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Grim Up North

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Everything posted by Grim Up North

  1. Grim Up North

    Sir David Attenborough

    Once Prince Phil dies The Queen is going to hook up with Sir David and they will go and live on the Galapagos Islands until the sun rises in the West.
  2. Grim Up North

    Sir David Attenborough

    Legend Based on this I hope he has years ahead of him still (but I would have said the same about Charles Aznavour based on his interview 2 days before he died!).
  3. Grim Up North

    World War II Veterans

    Bloody hell msc - that's a rough collection. The key question in the circle of life is was the family tree beneath your great grandfather that you are a part of already in place before the gassed and shot and left for dead bit or did he manage to create that after being rescued?
  4. Grim Up North

    Crap Poetry Corner

    She was not old, Yet anyway, Hopes and dreams, Still alive, With time to fly, The runway blocked, With tweets and instagrams, Her playful dog, Forgotten by her side, On a shorter fuse, As life rushes by, Her phone cocked ready, For when he dies, So she can share her sorrow, Of the companion lost, Who whilst breathing, She ignored.
  5. Grim Up North

    Crap Poetry Corner

    National Poetry Day, How grey it is, A woman walks past, Wearing a purple coat, She has a little dog, Cute on a lead, But she ignores it, Face in her phone, How we waste life, Then it's over, And we are gone.
  6. Grim Up North

    Dame Judi Dench

  7. Grim Up North


    You don't fool me msc - you'd love the job!
  8. Grim Up North

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Marcel Duchamp 50 years ago today at 81. For a bit of variety rather than a photo of him here is his most famous and controversial painting. As you can obviously tell it's a Nude Descending a Staircase.
  9. Grim Up North

    Internet Celebrities

    We're about to lose another one off a lot of our 'definites if they survive' list - in their final days. I won't mention the name because they have not been mentioned on the forum yet (and I guess they might last to November although didn't sound that way).
  10. Grim Up North

    Inverse Survivor Dead Pool I

    Hi Wormfarmer - just reading the late entry rule again and it does not seem penal enough. Obviously I'm not suggesting you should change it mid round but just to consider a change going forward. For example if someone died and they cost someone who had correctly submitted their team 10 points it seems unjust that someone who has failed to submit a team would only get hit with 5 points (no matter how late in the month it was). i would suggest the penalty should be the max of 10 points then 9 for a second death etc Otherwise you are potentially going to lose players who are actually submitting teams and be left with players who are not. Ultinatrly it's your pool so do what you want and thanks for running but just an observation. Cheers, GUN
  11. Grim Up North

    Charles Aznavour

    His most famous hits RIP
  12. Grim Up North

    The 11th Death of 2018

    Bob Barker - now I know who he is must be time for him to cark it.
  13. Grim Up North

    Charles Aznavour

    1990, 2014, 2018 pick - well played the Committee!
  14. Grim Up North

    Play School - Play Away - Childrens TV

  15. Grim Up North

    Reality TV

    Ami Brown latest Stage 4, 3% survival chance, she's cancer free, she's in remission, tumour's too small to test (article reads like a cancer pick and mix). My translation - she's going to die of lung cancer but not yet.
  16. Grim Up North

    Johnny Clegg

    You just did
  17. Grim Up North

    Johnny Clegg

    Actually I googled the info just so I could make what I thought was a tiny little joke in response to PB. If you think I posted that stuff because I wanted you to think I knew it off the top of my head then .
  18. Grim Up North

    Johnny Clegg

    While King of Pop Michael Jackson was in his popularity peak in the 80s, a Johnny Clegg show really rubbed him up the wrong way. In 1988, Jackson travelled to the French city of Lyon to perform. He went on to cancel the show at the last minute as Johnny Clegg was performing in the same town and was an even bigger draw. Clegg was, in fact, so big in France that his band Savuka, had an album (Sugarman) that went on to sell 1m copies in France alone. In 2014, Clegg was honoured with the Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) for his “unique service to the arts, vulnerable people, children and democracy in South Africa.” In 2012, Clegg was also recognised at home as he received the Order of Ikhamanga, the highest honour a citizen can receive in South Africa, from President Jacob Zuma. Clegg’s love for and determination to learn elements of African music saw him arrested at age 15 for violating Apartheid-era laws that banned people from different races gathering after curfew hours. Clegg was first taught to master the Zulu language and maskandi guitar by Charlie Mzila, a flat cleaner by day and musician by night.
  19. Grim Up North

    Johnny Clegg

    'During this interview, recorded last August 31, ....................................Today, everyone knows that the end is coming. It's a matter of months at worst, years at best. " Some of us hope for over 5 months, some of us hope for under 5 months.
  20. Grim Up North

    Dame Judi Dench

    Perhaps the subtle difference here was that the film had not been released and rather than it being for his alleged crimes perhaps they took the decision for commercial reasons?
  21. Grim Up North

    Death Anniversary Thread

    You can't use that line then post a black and white photo! EDIT: Above post by Ashes Urn now edited to use a colour photo.
  22. Grim Up North

    Only Famous For Being Ill And Dying

    Yeah she is one of my few very unlikely routes to win the DDP - Ricketts, Steffan Lewis and Youngs die, Bracknell and Vervoort live plus a whole load of other people survive too.
  23. Grim Up North


    Should've seen the owner's face when they gave the valuation!
  24. Grim Up North

    Only Famous For Being Ill And Dying

    Yeah we knew that back in May I think - I guess life is a terminal diagnosis but seems a bit fast and loose to announce a terminal diagnosis that you can recover from. Anyhow she fooled me for the DDP - I thought she was nailed on when her husband's brother didn't go on the international rugby tour to be with them.

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