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Star Crossed

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Everything posted by Star Crossed

  1. Star Crossed

    Birthdays, Births, Anniversaries Etc...2006

    Happy Anniversary, Banshees Scream. 2000 posts in one year... quite remarkable! Maybe you should celebrate your anniversary by treating yourself to a new keyboard No? Ok, well, just have a drink instead, sit back and reflect on the glory of a bimillenipostiversary. SC
  2. Star Crossed

    Are You A Post Whore?

    You, on the other hand, are very close to snatching the record for the most consecutive complaining poster as well as nearly taking the 'Old Woman' award from Godot's mum. Feel the love, my friend - share it if you really want... If there were more people complaining, there might be less people whoring and this forum might end up resembling DeathList.net again, instead of teenchatterbollocks.com
  3. Star Crossed

    Are You A Post Whore?

    Banshees is currently on 26 posts today, every one a winner. He still has 8 hours to go. Will this be a DL record? Come on, we're all rooting for you. Feel the love, my friend... from your tone today, sounds like you need it!
  4. Star Crossed

    Ian Paisley

    You succeeded, however, in evading the swearfilter. Huzzah!
  5. Star Crossed

    ***deathlist Planned Maintenance***

    I wouldn't go so far as to say that things are falling apart, but I'd like to have the "who's in the house?" statistics on view again too, please, as well as on the threads if possible. They make it feel a bit more community-like if you see that other, familiar people are online somewhere. It's also nice to see how many guests are viewing. Cheers, SC
  6. Star Crossed

    Ariel Sharon

    That is either: 1) the first line of a joke, the punchline to which I cannot imagine. 2) CP keeping us in suspense, knowing the answer himself but reluctant to tell us until we beg him. or 3) a question that CP could have googled himself, before disclosing the answer to our mutual interest.
  7. Star Crossed

    When Deathlisters Go Shopping

    ^ People who bought this also bought...
  8. Star Crossed

    Sir Patrick Moore

    Well, The Sky At Night has afforded its monthly observation of the astronomical phenomenon that is Sir Patrick Moore. I'm happy to report that he was looking more healthy and vibrant than he's looked for some time, apparently in fine post-operation fettle. Speech a tad slurred, but that's nothing unusual these days. He was sporting a rather snazzy Hawaiian-style shirt in his garden at Selsey to observe a partial solar eclipse, while his protégé Chris Lintott enjoyed some "Turkish Delight" (the title of tonight's show) in the form of the totality. Patrick's looking good. I know it's close to DL blasphemy, but roll on 2007! "Nothing can match the glory of totality" - Patrick Moore.
  9. Star Crossed

    Caption Competitions

    Chantelle Houghton really IS living the dream, isn't she?
  10. Star Crossed

    Caspar Weinberger

    *jesus waves from his dinosaur* If you'd have bothered to read the thread, iain, you'd have noticed that someone made that exact same observation nearer the time. Oh... hold on... it was YOU ffs.
  11. A cat of all things. I wonder if it has anything to do with the 'ding, fries are done' answer I gave to one of the questions? bear. Growl A cat. I'm fine with that; if I could have our cat's life, I'd be laughing my nuts tail off every day... "What's for breakfast?" *nap* "What's for lunch?" *nap* *hunt* *laze around* *play with cat friends, talk trash, chase some stuff* "What's for tea?" *snooze* *bother humans* *snooze, hogging the bed* *go see my cat friends* *snooze* "What's for breakfast?" etc etc. Sounds just fine. Bring It On!
  12. Star Crossed

    Caption Competitions

    Trisha momentarily popped her head out of the fox's arse, only to be punched by a wealthy midget.
  13. Star Crossed

    Jane Wyman

    Thankyou for your comments, Mr. DeLay. Any news on Jane Wyman?
  14. Star Crossed

    Numero Cinq

    I'm still gutted that the Canadian contingent beat me to the Condoleezza "head-crushing" caption. Kids In The Hall was great, truly iconic stuff. Bugger, if only I hadn't spent those 8 minutes googling a seating plan of the US Senate... As far as who's next? I'll have a cheap punt on Michael Foot, although iain seems close to certain that Gerald Ford is due a mishap
  15. Star Crossed

    Caption Competitions

    Condi glowered across the senate and applied the finger-crush to Hillary's skull. Edit: beaten to it! gutted.
  16. Star Crossed

    Ideas and possibilities for 2007

    FFS, LB@5O'C, this thread is NOT the "post some lists of people, all of whom have received similar accolades" thread, it's a thread in which you are supposed to suggest names of celebrities who are, in your opinion, likely to die (and, therefore, would be good candidates for the deathlist) in 2007. Do you think it's amusing or clever to keep posting long lists of (mostly healthy) people? Are you going to invoke Lord Cthulhu's influence as some sort of lame excuse for this? Come on Mods, please one of you have a word, ffs... I'm sick of trying to highlight this blatant post-whoring, making myself look the twunt; I'm in serious danger of post-whoring myself in the process. Am I the only one who notices/gets pissed-off with this spam? I hope not.
  17. Star Crossed

