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Posts posted by Bibliogryphon

  1. In theory the candidates can't force the issues that is up to the electorate. If the Tories were standing then they would have to speak about Heathrow but the locals might decide that the numpty has put himself in their hands and they might be still really angry about the EU ref and his London mayoral bid. Interesting times.




    I am going back on my travels this week end flying from Birmingham to Addis Ababa via Dubai on Emirates. There is currently a state of Emergeny in Ethiopia which means no Twitter and Facebook. Hopefully they won't have blocked The Deathlist.


    Wish me luck.


    Are you public sector or private sector?



    I think I understand where you are coming from but the accurate answer may not actually reflect the intention of your question.



    So you're definitely public sector as you can't give a straight answer to a straight question.



    No I work for a private company.


    I am going back on my travels this week end flying from Birmingham to Addis Ababa via Dubai on Emirates. There is currently a state of Emergeny in Ethiopia which means no Twitter and Facebook. Hopefully they won't have blocked The Deathlist.


    Wish me luck.


    Are you public sector or private sector?



    I think I understand where you are coming from but the accurate answer may not actually reflect the intention of your question.



    Apart from Edward VIII, Elizabeth I, James III and others who had no kids, do you know the most recent reigning UK monarch and queen/prince consort to both die without outliving one of their children? Well, I got back as far as 1471 before getting bored, but the chances are it's yet to happen.


    Do you know something about Prince Andrew?



    Was he on the Royal Knockout or was that Edward? Always mixing those two up.


    And no, but then, neither the Queen or Philip are dead yet.



    They were both on it.


    Edward organised it.


    I was just picking one of the four. It will be an interesting on going situation. The Queen could have another 15 years in her and then her children will be old by any measure.

  5. Apart from Edward VIII, Elizabeth I, James III and others who had no kids, do you know the most recent reigning UK monarch and queen/prince consort to both die without outliving one of their children? Well, I got back as far as 1471 before getting bored, but the chances are it's yet to happen.


    Do you know something about Prince Andrew?

  6. I think the Tories are being cowardly by not fighting this by-election. Effectively they are saying they know that local people don't want the third runway but they don't care. If they really believed in it they would put someone up who can argue against Zac. It is arrogance of the highest order.


    If ZG does go back into the fold before 2020 he will be the worlds biggest sellout (Ken Livingstone would have to give up his trophy)

  7. Update for Zac Goldsmith.


    45 Points

    Rover and Out


    40 Points


    The Engineer

    Voice of Young Maryport


    35 Points



    30 Points


    Shaun of the Dead

    Rotton Ali


    15 Points


    The Dead Cow


    5 Points






    0 Points

    Young Willz

    Sir Creep



    An extra five points if ZG fails to win the By-election.

    • Like 1

  8. Did anyone pick Nick Boles?Has now got head cancer which typically has a 50/50 chance of survival.He also had non hodgkins lymphoma in the past so it might be connected.


    Nick Boles is not a pick.


    All the best to him.



    I'm thinking Alexander, Chess, Gary Sprake, maybe Dave Colclough and as a throwaway Valerie Hunter Gordon.

    I presume they won't want to do Emery and Alexander in the same episode.


    Having held her back thus far I'm assuming not, but who knows (unless you're the producer of the show).




    No but I do think they should do a TV version. One evening a week. I am thinking Sunday on BBC4. They should start at about 9pm with a Last Word type show where they show 4 x 15 minute min bios for four recently deceased celeb followed by a TV show or movie closely associated with one of them and then finally late into the night they have the Deathlist show where we look at the whole issue from an irreverent and competition based format.


    Is there anything better on?

    • Like 2

  10. I am expecting a flurry of activity as I have just drafted the pick list for my work game for 2017. The list has 450 names on it but after I filled in the missing years there was only room for one random addition so I went topical and added Hillary Clinton.


    The players will get the list on Dec 1st but normally as soon as I draft it I have to make changes.


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