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Star Crossed

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Everything posted by Star Crossed

  1. Star Crossed

    Steve Irwin

    RIP Steve. Behind all the "croc hunter" bullsh*t, I believe, lay a committed conservationist and animal rights campaigner, who brought the beauty of nature's diversity and power to an audience who may never have bothered watching anything animal-related, if it weren't for his "WOW! Look at the teeth on THAT beauty! She could rip your arm off without any trouble at all!" style. On hearing the news of Mr. Irwin's death this morning, I was genuinely saddened. One of a rare breed indeed, his life and work cut tragically short. I couldn't, however, help raising a smile as the simple truth of that old adage sprang back to my mind; "You play with matches, you get your fingers burnt."
  2. Star Crossed

    Allen Carr

    The book is now on the floor next to my bed in case I ever want to read it again. ... I think he's famous enough to go on the list too, I don't even know why I'm posting this, I can't be bothered really and it's pretty pointless but, for what it's worth, I have a good friend who read Carr's book, sceptically at first, and stopped smoking completely after reading the last chapter 3 times. My friend is, however, easily-led, relatively poorly educated and open to almost any suggestive narrative, just like people for whom stage hypnosis works. If you're of that mindset, Carr's book will go a long way to helping you stop. If, like AtJ, you're an independent-minded type of person who isn't open to suggestion, or you just enjoy smoking, don't bother picking up the book. As for whether he's DL-fodder... of course he is. The world's most famous smoking cessation guru will get obits in every major paper on every continent, given that his book has been translated into 20-odd languages and sold 6 over million copies since it's publication in 1985.
  3. Star Crossed

    New Here and saying Hi.

    An interest in death, yes. Death or football, eh mpfc? How about it, Adi? Are you a Maccabi Haifa fan? Or Hapoel Tel-Aviv? Personally, I'm a fan of the Katyusha Rockets.
  4. Star Crossed

    Birthdays, Births, Anniversaries Etc...2006

    Happy Birthday Capt. Oates. Many happy returns of the day to you!
  5. Star Crossed

    Birthdays, Births, Anniversaries Etc...2006

    TheProfessor has reached his ΒΌ-century. Many happy returns!
  6. Star Crossed

    The Kings Of Tonga

    Are you lot still whoring on here? Is this some sort of conspiracy? In the last 24 hours, an entire page of (mostly, with one or two exceptions) utter, utter garbage has been posted here, ffs, and the kittens are going fvcking apesh!t. I woke from my cat-nap early this afternoon from a dream in which T4 had died, and there had been a deluge of posting in the thread. I remember feeling dismayed that I hadn't been awake and able to post at the time his death, but glad that at least I'd care less about the disgraceful level of whorage herein. I know everyone's DL "ones we missed" spidey-sense is tingling; "Imminent Death" reports tend to do that, but that's no reason to go on posting irrelevant crap in this thread. PM each other or, better yet, get in the chat
  7. Star Crossed

    Gerald Ford

    And this year's "No Sh*t, Sherlock!" award goes to...
  8. Star Crossed

    The Kings Of Tonga

    Well I didn't think my comments would be appropriate in the "Dear Abby" thread though. I can't imagine where your comments would ever be appropriate.
  9. Star Crossed

    The Kings Of Tonga

    Oh come on now, do the Chuckle Brothers invade your dreams and force you to think they're young and robust? No No No, you're confusing The Chuckle Brothers with the minions of Cthulhu I think you're confusing this thread with the thread about f*ck-all. Please keep it Taufa', gents...
  10. Star Crossed

    Most Obsessive Deathlisters

    I beg to differ. The breasts in those 2 photos are clearly the same breasts. An increase in her fitness regime pre-Lara, some support from a latex catsuit and bada-BING! there you have it. Or, indeed, them. On the evidence presented above, I'd say Angelina's all-natural.
  11. Star Crossed

    Read Any Good Books Lately?

    Shiver me timbers, that's outrageous! And from a Mod, 'n' all! Brace her across that cannon and give her 20 licks of the cat! Aaarr...
  12. Star Crossed

    Dear Abby...

    Well T4H, Surely my help is your help, no? As long as I keep on dispensing the help, you'll keep feeling all warm and fuzzy. Help yourself to a helping of second-hand help! Glad to be of help! p.s. I really mustn't answer any more of your problems today, DLers. I've posted three times in the last 15 minutes and the kittens have begun to growl at me. At least one of them will probably start flashing unless I log off straight away. Perhaps someone else would like to volunteer as Agony Aunt/Uncle today?
  13. Star Crossed

    Dear Abby...

