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Grim Up North

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Everything posted by Grim Up North

  1. Grim Up North

    Political Discussions And Ranting Thread

    Remain lost the referendum but has got what they want. It is clear now that the UK will never leave the EU. What that means for our democracy who knows.
  2. Grim Up North

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2019

    Bollox - need a new DDP joker!
  3. Grim Up North

    The EU Referendum Hokey Cokey

    Without an FTA we won't leave the EU.
  4. Grim Up North

    The EU Referendum Hokey Cokey

    At some point in this process there is going to be a whole load of HATE crystallizing on a single moment in time, whatever happens.
  5. Grim Up North

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

  6. Grim Up North

    Thoughts On The 2018 List

    Ahhh sorry all - obviously I misread and answered for Death List. Thanks Joey.
  7. Grim Up North

    Thoughts On The 2018 List

    The longest spell without a death on the DDP is the 22 month period between Jill Ireland dying on 17th May 1990 and Jim Joel dying on 23rd March 1992 that included the zero hits year of 1991.
  8. Grim Up North

    Robert Mugabe

    Nothing on BBC half an hour later - this is Robert Mugabe we're talking about - fake news?
  9. Grim Up North

    DL Dead Pools

    Posted here to not affect the thread order but it must be a strange year when the 2018 Advent Avalanche Dead Pool is the 24th most recent Dead Pool with a post on 3rd December - I thought it had been deleted for a second.
  10. Grim Up North

    Rugby Players

    You mean Sapde Coloey?
  11. Grim Up North

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2019

    'for now' and 'the fight is not over' don't sound like clear of cancer statements though.
  12. Grim Up North

    Sir David Attenborough

    Telling world leaders about climate change in Katowice Must be in top 5 famous people I don't want to die - in fact as I think about it may be top.
  13. Grim Up North

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

    Maybe next year - plenty of choices!
  14. Grim Up North

    The Hare's Death Pool

    Hi Deathray - I'd love to be on 1783 points - but I'm not - 1143 points I think - better revisit the spreadsheet formulas. Cheers GUN.
  15. Grim Up North

    Queen Elizabeth II

    I didn't think this one could be right - thought it would be higher - but it's right. (not sure why I've bothered posting this!)
  16. Grim Up North

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

    Just finalised my first Theme team for 2019 - excited!
  17. Grim Up North

    So, How's Your 2019 Shortlist Looking?

    Fucking hell I've spent the whole year researching names and then you produce this list - are you going to do it again next year? In which case I just won't bother!! EDIT: On review only one name from my draft 20 is included above - might trawl list above for a couple of better subs though.
  18. Grim Up North


    Yep although I'm south of the wall.
  19. Grim Up North


    Surprised myself by actually knowing the answer to this one between 7:30 and midnight on 30th November 1990 I was at the Christmas party where I used to work. They always had it at the same place every year and so I know where I was and what I was doing. They always had it booked for third last Friday before Xmas and so every so often randomly it was in November. It was the first Christmas party I went to with my now wife of 26 years who I used to work with. I had gone out with her since March and she wore a velvet dress she had made herself and she looked stunning. One of the other office girls asked me what I had done to her to make her lose so much weight (I don't think she had lost that much I think it was the dress) but I suggested it was loads of fantastic sex (in reality I doubt sex with me back then would have burned through very many calories at all). The party finished at 1am on 1st December.
  20. Grim Up North

    Inverse Survivor Dead Pool I

    This seems to be a good time to sort out another ruling. At what point does a month end? For example GHWB died on 30th November US time? Do people get November c/f points for him or not? If they don't then is he a December hit or has he died in some twilight zone that does not exist in either month? And if no one picked him for December but he classed as a December hit then do the people who haven't submitted teams move on to a score of 3 (0+3)? Incidentally it is a good time because no one had him in November.
  21. Grim Up North

    Advent Avalanche 2018

    Josephine Mandamin
  22. Grim Up North

    Inverse Survivor Dead Pool I

    * Gascoine (The campaign continues.........)
  23. Grim Up North

    Time Added

    RIP. Sad for his family. Rather ironically Kevin Austin became the 20th and final member of my first draft DDP team on Saturday morning at which point according to the Mirror QO he was already dead.
  24. Grim Up North

    Who Should Be On The 2019 Deathlist?

    Fuck off

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