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Grim Up North

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Everything posted by Grim Up North

  1. Grim Up North

    Kirk Douglas

    Good question but probably a better question to ask on the Herman Wouk thread. This is correct - she was 105 years and 136 days old when she died in 2007. Oscar Niemeyer is listed as 105 when he died according to the Death List front page obit but he was actually 10 days short of his 105th birthday. Luise Rainer was 13 days short of her 105th birthday when she died. Rose Kennedy would be the next oldest at 104 plus about 182 days.
  2. Grim Up North

    WTF is happening in London?

    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cities_by_murder_rate Wiki has a top 50 list but London didn't make the list in 2017. Its mainly South America plus US and South Africa - surprised Chicago didn't make the list.
  3. Grim Up North

    Political Frailty

    What makes you draw that conclusion? No mention of the Stage. All Bladder Cancer had a 50% 10 year survival rate in 2011 (incidentally making it about average for Cancers). I can see the word 'serious' in some of the headlines but have yet to see it in a quote from him yet.
  4. Grim Up North

    Political Frailty

    One of those Celebrity has Cancer articles that is as good as useless for Dead Poolers.
  5. Grim Up North

    Tina Turner

    No word from her team - a Private Cancer.
  6. Grim Up North

    The Residents (& Other Weirdos)

    Hardy Fox Dead Another one drops off the short list.
  7. Grim Up North

    Rugby Players

    Yeah I listened to him on the radio the other day - still able to tie his shoelaces and he had no problems talking - I took him off my list of possibles for next year and marked as 'Look for Updates October 2019'. But 'a year left if I'm lucky' puts him back on the possibles.
  8. Grim Up North

    DL Status Updates: Statements, Obsevations & Verbal Tennis

    I'm in Kraków waiting to fly back to Manchester. (Or is it only Biblio that posts his travel?) Where do you go in Poland Biblio? i come about every 2 months to Katowice and Gliwice (flying in and out of Kraków).
  9. Grim Up North

    Time Added

    Could be identification issues? Other than that unless there is an issue finding next of kin can't understand why no announcement. Wonder if he'll come back as a fox?
  10. Grim Up North

    Sinéad O'Connor aka Shuhada' Davitt

    Haha - foiled by an updated filter menu.
  11. Grim Up North

    Political Frailty

    Anyone who has read The Paymaster by Tom Bowers will find it hard to believe that he is still an elected MP. A politician of the lowest scruples.
  12. Grim Up North

    The Dead of 2018

  13. Grim Up North

    Inverse Survivor Dead Pool I

    So I'm a little confused at this point. If there is no death then all the lists roll over unaltered to next month. Okay and MH and TUM? Do they get eliminated for a whole month passing without them entering a team or does their non submission roll over to next month? And presumably we all need to submit a team for next month anyhow just in case someone should die in last day of this month but that team will not come into play whatsoever if no-one dies or will it then automatically be the team that comes into play following the month in which someone dies from all the original October teams? And the rules about people you can pick for the next month - if the October team is simply rolling over what happens to the ineligible picks - do September picks simply stay on the 'you can only pick 5 of them' status until there is a death from the October lists?
  14. Grim Up North

    Roman Reigns

    Pretty certain Spade knows that as its in his first sentence. Sure what he means is what type of leukaemia? (oh just noticed this is another word Americans can't spell)
  15. Grim Up North

    The Fringes Of Fame/family Of The Famous

    Think you're missing a 'com' in that sentence Sir. Although if you are standing just off screen on your avatar photo perhaps not.
  16. Grim Up North

    The Poppy Thread.

    Funny how many comments about the Second World War totally exclude Soviet Union. Germany had already lost the war by time of the D Day landings, was just a matter of time but Europe had to meet Soviets in Berlin or they might just have kept going. 30 - 40% of all casualties in WW2 were from Soviet Union (depending on whether you are talking military or all casualties - some 20 million Soviets out of a pre war population of 189 million - over 10% of their population) way more than any other country including the 'losers' Germany. That compares with 450,000 people from UK or about 1% of pre war population - hardly a scratch on the surface in comparison. The Eastern Front was brutal.
  17. Grim Up North

    Authors Last A Long Time, But....

    I presume this is a list of survivors. Whilst I realise this is a snapshot in time and they may all live to a ripe old age I'm struck by how young the list is - oldest surviving winner only 86 which is nothing based on life expectancy rates today. Who would have thought sitting on your arse all day typing (and possibly smoking?? - I imagine all authors smoking) wasn't good for your health.
  18. Grim Up North

    So .. What Do You Watch On TV?

    Probably all 3.
  19. Grim Up North

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

  20. Grim Up North

    Sporting Bravery

    Rugby with a smashed testicle anyone?
  21. Grim Up North

    Kirk Douglas

    Fuckwit Lucky you weren't around last year when Ian Brady was on the list!
  22. Grim Up North

    Crashing Companies

    What goes around comes around. Sears files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection
  23. Grim Up North

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

    I think these comments overlook Pan Breed is highest ranked team with Leah Bracknell as a joker. If Leah goes (and whilst it looks unlikely now nobody would be surprised if she went downhill quickly) he will be only 7 points behind TJS which is much more doable. Yes if Leah and/or Vervoort die I drop like a stone despite having them both in my team. Presuming they both live (and none of the people I don't have in my team but others do die) a Simon Ricketts death would lift me above Bucket but then it gets much harder. Ricketts and Stiles would get me past D in the D but not PdF or TJS Ricketts and Frates would get me past TJS and D in the D but not PdF (and same with Ricketts, Stiles and Frates). Even if Steffan Lewis dies I'm still 3 points behind PdF. My only other differentials with PdF are:- Vervoort - but then I lose so much ground on TJS and DintheD that it really doesn't help; and a whole bunch of people who are not going to die this year - Tiffany Youngs, Greg Gilbert, DJ Casper and either Gabe Grunewald or Ami Brown. Looking at the other teams around me I'd settle for no-one else dying at all and keeping my 5th place!
  24. Grim Up North

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

    Hmmm but only the top 4 would currently be over 100 points without Drop 40 bonuses (so although I agree that research is better (and possibly easier now) you can't ignore the extra points that the Drop 40 bonuses deliver.
  25. Grim Up North

    The Deathlist Poker Tournament 2018

    Remigino should have got a QO and still might - year end sporting deaths in year? Littlefeather will in my opinion because her story remains current and interesting and relevant and linked to the entertainment industry that seems to find QOs easy to come by - but we will see - as far as my Windy City team is concerned hopefully before April 30th 2019.

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