    ... a former Moderator deleted that simliar thread. It probably deserved to be canned ... Glad to be of help. Do you mean that the offending moderator should be sealed in an airtight metal container, or judging from your previous answer, caned with a rod or stick? The former, Josco. Too many people on this forum would enjoy the latter, it seems... Glad to be of help.
  14. Star Crossed

    Dear Abby...

    I think the Mods are doing a fine job, [flirt]yourself in particular[/flirt]. Mr Hopkins, as I'm sure you're aware, isn't too fond of high-volume, mid-low quality posting, but his stress levels have been lower of late. Perhaps if a higher percentage of the posts were from Mods (who are Mods because they are capable of high quality) it may improve the overall quality (this would, preferably, happen if certain others just posted less), but in terms of discipline and moderation per se, it seems the Mods and Admins are on top of their game. Glad to be of help.
  15. Star Crossed

    Dear Abby...

    Boudicca, The only thing I can think of is that a former Moderator deleted that simliar thread. It probably deserved to be canned; I don't think the Mods would make a mistake in that regard. Having only been here just over a day myself, though, I'm not qualified to say. Glad to be of help.
  16. Star Crossed

    Dear Abby...

    Well Manx Minx, You may think you're the only one with this problem, but it's really very common. Of course it's ok to take beauty advice from your trannie boyfriend, in fact it's recommended! Who knows better what looks attractive to men? To my mind, as long as he's not stretching your clothes too much when he borrows them, you should just let nature take its course. There's always the added bonus of sending him to your job when you're too tired to work after a long night giving him pedicures and foot-massages. As for your sado-masochistic streak, that's just plain wrong. The best way to cure your filthy habit is to request a damned good hiding whenever those sort of thoughts enter your head. I'll be happy to send someone 'round to do the honours; anything to help! Glad to be of service.
  17. Star Crossed

    Dear Abby...

    Yes, Phantom, it's a conundrum that's as old as the hills, this one. You should go to Halfords to buy some stuff to fix it yourself. If you take it to the garage to get it fixed, you may end up seeing Mrs Phantom getting her forbidden fruit from some muscular, oil-smeared ruffian over a pile of used tyres. Glad to be of help.
  18. Star Crossed

    The Queen's Affair

    Here's the proof... Jack Straw allaying Bagpuss' pre-coital injury fears. "Fiddlesticks and Flapdoodle, Tony's hung like a fvcking fieldmouse!"
  19. Star Crossed

    Birthdays, Births, Anniversaries Etc...2006

    Mr. Crossed has asked me to send birthday greetings and wishes of many happy returns to Mr. Hein and Mr. Wait.
  20. Star Crossed

    Drunk? Bored?? Psychopath???

    I made a complete c*nt fud of myself in the chat tonight and I wasn't drunk or bored. My spelling was utterly ridiculous, I was insensitive, boring, boorish, showed a complete lack of maturity and insight, ffs, not my best night, it has to be said. Mea Culpa.
  21. Star Crossed

    Birthdays, Births, Anniversaries Etc...2006

    On ya, Josco. Make it count! Many happy returns of the day. Free Harrogate!
  22. Star Crossed

    The English Language

    I'd compaline about your spelling, but it hardly seems worht it.
  23. Star Crossed

    The Kings Of Tonga

    Not on this thread it's not. I'm sure it's been mentioned elsewhere in the last couple of days. Meanwhile, as T4 cranks up the Biggie Smalls in his Auckland hospital room, 6.1 quake passes through Tonga; is this some sort of gaian prediction of death for T4? Does iain control the fundamental geological forces? Tongans urged to pray for dying King. Edit: I'm going away tomorrow for 3 days. After all this time, even with all my Google alerts set up, it looks like my ambition to be the one to post T4's death is going to be thwarted. I'm gutted on so many levels.
  24. Star Crossed

    Birthdays, Births, Anniversaries Etc...2006

    CP, you really should caption the names of those birthday harlots. Mr Hopkins may want to google them, in order to inspect their virtue. They look less than pure to him...
  25. Star Crossed

    Sir Patrick Moore

    Sounds about right.

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