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Star Crossed

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Everything posted by Star Crossed

  1. Star Crossed


    And Star Crossed loses a fiver to the bookmaker.
  2. Star Crossed

    Saddam Hussein

    [pedantic] Bruno, surely you are flying in the face of the Second Law of Thermodynamics with this statement? [/pedantic]
  3. Star Crossed


    Allow me to help prevent you all getting into a flap over this (largely semantic) argument. Have a look at the two dictionary.com definitions, then read the section on Word History. You'll note that the term was originally coined by Thomas H. Huxley to describe a state in which absolute knowledge (of any given subject) does not exist. I hope this will prevent the wastage of yet more DL server space by well-wishing members arguing needlessly over their adoption of either of two modern definitions of the same word. In terms of whether Hein is contradicting himself, the answer, unfortunately, is a grey area and open to semantic interpretation. He is, essentially, questioning his own faith (atheism) by adhering to a doctrine of agnosticism. That does not mean, however, that he does not have faith; only that he is willing to question said faith. I questioned my own faith in the motivation of DLers to bother reading/understanding my posts before posting this. As to whether I believe anyone has read this far, I remain agnostic
  4. Star Crossed


    As an agnostic, I believe only what can be proven to me in terms which I can understand. It is unlikely, therefore, imho, that there is a god. Miss Barrymore, seen here looking utterly scrumptious, is more-than-likely the result of a chain of biologically-successful individuals, all of whom survived the rigours of their environment, found compatible mates and procreated. This unbroken sequence of successful ancestors stems from successive branchings, which we call speciation, starting from a single bacterium-like ancestor which lived between 3 and 4 billion years ago. This "natural selection", very possibly the mechanism responsible for all of life's stunning diversity, ended up producing this lovely human being; a shining example of the success of this natural phenomenon. Drew has not yet been procreatively successful; we can only imagine her efforts to find a mate and successfully breed... I'm sure many of us have imagined them a few too many times. Trust me to take it seriously
  5. Star Crossed

    Are You A Post Whore?

    I knew this thread would come back to bite me in the ass. I just checked Today's Top Posters. FFS! I'm at the top with 7. This will make 8. I blame it on BS for trash-talking me in the Taufa' thread but you all know that's not the real reason. I'm just an incurable post-whore.
  6. Star Crossed

    The Kings Of Tonga

    You misunderstand. Nothing has been misunderstood untill you show me the evidence of him being unwell. Evidence? How about almost every other post in this entire thread? Get with the programme, BS. Next you'll be telling us that Charlton Heston's won the World Sudoku Championship. T4's health has been on the rocks for a while, it's so well-documented you'd have to be an utter halfwit not to have realised it. The very fact that DL has a thread on him should indicate something's not right, and if you'd bothered to read any of this thread, certainly the last 2 pages, you'd know that there's more evidence than we could ever need that he is seriously ill. Do everyone a favour, Banshees, and stop whoring. You only posted above to have a go at Windsor, anyway. Do it on your own time and stop clogging up a nice juicy, well-developed DL thread with your own agenda. Pretty please with sugar on top.
  7. Star Crossed

    Jimmy Savile

    This should probably be in the "DLers Claims To Fame" thread" as it's not news, just my own $0.02's worth on the subject of Savile, but here goes. My primary school in Leeds was proud to have its annual school fĂȘte opened every year by Jimmy Savile, and as a kid of 8 or 9 I remember shaking hands with him. It was cool. This was during the height of his "Jim'll Fix It" fame. He used to turn up in a Rolls Royce, he was like royalty (except he had more jewellery). Always with a smile on, always willing to stop and talk. Also, our butcher at the time, Nick something-or-other, was one of the guys who ran marathons with Jimmy as part of his entourage. He was somewhat of a minor celeb himself in our neighbourhood, I recall. A couple of times we watched the Leeds marathon when it went past our house and we'd always wait until Jimmy and his crew went past; that was the highlight of the event. Just re-read that, it sounds pretty cr4p. I feel a bit of a post-whore now, but sod it, I've spent 3 minutes writing this, you can spend 5 seconds ignoring it.
  8. Star Crossed

    The Kings Of Tonga

    You misunderstand.
  9. Don't just wait for death, race towards it by attempting to join The 900 Club. Made me feel a bit peckish reading that. I wonder what's in the fridge?
  10. You're such a killjoy, SC Well I for one thought it was very clever and funny, thanks for posting it Bou . We have a winner! Sorry LG, got you again! I'm just gutted that it was you who took the bait.
  11. Star Crossed

    The Kings Of Tonga

    Don't want to tempt fate; you all know I want Taufa' to last until at least 2007, but perhaps the family should be placing a speculative phone call to the good folks at Goliath Casket?
  12. Star Crossed

    The Kings Of Tonga

    The group who had filed a lawsuit which sought to delay the opening of Tongan Parliament until the King (who is, constitutionally speaking, the only person who can open parliament) have withdrawn their objection. The parliament had been opened by the Princess Regent Pilolevu, and session will now resume without formal opening by King Taufa'ahau Tupou IV, who is still in New Zealand undergoing medical treatment. Presumably this is acknowledgement from the hardcore constitutional monarchists in Tonga that T4 is not expected back anytime soon. Parliament have serious issues to discuss and they simply cannot wait indefinitely for T4 to return... ?
  13. Star Crossed

    Karl Malden

    They've cancelled skag? Someone should let Pete Doherty know; I don't think he's heard the news yet.
  14. Star Crossed


