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Star Crossed

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Everything posted by Star Crossed

  1. Happy Birthday Yogi! scsi, give that dog a bone. My, that felt like a frivolous post. *shudders*
  2. Star Crossed

    Harry Morgan

    It's my pleasure to correct you, H. In this case, you seem to have omitted the 'he' between the 'isn't' and the 'known'. Fifty-nine anal pedants. I also enjoyed watching the adventures of the 4077th, but here are a few more facts about him:- Born Harry Bratsburg on April 10 in Detroit, Morgan intended to become a lawyer until public speaking and debating classes at the University of Chicago stirred his interest in the theater. He has starred in 11 different television series, as well as appearing in over 50 feature films. When not performing, Morgan likes to read books about history, the legal profession and poetry. He used to raise quarterhorses at his Santa Rosa, California ranch. Whatever a quarterhorse is. He also finds time to run a New York deli-style restaurant in London. He is probably somewhat up-to-speed with modern technology, what with having spent all those years in the Army etc.; this, however, is not his Facebook page. As for the heavy drinking, I couldn't find anything on that. I recall he once partook of Hawkeye's moonshine martini on M*A*S*H but hey, haven't we all? Is he often seen cruising the local pubs on IOM, H? He does seem to get about...
  3. Happy belated B'days to all I've missed. Windsor, congrats on your graduation. Try not to waste your degree like the rest of us did. Ok, go on then, waste it. And congrats on having the balls of lonsdaleite to post a real(?) pic of yourself on an internet forum. You look slightly less annoying than I thought you would (Although, if I imagine you sat at your computer, logged on to DL, arguing with a drive-by ranter, it all comes flooding back). And you look considerably less rotund, too. You graduated with a 2:1 in Photoshop, right? Like I said, congrats.
  4. Star Crossed

    Seve Ballesteros

    My grandfather taught me to play golf in the early 80s. He never gave me any Werther's Originals, but that's beside the point. I was inspired by Seve at the height of his powers and, whilst my grandfather wasn't a fan, I wanted to be Seve on the golf course just as much as I wanted to be Steve Davis around the snooker table and John McEnroe on the tennis court. (Yes, I'm 'middle class'. Anyone for Pimms?) Is it golf which brings out the gentleman in a player, or is the sport just populated by gentlemen? I cried, actually cried real tears when Tom Watson missed that putt on the 18th at Turnberry which would have won him the Open Championship at the age of 59. A gentleman, the sort of person whose success you cannot begrudge. Then I saw Seve Ballesteros talking to Peter Aliss about his life and how happy he is and how lucky he feels, despite his illness. When he looked straight into the camera and said thankyou and blew a kiss goodbye to his fans, I gave Seve a misty-eyed standing ovation. Nimble as a ballerina, hard-nosed as a thug bastard, gracious in victory and defeat; that's my recipe for great golf. Golf is great. Thanks for everything, Seve...
  5. Star Crossed

    Death In The Family

    Ooh... cats *love* holes! Ah... yes... well... My condolences CO, we all know how much you love your pussies.
  6. EndOfTheRoad, I, for one, applaud your reservation of that "ugh.. ugh... YEAH!" cherry-popping 1st post for this splendid, if bemusing, rant. Like waiting until the night of your wedding to make love to your new bride, Holly Willoughby, only to discover that in actual fact she's not really all that pretty close-up, and she smells a bit off, and she has very hirsute areolae. That said, I hadn't even noticed a lag in updates by GR. I never go to the homepage, I just go straight to the forums, which everyone else seems to update in almost real-time, including those who also run their own deadpool sites. And, as people often say in reply to newly-joined former long-time lurkers' 1st-post rants, the "Owner of the board can do what he (or she) wants". Insert smiley of your choice here As regards the GR health rumours, I heard it was H1N1, hybridized with a mutated strain of kitten AIDS. The sort of stuff Monoclinic works on. Coincidence? You decide...
  7. Star Crossed

    Ariel Sharon

    A rare alignment of the stars heralds my agreement with mpfc; furthermore, whilst I find it difficult to hide my deep-seated hatred for Sharon (placing him as I do in the same class of ageing shitcunt bastard as Margaret Thatcher) I must also express my profound desire for him to hang on until I'm able to formulate my next ddp/hdp teams. At least that way his miserable fekin life will have counted for something.
  8. Star Crossed

