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Everything posted by Entropy

  1. Entropy

    37. Dick Cheney

    Wow. You Brits really do call each other "old chap" eh what? Can't say I've ever been called "old chap" before, but anything goes on DL. It does? Oh, good. Windsor can start curtseying to me, then.
  2. Entropy

    37. Dick Cheney

    So it was the worst day of Dick Cheney's life, and his victim has apologised to him for causing him the trouble. Well, I guess that's all right then.
  3. Entropy

    Queen Elizabeth II

    Well, Richard was deposed; it wasn't a voluntary abdication like Edward VIII's. Edward II was also deposed and then murdered (by having a hot poker shoved up him, so the story goes); unlike Richard, he had a son to follow him, so it wasn't entirely a matter of being deposed by a rival for the throne. Since he was possibly the worst king we've ever had (although Richard does run him a close second, IMO), it's not really a surprise. Then Henry VI (the Lancastrian king, who wasn't all that mentally stable) was deposed in favour of the Yorkist, Edward IV, who was deposed in his turn so that Henry VI could return, and then the Lancastrians were defeated at the Battle of Tewkesbury, and Henry VI was deposed again and murdered shortly thereafter. Once Edward IV had taken the throne yet again, he didn't live as long as expected and died while his eldest son was still a child; his brother (Richard Duke of Gloucester) took the throne himself and imprisoned the child king Edward V and his brother in the Tower. So Edward V was another king who was deposed by a powerful lord with ambitions. They played for high stakes back then.
  4. Entropy

    Queen Elizabeth II

    Richard II also abdicated after the nobles aligned with Henry Bolingbroke in his bid to reclaim his own inheritance, which Richard had confiscated; this morphed into an attempt to bag the crown while he was at it. Of course, it being the Middle Ages, he was murdered shortly thereafter - none of this living in luxury in Paris like the modern ex-kings. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_II_of_England
  5. Entropy

    Princess Diana

    Oh, the shame of it... No wonder he's too embarrassed to show his face.
  6. Entropy

    Princess Diana

    I wonder if the Diana Trust or whatever it's called will take the manufacturers of that doll to court and make real prats out of themselves. Speaking of real prats, Windsor hasn't been around here much, recently. I thought moderaters were supposed to give the forum more attention.
  7. Entropy


    Don't listen to him. His ramblings in this thread should have put you off him already..... Back off Windsor, you odious little creep, I've had enough of the way you're always chipping in snidey remarks at every opportunity like the class sneak. Get back to the Royal Forums where you're also not welcome. He's found himself a new royal forum where I'm sure he's most welcome. You haven't been tossed out of the Unofficial Royal Forums yet, have you, Windsor?
  8. Entropy

    Death Of My Country

    Yep, I think you got that the wrong way round.
  9. Entropy

    Most Obsessive Deathlisters

    Taxidermists, embalmers, freeze-your-corpse-and-store-it merchants, clairvoyants (100% success for the 2007 list guaranteed if you don't read the small print)... Ought to be possible.
  10. Entropy

    Princess Diana

    Erm - you do? Guess I missed that bit...
  11. Entropy

    Princess Diana

    You don't suppose that listing your occupation as "male prostitute" had anything to do with it? If you're serious about trying to rejoin, you're going about it in a mighty eccentric way.
  12. The poor dog. Guess he doesn't get out much.
  13. Entropy

    Queen Elizabeth II

    Guess you won't be signing, then?
  14. Is this thread supposed to make sense? Inquiring minds want to know...
  15. Entropy

    Queen Elizabeth II

    Don't go here then... Nut Job Bloody hell. Here's another one: http://www.gopetition.co.uk/online/7794.html "We, the British people and the people of the Commonwealth,...." All 84 of them. Very impressive...
  16. Entropy

    King Harald V of Norway

    Emperor Akihito had prostate cancer in 2002 but he seems to be doing pretty well at the moment. Queen Beatrix wasn't in hospital long with the pneumonia, so it looks as though she's doing well. Stubborn lot, these royals.
  17. Entropy

    How Many Dead Pools Are People In

    Yes, I've heard of him; I saw his self-promoting book in the bookstore a couple of years ago but I left it where it was. From a quick look through the book, I must say I think the Scots are better off with their present monarch. Not sure if he's ever been discussed at the Royal Forums. I seem to remember a discussion but it could have been somewhere else.
  18. Entropy

    Most Obsessive Deathlisters

    Well, you never know, there may be advantages! Seriously, what does being a moderater do for you?
  19. Entropy

    How Many Dead Pools Are People In

    The poor chap is obviously addicted...
  20. Entropy

    How Many Dead Pools Are People In

    And why not? Hey, Windsor, Mr Moderater sir, would you like me to adopt you?
  21. Entropy

    Most Obsessive Deathlisters

    Well, Windsor, now you're a high and mighty moderater, you can ban anyone you like, can't you? Oooohhhh, the power....
  22. Entropy

    How Many Dead Pools Are People In

    I must say, that new banner looks rather fetching. Congratulations Elspeth/Entropy. The new banner was nothing to do with me, but it is different, isn't it? At the moment my computer is playing up so the Royal Forums banner and all the animated smilies here are in a state of suspended animation. This machine hates me. Oh, and, unsurprisingly enough, I'm not a member of any of those other dead pools.
  23. Entropy

    George Cole

    I watched the old Christmas Carol movie during the holidays; it's surprising any of them are alive this much later apart from the ones who were children at the time. Speaking of which, apparently the kid who played Master Peter Cratchit (Tiny Tim's older brother) committed suicide about 10 years after the movie was released. No details given about method or motive, though.
  24. Entropy


    It won't make any difference to the way a lot of people feel about her. James Randi said that some people are so determined for this nonsense to be true that when he shows them an unarguable debunking, they turn on him, not on the fraudulent psychics.
  25. Entropy

    Ariel Sharon

    Why on earth were the doctors making such heroic efforts to save his life knowing that he wasn't going to have any higher cognitive functions or any basic ability to look after himself? This is simple cruelty.

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