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Posts posted by Bibliogryphon



    What kind of weirdo doesn't like broccoli anyway, cauliflower is the satan-child of the vegetable aisle..


    I maintain that lima beans are worse.

    Butter beans, as we call them. Not nice on their own, but they absorb flavours very well so they are great in soups, casseroles and I also use them in a salad with a hot garlicky dressing poured over them.

    And they are great for making chocolate bisciuts.

    • Like 1

  2. Anybody considered the lovely Duchess of Kent for any of their lists pools for 2017? She's 83 now and looks frail and doddery in some photos but less so in others.

    She gave me my degree. One of the girls on the course was cross because she said about being given a degree by someone with merit rather than just who they had married but when it came down to it she gave the most magnificent curtesy.

    • Like 1

  3. OK I am late to the party but here goes


    1. Queen Elizabeth II

    2. Dick van Dyke

    3. Donald Trump

    4. Angela Lansbury

    5. Paul Gascoigne

    6. Stan Lee

    7. Doris Day

    8. Daisy Berkovitz

    9. Greg Gilbert

    10. Prunella Scales

    11. Joost van der Weisthuizen

    12. Prince Philip

    13. Jimmy Carter

    14. Shannen Doherty

    15. Val Kilmer

    16. Valerie Harper

    17. Mary Tyler Moore

    18. Stephen Hawking

    19. Clive James

    20. Chuck Berry

    21. Olivia de Havilland

    22. Jerry Lewis

    23. Nobby Stiles

    24. Ian Brady

    25. Stefan Karl Steffanson

  4. Death Impends, Rover & Toast all get a hit in a third category. GCReptile gets a second. Time & Handreka still to score.


    SWITCH sw 0/1/0/1/2

    YOUNGWILLZ yw 0/1/0/1/0

    RADGUY rg 0/0/0/1/1

    TIME ti 0/0/0/0/0

    IMNOTHADES ih 0/0/0/1/1

    MSC mc 0/0/0/2/2

    DEATHRAY dr 0/0/0/2/1

    HANDREJKA hj 0/0/0/0/0

    ROCKHOPPERPENGUIN rp 0/1/0/1/0

    DEATH IMPENDS di 0/1/0/2/3

    CAPTAINCHORIZO cc 0/0/0/0/1

    GCREEPTILE gr 0/1/0/0/2

    ROTTON ALI ra 0/1/0/2/0

    ROVER & OUT ro 0/1/0/3/1

    TOAST to 0/1/0/1/3

  5. Currency and stamps will still be valid but all new issues will feature Charlie. I remember as a kid still using coinage with George VI when I went to buy my fruit salad sweeties after school, and that was right up til 1971 when, of course, all coinage had to be replaced when the UK decimalised.

    George VI shillings were still legal until 1990 when the new 5p came out.

  6. Update for Tristram Hunt

    50 Points

    Rover and Out

    40 Points


    The Engineer

    Voice of Young Maryport


    30 Points


    Shaun of the Dead

    Rotton Ali

    The Dead Cow

    20 Points



    10 Points




    0 Points

    Young Willz

    Sir Creep


  7. As YW says a unique for RockHopperPenguin. That means four players with uniques


    SWITCH sw 0/1/0/1/2

    YOUNGWILLZ yw 0/1/0/1/0

    RADGUY rg 0/0/0/1/1

    TIME ti 0/0/0/0/0

    IMNOTHADES ih 0/0/0/1/1

    MSC mc 0/0/0/2/2

    DEATHRAY dr 0/0/0/2/1

    HANDREJKA hj 0/0/0/0/0

    ROCKHOPPERPENGUIN rp 0/1/0/1/0

    DEATH IMPENDS di 0/0/0/2/3

    CAPTAINCHORIZO cc 0/0/0/0/1

    GCREEPTILE gr 0/0/0/0/2

    ROTTON ALI ra 0/1/0/2/0

    ROVER & OUT ro 0/0/0/3/1

    TOAST to 0/0/0/1/3

  8. This competition is surprisingly compelling. So many possible permutations and it can all change very quickly. I wouldn't be surprised if someone currently waiting for more than 2, or even someone who's nowhere right now ends up winning it.

    Also: Who's Charles Lyell..? :\

    Third Baron Lyell in the Lords team.

  9. Update for Charles Lyell.


    SWITCH* sw 0/1/0/1/2

    YOUNGWILLZ yw 0/1/0/1/0

    RADGUY rg 0/0/0/1/1

    TIME ti 0/0/0/0/0

    IMNOTHADES* ih 0/0/0/1/1

    MSC mc 0/0/0/2/2

    DEATHRAY dr 0/0/0/2/1

    HANDREJKA hj 0/0/0/0/0

    ROCKHOPPERPENGUIN rp 0/0/0/1/0

    DEATH IMPENDS di 0/0/0/2/3

    CAPTAINCHORIZO cc 0/0/0/0/1

    GCREEPTILE gr 0/0/0/0/2

    ROTTON ALI* ra 0/1/0/2/0

    ROVER & OUT ro 0/0/0/3/1

    TOAST to 0/0/0/1/3


    Unique for Switch making them the first team with a hit in three categories. Still two away from victory but a wider number of combinations to get there.