    Sir Patrick Moore

    A slightly older and much wiser forum member for the perilous topography of my recent life, I no longer ask favours of the Admins here, or anywhere. However... if they were to snip the needless meteorological discussion from LB's post to this post inclusive, I cwertainly would not complain. Cwertainly not. Nor would the Tdonkleys. In the beginning Grim Reaper created the forum and the threads. And the threads were without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the archives. And the Spirit of Grim Reaper moved upon the face of the 2009 Names Forum. And Grim Reaper said, Let there be a Patrick Moore thread; and there was a Patrick Moore thread. And Grim Reaper saw the thread, that it was good; and Grim Reaper divided the thread from the others. And Grim Reaper called the thread 42. Patrick Moore; and the darkness he called The Sky At Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. Of the Patrick Moore thread. And Hopkins surveyed the thread; and saw that the thread had been defiled. And Hopkins smiled at those who degraded the thread; and He forgave them. And Hopkins knew of Sir Patrick Moore's Heaven and Hell; and He spread the word. And Hopkins saw that the word was good; and that the thread was strong.
  9. Star Crossed

    Cunning Linguists

    I wasn't sure where to put this, so I picked an old thread with an appropriate title. During a recent prolonged absence from cyberspace, I made a habit of eating my breakfast whilst watching episodes of Kojak (Savalas as Theo Kojak delivers some of the coolest, funniest, most cutting, most surreal cop-chic repartee I've ever heard, which is the reason for this post's inclusion in this thread.) Anyhoo, at the end of the credits sequence comes the name of the executive producer, Matthew Rapf. I became almost obsessed with the concept of putting Rapf in my deadpool until, about a week ago, I got back online and discovered he'd died in 1991. Gutted? You bet, baby, you bet...
  10. Star Crossed

    Ronnie Biggs

    That would make an iconic poster; a sort of "tennis girl scratching bum" for every alcoholic wannabe criminal's bathroom wall, just above the toilet. Alternative captions: "Crime Pays" "Hangovers... sh*t, aren't they?" "Adult single to Rio please, conductor" "Everybody do the locomotion. Ok, maybe just a bowel motion" etc. bored now.
  11. Star Crossed

    Drunk? Bored?? Psychopath???

    A dress which cost me an arm and a leg, and which you brought back covered in what can only be described as vegetarian lasagna. There were certainly bits of carrot in it. Mucky pup.
  12. Star Crossed

    Karl Malden

    Fascinating insight... are you a friend of the family, or maybe you work for the Screen Actors' Guild?
  13. Star Crossed

    Room 101

    Just people who abuse their pets with fruit. Not that one could call that particularly just.
  14. Star Crossed

    Farrah Fawcett

    What she said. Congrats on the DDP hit though, ie+. While you're down there, could you pick me some of that low-hanging fruit?
  15. Star Crossed

    Michael Jackson

    Faked his life, just like the rest of us. Edit: Damn you, Jackson, for upstaging Fawcett. Damn you for doing this when I'm drunk, damn you for luring me back to DL in the middle of the night when nobody is here. Not even CA, she's probably hearing the news about your inconsequential demise on the radio in her car driving home. Damn you, for leaving me so uninspired I put a shitty comment like "faked his life, just like the rest of us" on here, ruining the delicious symmetry of my 888 postcount (ok, so numbers do matter) thus proving I'm as inutterably weak and inarticulate as the herd, or should that be whored? Bastard. Damn you. That said, I'm putting my copy of History on now, track 1, Billie Jean. Awesome. Damn you. And good night.
  16. I did a search, vaguely recalling a previous browser-debate thread, but I couldn't find one. Maybe it was on another forum. Mods: This topic is verging on spam, so happy am I to evangelize the many, stable, reliable virtues of Mozilla Firefox. But if you could let it run until there have been a few replies on the poll, that would be nice. Cheers! I switched to Mozilla Firefox last week because IE had "encountered some trivial, probably flash-related problem and needed to close" one thousand times too many, despite Spyware and Adware and Firewall and blah blah blah. For me, it had just become too unstable a product, as I tend to run quite a few browser windows concurrently. I recently sent a PM in which I noted the "new active spellchecker function" on the DL software. Imagine my embarrassment, upon realizing that it's not the DL sofware, it's Mozilla Firefox, my clever new vulpine browsing-buddy, checking my spelling for me! Awww... how cute! (there must be some way of switching that off) Anyone have any opinions on this matter? I mean browsers, not spellchecking.
  17. Star Crossed