    The Kings Of Tonga

    I was going by his age on that one. Well I suppose I shall have to make do with the ailing King of Tonga. No deaths since January with me... On Mr.Notapotato's DDP i'm 0. So far... I'm in the same boat as both of you, although Al Lewis was a hit for my Rotten Deadpool at the beginning of February, if that counts. Come on people! I hate being the forum nag, but let's keep this thread Taufa, shall we? Talk about your DDP in the DDP thread.
  18. Star Crossed

    The Deathlist Kitchen

    Fridge inventory:- Condiments: HP Sauce, english mustard, mint sauce, LSD. Fruit, Veg & Salad (where possible from the UK; not that I have anything against foreign produce, but the less fossil fuel that is burned to get my food to me, the better): Curly lettuce, celery, tomatoes (not very tomatoey) broccoli (try to eat it every day), red onion, watercress, parsley (love it), button mushrooms, beansprouts (grown in UK, oddly enough). Juices: Grapefruit juice, Orange juice. Meat: Kippers (I'm a veggie mostly but lapse when tempted, like when I had a full english brekky on saturday, ridding my fridge of various crimes against livestock: bacon, sausages & black pudding ) Dairy: Eggs, free range, size medium. Double cream, 3 types of cheese (red leicester, wensleydale, philadelphia if that can be called cheese). Milk, lots of milk, semi-skimmed, much to girlf's digust. Cultures : Natural yogurt (big pot), hazelnut yogurt x 4. That's a pretty typical haul for me, I suppose. There would have been dark chocolate Bounty bars, but they got scoffed at the weekend to raise my mood after Drogba cheated scored twice for the Chelski filth.
  19. Star Crossed

    Wincy Willis

    Aha! Is this perchance the act of being ironic? No, that's sarcasm. Or were you being ironic?
  20. Star Crossed

    Ironic Deaths

    Now that would qualify as ironic if either bride or groom were meteorologists. No it wouldn't. It would qualify as irony if they had chosen that particular day because it was the least likely to provide rain, but the mere fact that they were meteorologists would have no bearing on the irony of the situation, which is, as it stands, nil. Why would a meteorologist choose to be wed on a rainy day? No one would choose a rainy day for their wedding, common bloody sense. Try actually reading and understanding my reply (emphasis added) before posting more drivel, Tempus. Surely it's obvious that a meteorologist would choose a day least likely to be rainy, why would they do otherwise? Or does the obvious elude your very limited IQ Star Crossed? Tempus, I have to assume you are attempting irony. The irony of this is that you are unable to understand, or articulate, the essence of irony.
  21. Star Crossed

    Ironic Deaths

    Now that would qualify as ironic if either bride or groom were meteorologists. No it wouldn't. It would qualify as irony if they had chosen that particular day because it was the least likely to provide rain, but the mere fact that they were meteorologists would have no bearing on the irony of the situation, which is, as it stands, nil. Why would a meteorologist choose to be wed on a rainy day? No one would choose a rainy day for their wedding, common bloody sense. Try actually reading and understanding my reply (emphasis added) before posting more drivel, Tempus.
  22. Star Crossed

    Most Obsessive Deathlisters

    post #318
  23. Star Crossed

    Ironic Deaths

    Now that would qualify as ironic if either bride or groom were meteorologists. No it wouldn't. It would qualify as irony if they had chosen that particular day because it was the least likely to provide rain, but the mere fact that they were meteorologists would have no bearing on the irony of the situation, which is, as it stands, nil.
  24. Star Crossed

    Ironic Deaths

    At considerable risk from accusations of pedantry, I have compiled a cursory examination of irony/bad luck in the examples cited by Ms. Morissette, as follows... An old man turned ninety-eight/ He won the lottery and died the next day - Bad Luck It's a black fly in your Chardonnay - Bad Luck It's a death row pardon two minutes too late - Irony And isn't it ironic...dontcha think - Well, the jury's still out on that one, Alanis It's like rain on your wedding day - Bad Luck It's a free ride when you've already paid - Irony It's the good advice that you just didn't take - Bad Luck, or maybe just bad judgement Who would've thought...it figures - Hmmm... Mr. Play It Safe was afraid to fly / He packed his suitcase and kissed his kids goodbye / He waited his whole damn life to take that flight / And as the plane crashed down he thought / "Well isn't this nice..." - Bad Luck tinged with a melancholy irony And isn't it ironic...dontcha think - Sometimes, Alanis, yes... [chorus] Well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you / When you think everything's okay and everything's going right / And life has a funny way of helping you out when / You think everything's gone wrong and everything blows up / In your face A traffic jam when you're already late - Irony A no-smoking sign on your cigarette break - Irony It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife - Irony tinged with surreality It's meeting the man of my dreams / And then meeting his beautiful wife - Bad Luck and irony in equal measure And isn't it ironic...dontcha think / A little too ironic...and yeah I really do think... - Yes, I partially agree, Alanis [chorus] Life has a funny way of sneaking up on you / Life has a funny, funny way of helping you out / Helping you out - Yes, indeed... So, it seems that "Ironic" contains examples of both irony and bad luck, with elements of other subjective states in addition. The author accepts that subjectivity is employed in the interpretation of irony and, therefore, accepts that others' views may differ.
  25. Star Crossed

    Caption Competitions

    "Out, damned spot! Out, I say..."

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