    • Like 1

  10. I have some sympathy for Gary Barlow. Just because he has a modicum of talent doesn't make him a financial advisor. He probably had people who took care of that for him and when told he could reduce his tax burden probably neglected to check whether it was legal. The pop music industry is riddled with money earnt by stars being swindled out from them because of their naivity.

    • Like 2

  11. A terrorist is someone who uses terrorism in the pursuit political aims.

    A freedom fighter someone involved in a resistance movement

    Politicians are active in party politics or are running or holding office.

    There, all defined.

    For extra marks represent this using a Venn diagram.

    • Like 1

  12. Update for Sarstedt.


    SWITCH sw 0/0/0/1/2

    YOUNGWILLZ yw 0/1/0/1/0

    RADGUY rg 0/0/0/1/1

    TIME ti 0/0/0/0/0

    IMNOTHADES* ih 0/0/0/1/1

    MSC mc 0/0/0/2/2

    DEATHRAY dr 0/0/0/2/1

    HANDREJKA hj 0/0/0/0/0

    ROCKHOPPERPENGUIN rp 0/0/0/1/0

    DEATH IMPENDS di 0/0/0/2/3

    CAPTAINCHORIZO cc 0/0/0/0/1

    GCREEPTILE gr 0/0/0/0/2

    ROTTON ALI* ra 0/1/0/2/0

    ROVER & OUT ro 0/0/0/3/1

    TOAST to 0/0/0/1/3


    Three hits for Sarstedt. Death Impends now has 3 in No.1s as does Toast but di has the highest total number of hits although that means nothing here. Gcreptile gets a second hit in No. 1s.

    So Jane Morgan & Tab Hunter vs Vera Lynn and David Cassidy.

  13. Here's my Shadow List for 2017, in no particular order:


    Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

    Bob Barker

    Daisy Berkowitz

    Tony Booth

    Leah Bracknell

    George H. W. Bush

    Glen Campbell

    Lord Peter Carrington

    Mary Carlisle

    Leslie Caron

    Jimmy Carter

    Carol Channing

    Errol Christie

    Doris Day

    Olivia de Havilland

    Shannen Doherty

    Kirk Douglas

    Gord Downie

    Lawrence Ferlinghetti

    June Foray

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    Billy Graham

    Monty Hall

    Valerie Harper

    Clive James

    Glynis Johns

    Helmut Kohl

    Jake LaMotta

    Jerry Lewis

    Vera Lynn

    Colin Meads

    King Michael of Romania

    Mary Tyler Moore

    Hosni Mubarak

    Robert Mugabe

    Yasuhiro Nakasone

    Javier Perez de Cuellar

    Isabel Peron

    Prince Philip

    Peter Sallis

    Jimmy Snuka

    Ian St John

    Stefan Karl Stefansson

    Nobby Stiles

    Lynne Stewart

    Joost van der Westhuizen

    John Wetton

    Herman Wouk

    Chuck Yeager

    Jiang Zemin

    Actually that was quite a specific order. Alphabetical.




    This looks like one to me.




    1920 Fanny Waterman/Michael Anderson

    1921 Jane Freeman/Jean I of Luxembourg

    1922 Jean Barker/Rex Richards

    1923 Dina Merill/ Franco Zeffarelli

    1924 Rosamunde Pilcher/Clive King

    1925 Ysanne Churchman/Richard Baker

    1926 Cicely Berry/Leonard Fenton

    1927 Babs Chinnery/Dick Bruna

    1928 Kate Wilhelm/Peter Firmin

    1929 Patricia Routledge/David Fisher

    And again
    Once more

  15. Update for Michael and Ahmed. No Parfitt though.


    SWITCH sw 0/0/0/1/2

    YOUNGWILLZ yw 0/1/0/1/0

    RADGUY rg 0/0/0/1/1

    TIME ti 0/0/0/0/0

    IMNOTHADES* ih 0/0/0/1/1

    MSC mc 0/0/0/2/2

    DEATHRAY dr 0/0/0/2/1

    HANDREJKA hj 0/0/0/0/0

    ROCKHOPPERPENGUIN rp 0/0/0/1/0

    DEATH IMPENDS di 0/0/0/2/2

    CAPTAINCHORIZO cc 0/0/0/0/1

    GCREEPTILE gr 0/0/0/0/1

    ROTTON ALI* ra 0/1/0/2/0

    ROVER & OUT ro 0/0/0/3/1

    TOAST to 0/0/0/1/2


    Imnothades gets a unique (now denoted by asterisk) Rover has three in one category and MSC has two in two caregories.


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