    Sir Patrick Moore

    April's episode, The Sun Revealed, sees Sir Patrick in splendid form and rude health, his enthusiasm as intense as ever, his humour razor-sharp. The episode features no less than three knights of the British empire. Sir Patrick visits the Astronomer Royal, Sir Martin Rees, in Cambridge for a moan about meddling politicians and gamma ray bursts, then invites a brace of boffins back to his place in Selsey for a discussion about the impending end to the 17-year life of the Ulysses solar probe, an instrument which Sir Patrick once very nearly touched with his own celestial hand. Lucky probe! The show concluded with a brief and touching tribute to Sir Arthur C Clarke, a lifelong friend of Sir Patrick since they met at the tender ages of 17 and 12 respectively, as members of the British Interplanetary Society. Next month, episode 666... RIP Sir Arthur, long live Sir Patrick! Hip Hip! One month later... 5th May 2008; episode 666; We Just Don't Know. Sir Patrick played "devil's advocate" (his joke, not mine) tonight, posing tough questions of Dr. Chris Lintott, Dr. Kate Land and Prof. Gerry Attrick about the very nature and, indeed, existence of our universe. If you want to know what science knows about the Big Questions* and you only have 25 minutes to find out, follow that link. A great episode (aren't they all, though?), with Sir Patrick in as fine form as I've seen him all year. Inquisitive, humourous, enthusiastic... inspirational! *e.g. What is the universe made of? Why is it expanding? Why are we here? Why are we here now, at the precise moment in space-time when astronomy is possible? What was the Big Bang? Is there something stopping us from finding out the answers to these questions? etc. Heavy, heavy duty.
  18. Isn't that the title of a Reba McEntire song?
  19. Star Crossed

    Political Frailty

    Since when have Nepal, Fiji and Cambodia been in Europe? Someone should really start a separate thread for monarchs/politicians of Nepal, Cambodia and Fiji and, of course, the other countries in their region.
  20. Star Crossed

    Kurt Westergaard

    Geert Wilders seems more likely to be a target at the moment. Geert Wilders is a likely target of Al Qaida? I wasn't aware of that, but he does look a little peaky here.
  21. Star Crossed

    Irate Visitors Rage Here, If You Must.

    Hypocracy, honez? Is that some new form of government? Edit: Yes. Apparently, it is. Edit #2: Just in case you're in any doubt, I first edited this immediately after my post, days before OoTW's post below.
  22. Star Crossed

    Zsa Zsa Gabor

    ... a Rottweiler savaging from my friend Mr. Star Crossed who has strong opinions ... The Red Baron is out there, circling, waiting to pounce on post whores and shaky posters wherever he can spot an easy kill.The easy kills, Mr. Godot, are precisely the ones we need to be making. Why tolerate idiots? IMHO, people should try to hit the ground running, or at least jogging, when they join a forum. And thanks, I'll let my own posts do my talking in future if that's ok. BS, I'll do my own posting, thanks. As for mr. c... I wonder if he's the m.c. of the same name out of the Shamen. If so, we have something in common already in that we can both recite the lyrics to all the verses of Move Any Mountain. If a kindly mod could delete back to the last on-topic post I'm sure we'd all be grateful. So would Zsa Zsa who is, I'm assured by a mutual confidante, an avid reader of this thread, and a notorious loather of idle, tawdry chit-chat. That's why she never turns up in the DL chat; just can't handle small-talk. She does like a *slap* now and then, though...
  23. Star Crossed

    No Famous Celebrity Deaths Lately...

    CA, didn't you get the memo? We're not supposed to disparage unimaginative newcomers anymore. We're supposed to thank them for their contribution and politely welcome them to the DL.
  24. Star Crossed

    Drunk? Bored?? Psychopath???

    Sometimes the viewing figures go up a little, when your mum comes round to watch it with me.
  25. Star Crossed

    Drunk? Bored?? Psychopath???

    Fair enough, I'll concede that her jazz-related post was in the correct thread. Firstly, strictly speaking, "hanging up his horn" is categorically not what Lyttelton did, unless that is some bizarre ritual to be followed when leaving a job at BBC Radio 2. Leaving Radio 2 is what he did; I doubt he'll "hang up his horn" for quite some time, if ever. That he didn't die is immaterial to this discussion.Secondly, you could at least pay Humphrey the courtesy of spelling his surname correctly. Far be it from me to dip my perfectly-formed toes into the foaming cesspool of semantic pedantry but, technically, his phrasing was a text-book example of a euphemism, given that Mr Lyttelton hasn't actually "hung up his horn". A euphemism not for death, but for retirement, rendering both Life Begins At 5 O'Clock/Six TAFKAG's assertion to the contrary, and your analysis, wholly inaccurate.

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