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Everything posted by angryGreatness

  1. angryGreatness

    Annette Funicello

    One of Funicello's fellow Mouseketeers, Bonita Lynn Fields, has died aged 68 after a two-year battle with throat cancer. http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2012/11/20/us/ap-us-obit-former-mouseketeer.html?ref=us&_r=0
  2. angryGreatness

    Who Should Be On The 2013 Deathlist?

    I can only say I'm familiar with one of each - Pei's glass pyramid at the Louvre, which I'm sure everyone has seen; and Niemeyer's atrocity in Le Havre: Pei designed the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame, and Niemeyer designed the United Nations HQ.
  3. angryGreatness

    Who Should Be On The 2013 Deathlist?

    I can name two buildings Pei built, can only name 1 for Niemeyer.
  4. angryGreatness


    http://www.cnn.com/2012/11/15/showbiz/celebrity-news-gossip/lisa-whelchel-west-nile-virus-ew/index.html?c=showbiz Celebrity Survivor competitor and "The Facts of Life" star Lisa Whelchel has the West Nile Virus.
  5. angryGreatness

    Golf: The 19th Hole

    Lewis is reportedly seeing "very positive response" from treatment.
  6. angryGreatness

    Staff Sgt Robert Bales

    Military prosecutors are seeking the death penalty in Bales case, if they can prove Bales was in a clear state of mind at the time of the massacre.
  7. angryGreatness

    Life In Prison

    James Holmes, the gunman of The Dark Knight Rises shooting in Aurora, Colorado earlier this year, has reportedly attempted suicide multiple times in recent days, with at least one attempt requiring a trip to the hospital.
  8. angryGreatness

    Who Should Be On The 2013 Deathlist?

    Any particular reason for swapping Olivia de Havilland out and replacing her with Joan Fontaine? Who says we can't have both? They have about the same chance of dying and are both equally famous.
  9. angryGreatness

    Who Should Be On The 2013 Deathlist?

    Joan Fontaine George H.W. Bush Jimmy Carter Luise Rainer Chuck Yeager Christopher Lee Don Pardo Doris Day Pete Seeger Mikhail Kalashnikov Ray Harryhausen John Paul Stevens Carol Channing Prince Philip In my opinion, DL names should be people who 1) Have a strong chance of dying this year and 2) Are famous enough to be known to the majority of the forum. I think some picks (Lom, Martin) were chosen just because they'd get an obit and they were very old, and as such when they died no obit was written because no one really knew who they were. I do agree with Cecil/Winner/James though.
  10. angryGreatness

    Herman Wouk

    From a recent interview with New York Times.
  11. angryGreatness

    President (recumbent) Barack Obama

    Keep in mind, petitions to force the government to disclose everything it knows about UFO's, and look into various insane conspiracy theories, have hit the 25,000 mark much quicker.
  12. angryGreatness

    President (recumbent) Barack Obama

    Okay, so why is that? Why do some southern states like Mississippi, belonging to the world's only super-power nation, have such poor life quality, standards of education and so on. If they are on the Mississippi River delta they should, at the very least, have lots of good natural resources to utilise down there. Can you or someone explain this? Part of the reason is cultural. Mississippi is the poorest state, but it is also the most religious, has the lowest amount of high school graduates, and are also the most obese. People in the south don't view themselves as poor as long as there's a roof over their head, food in their gut, a Bible on their shelf, and a Republican in office. If you asked a Southerner, they'll probably tell you it's due to history. The Civil War left the South in ruins, and the Industrial Revolution made it worse as it almost completely skipped over the South. They also don't have major metropolitan areas, with exceptions of Atlanta and New Orleans, and as such jobs are scarce. The Mississippi River Delta is more affluent than other areas as you said (and also more liberal) but only relatively. There is essentially no middle class in the South, everyone is either dirt poor or filfthy rich. As for how it can be so poor while the USA has become so rich, I guess that's a flaw of the Federalist system. Even when the nation does well, the Southern states will make stupid economic decisions and remain poor.
  13. angryGreatness

    President (recumbent) Barack Obama

    I say let the redneck states secede if they think they can. Mississippi is has the life-quality of a 3rd world country. Plus, judging by current birth trends, the South will start to vote Democrat as soon as blacks start to outnumber whites, which will happen sooner than you think.
  14. angryGreatness

    The 12th Death Of 2012

  15. angryGreatness

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2013

    I'm going to try to be a real contender this year. I've got a list of 60 names, none of which are 80+.
  16. angryGreatness

    The 11th Death Of 2012 - Guest Posts Will Be Deleted.