    At last! Someone around here talking sense. Fly, mighty Sparrow Hawks, fly!
  15. That's not really him singing that song; someone's just cut together words from a few speeches he's made that are the same as the words from the song, and dubbed them over a soundtrack to make it sound like he's singing it.
  16. Star Crossed

    Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi

    No, of course not, and I certainly didn't imply that in my post. Please READ my posts before judging them, people... I'm sick and tired of having to explain myself when some reactionary prick with a chip on their shoulder (and I don't mean you, NAP) tries to distort what I've said. The point I made was that we shouldn't be so quick to condemn those we know effectively NOTHING about. You'd only be a hypocrite in the scenario you describe IF you'd previously been praising Shrub for his god-given, wise, erudite, statesmanlike handling of the various evil menaces which confront US citizens on a daily basis. Which, I presume, like 99.999% of the informed world, you have not. Thankyou and good night; that's the last you'll hear from me on the subject of the -Nutorious- Al-Zarqawi, even if some knob-jockey tries to misquote me again or post a false interpretation of my link. ffs.
  17. Star Crossed

    The Kings Of Tonga

    It would, surely, only be excellent news if the date today was December 31st 2006, and the DL selection committee had picked him for 2007. Taufa' is, of course, in my DDP but I'd much, much rather see him on the DL. Come on big man, keep your chin(s) up! It's only a sniffle; get back home and get on your bicycle. Maybe strum a ukelele or two, have a snack and whack some Biggie Smalls on the Nakamichi. T4 surfing off 'Eueiki in his youth. He's not fat, see, he's just big-boned.
  18. Star Crossed

    Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi

    CP, it's becoming almost comical that you take every post of mine as a personal insult. You seriously think I had you in mind when I was writing my post? You flatter yourself... and not for the first time.
  19. Star Crossed

    Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi

    No need to be so rude, Star Crossed. You twat, Windsor, that's not the meaning I posted a link to, as well you know.
  20. Star Crossed

    Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi

    There seem to be plenty of infantile chicken-hawks posting on this thread, cheering at the death of someone who fought in vain against an insurmountably well-equipped enemy. When "conventional" methods (5000lb paveway bombs, unlimited air strike capability, vast sums of money, the best killing technology money can buy) are unavailable to an army, they have to resort to what western governments might call "unconventional" means of warfare. All war is bloody awful; it's dirty and vicious and immoral, and to judge one man's action in a war based on the most polarised, government-spun reporting is naive in the extreme. We (that means you, not me) forget, all too easily, that the US (specifically, George HW Bush's CIA) were the people who funded this man's early "career" fighting the soviet forces in Afghanistan alongside Osama Bin Laden and almost every other major Halibut freelance fighter now publicly reviled by the Bush administration. The US government funded, trained, equipped and helped mould these monsters (including Saddam Hussein during the Iran/Iraq war) and, when it was convenient, made them the enemy. Try reading a history book that hasn't been blanched by the revisionist US/UK governments; you might actually learn a thing or two. I say "might", because you're possibly so spin-whipped that you're incapable of independent thought. The global war on terror/war for oil/clash of civilisations/war on islam isn't going to end soon. There are heroes and villains on both sides, hypocrites and sages; your duty as "free" citizens is to educate yourselves and work out what's really happening for yourselves, not just nod in agreement when another F*****g chicken-hawk hypocrite like Rumsfeld condemns an ex-friend/fallen foe as an "evil, genocidal maniac". Put your hands up if you'd have the "bollocks" to go and really fight for a cause (if you're capable of finding one to fight for). What? No hands up? F*****g chicken-hawks. Pull your heads out of the sand and try seeing things from someone else's perspective instead of joining the bandwagon and jumping up and down on Al-Zarqawi's corpse. I'm not saying Al-Zarqawi was in the right, nor am I condoning his methodology, but we shouldn't sit here in the comfort of our relatively rich, safe, unpersecuted homes/offices and squeal with glee about something we really know F**k-all about. I say "we"; I mean "you"...
  21. Star Crossed


    I don't understand why everyone thinks Togo are sh1t. My fiver (a bargain at 750:1) says they win the thing. Come on you Sparrow Hawks! Winners of the World Cup 2006
  22. Star Crossed

    Bring On Bruno!

    Has MPFC been posting a lot lately? Can't say I'd noticed... Not harsh really imho, spot on infact. I'm sure, given that Bruno will let us know with at least 10 "bafdly-writjern piosts" whenever anything even vaguely interesting happens to him, that we won't have long to wait to find out why he's been absent for a few days (oh, the calamity!). Whilst I'd wish no harm to come to any DLer (that's a lie), I must concur with CP insofar as creating a thread just to ponder on the health of a DLer is excessive and consistent with (I won't use the W-word) "raising one's post-count without good reason". Given that BBs temporary absence would be regarded by many as a refreshing break from his utter drivel, if ever a thread deserved deletion, it's this one.
  23. Star Crossed

    Docter Docter!

    By Colonel Mustard, in the library?
  24. Star Crossed

    Not Exactly Famous...

    A brilliant user name! Shame about the spelling; I suspect someone's going to be posting in the "Name Change Request" thread soon... "Can I have one less 't' please, Bob?" Welcome to the DL, Steve Whattley's Gas Oven.
  25. Star Crossed

    Animal Antics

    Anubis, your hound appears to be lying on your harris tweed jacket. If it were houndstooth, it would surely have been a candidate for the irony thread.

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