Abusing Entropy

    Once you embrace the simple, beautiful truth that only an omnipotent, omniscient being could have created the world in all its glory and diversity, you'll start to believe in Creationism, too. It really is the only credible explanation for our existence. Praise Be! Vote Republican!
  19. Star Crossed

    Death Links

    Lovely You know, it's actually annoying that they didn't print the picture that drove them to that act. I for one would like to know exactly what they thought were digging for...
  20. Star Crossed

    Pete Doherty

    Piblokto has one of the longest names for an album "Things May Come and Things May Go But the Art School Dance Goes On Forever" I went to an Art School Dance once, on Renfrew Street in Glasgow. It lasted about 6 hours, and I went home at the end with a rather lovely law student named Shirley. Thankyou, Dr. Shulgin. My fling with Shirley lasted a full 6 days. About 3 years later, I saw her in the MacLellan galleries, heavily pregnant, looking for an engagement ring with the, I presume, father. She looked like she'd eaten every single pie in the Uni refectory over the past 3 years and I remember being glad that my hangover from the Art School Dance hadn't lasted any longer. That's one in the eye for Pete Brown, isn't it?
  21. Star Crossed


    Psychics, yeah? I knew someone would start a thread about this.
  22. Star Crossed

    Birthdays, Births, Anniversaries Etc...2006

    Happy Birthday LG! Not taken a "duvet day" by any chance, have you? Many Happy Returns also to MortalCoil and Mortician!
  23. Star Crossed

    Naseem Hamed

    Ah yes, Property Development; the last refuge of the idly rich, mentally weak and prodigously selfish. It reminds me of a line from Enter The Dragon; "Any bloody fool can pull a trigger." His arrogance and a bent for quick profit may see him end up as "successful" as Nicholas van Hoogstraten, another of Britain's well-respected property tycoons. Sorry to stray off-topic but, whilst looking for that first link, I found this little piece about him. Maybe it was written by a rambler. Back on Nas... annoying little c*nt, isn't he? I remember sometime last year, I think it was when he was ringside at the Ricky Hatton/Kostya Tzyu fight, he was being interviewed about a possible comeback to boxing, fighting Arturo Gatti. Although he talked a good game, Hamed had put on so much kebab-fat that he looked like the Michelin Man and Gatti, sitting next to him in great shape, could hardly keep a straight face. Just more bluster and balderdash from a man who's been conditioned to believe his own hype to the Nth degree. I think he'll probably land Michael Winner's old job of selling car insurance on telly.
  24. Star Crossed

    Steve Irwin

    If it's not the crocs, the monitors, the terrapins or stingrays, now we've got to watch out for stongrays as well? Never get out of the boat. Absolutely goddamn right!
  25. A whole lot of whoring and pretty much fvck-all else, it would seem, Mr. Godot. Another excuse for these rampant whores to raise their "contribution" and lower the overall quality. Hopkins is back from his mission, equipped with a new ducking stool, and he's feeling as pious as f*ck. Watch out... and don't come into the chat tonight, whores (you know who you are), unless you want to lose a f*cking good argument.

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