    Any idea why my vote was deleted, yet I don't have the option of voting again?
  17. angryGreatness


    1987: de Cesaris, Wing, Osbourne (3/31) 1989: Bruno, Mandela, Ditka, Paisley, Kendall, Osbourne, Wilson, Jenkins, Cole (9/32) 1990: Noriega, Aznavour, Alliss, Ditka, Rex Williams, Winfrey, Waite, Queen (9/42) 1991: Willis, Moore, Mandela, Gabor, Beenhaaker (4/40) 1992: Finney, Ryder (2/37) 1993: Bennett, I Paisley, Kissinger, Ray Kennedy, Moore, Lineker, Lewis (7/56) 1994: Castro, Kirkbride, White, Thorpe, Shilton, H. Johnson (5/50) 1995: Castro, Moore, Forsyth, Connery, Johnson (5/50) 1996: Hagman, Mr T, Thorpe, Domino, Castro (5/50) 1997: Rooney, Domino, Douglas (3/50) 1998: Rooney, Jaruzelski (2/50) 1999: Leeson, Simon (2/50) 2000: Farrakan, Jaruzelski, Biggs, (3/50) 2001: Tutu, Minelli, Pincher, Wallach, Wouk, Rooney (6/50) 2002: Biggs, Brady, Douglas, Kendall, Niemeyer (5/50) 2003: Biggs, Rooney, Gabor (3/50) 2004: Biggs, Brady, Musharraf, Wallach, Douglas, Michelmore, Rooney, Mugabe (8/50) 2005: Biggs, Moore, Niemayer, Maradona, LaMotta, Wallach, de Havilland, O'Sullevan, Castro, Lewis (11/50) 2006: di Stefano, Biggs, Niemeyer, Moore, Wallach, Douglas, Lynn, Bouteflika, Graham, Thatcher, Ali, LaMotta, Rooney, Mandela (14/50) 2007: Castro, Sharon, Niemeyer, Graham, Biggs, Senator Johnston, Piper, Wallach, Douglas, de Havilland, Lynn, LaMotta, Molinaro, Vigoda, Moore, Lewis, Farrakhan. (17/50) 2008: Biggs, Niemeyer, Castro, Pincher, Wallach, Douglas, Domino, Gabor, Lynn, Sharon, Graham, Watson, Lamotta, Karzai, Klugman, Moore, Taylor (17/50) 2009: Biggs, Niemeyer, Havelange, Pincher, Wallach, Castro, Douglas, Graham, Mandela, Shankar, LaMotta, Rooney, Reagan, Lee, Klugman, Cardin, Moore, King, Thatcher, Sharon. (20/50) 2010:, Biggs, Wing, Gabor, Niemeyer, Pincher, Wallach, Castro, K.Douglas, Wouk, de Havilland, Priebke, Healey, Tork, Edrich, Graham, Mandela, Bough, O’Sullevan, Thatcher, Molinaro, LaMotta, Thornton, Klugman, Norden, R. Attenborough, King, Lansbury, Lewis, Domino, Garner, Sharon. (31/50) 2011: Biggs, Gabor, Niemeyer, K. Douglas, De Havilland, Healey, Edrich, Thatcher, LaMotta, Thorton, Khamenei, Klugman, Lewis, Franklin, Godfrey, Dole, Cheney, Wing, Pincher, Wallach, Ellison, Mandela, Shankar, Tarmey, Schmidt, Molinaro, Brady, Priebke, Andrews, Sharon, Cardin, Lynn, M. Douglas, Reagan, Frederiksen (35/50) Dunn's made a big dent.
  18. angryGreatness

    The 11th Death Of 2012 - Guest Posts Will Be Deleted.

    Pincher, because I have no idea who he is.
  19. angryGreatness

    Clive Dunn

    And end of an era, to be sure. Hopefully this will make the obit writer off his ass on the Lom and Martin obits.
  20. angryGreatness

    President (recumbent) Barack Obama

    Already voted Democrat friend.
  21. angryGreatness

    Minimalists (and other classical composers/musicians)

    Sorry I can't resist it!!! Are you suggesting in the near future he will be actively decomposing I can hear the rotton tomatoes hitting the screen Sitting pretty and still breathing on my Rotten Dead Pool this year. So notable enough for them to count him on their database. Elliott Carter has died aged 103.
  22. angryGreatness

    Star Wars Deaths

    Judging by Minnie and Pluto's expressions, Lucas and Mickey had to wipe the 'brown stuff' off their Sabres before the photo... That's Goofy, dude.
  23. angryGreatness


    Stefon Alexander, better known as P.O.S., has bowed out of his tour schedule due to needing a kidney transplant, and is asking for donations to help him with his health issues.
  24. angryGreatness

    The Dead Of 2012

    And here's the British obit. +7 points for me.
  25. angryGreatness

    Harper Lee

    Haven't seen a spammer in a long time. Gone now and IP banned

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