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Posts posted by Bibliogryphon



    It's ya girl:



    1. Liver function tests show an obstructive picture too. My body is giving up... 1f625.png1f625.png1f625.png Do I keep going with all this expensive intervention?

      3 retweets58 likes
    2. This is getting worse by the moment. My creatinine is is up to 269 and my amylase is high too. Really scared 1f625.png1f625.png1f625.png1f625.png




    Those are her emoticons, right?



    Not totally sure if they make me feel more or less sympathetic in this horrible situation



    This is not the sort of pick I like but she is a Doctor and she is very aware of what is happening to her. Does that make it easier or harder?


    I think this is her way of dealing with it.


    Respect to her and it is very sad.

    • Like 1

  2. Seen as absolutely nothing is happening here, anyone else think this could go over the year?

    Yes it could but it could equally be gone in a month. Those Lords look pretty topplesome to me. I think that is part of the tension. It might even outlive by-election bingo.

    • Like 2

  3. I think the DL committee should get some kudos for this hit. There was a lot of pressure for Ali to be included for the past couple of years and they bring him back just in time for the main event. Skills or Luck?

    • Like 2

  4. If cher survives this year, she needs to be on the deathlist next year. Her health is getting much worse now, and even she expects this year's birthday as her last birthday. She's one we need to watch right now.

    Do you have any information on this that doesn't come from The National Enquirer? #SadLastDays


    Masterlist #4 Test Cricketers


    1. Imtiaz Ahmed mc, di, ra, ro

    2. Dennis Amiss yw

    3. Ken Archer gr

    4. Bob Barber ih

    5. Jimmy Binks yw

    6. Ian Botham rp

    7. Donald Carr ra

    8. Nari Contractor ti

    9. Somachandra de Silva mc, rp

    10. Ted Dexter to

    11. Hubert Doggard gr

    12. Graham Dowling hj

    13. Ronald Draper cc

    14. John Edrich hj, to

    15. Datta Gaekwad gr, ra

    16. C D Gopinath gr

    17. Lance Gibbs di

    18. Waqar Hasan hj

    19. Ray Illingworth to

    20. Doug Insole ti, rp, ro

    21. Rohan Kanhai ti, ra, to

    22. Imran Khan ti

    23. Arun Lal gr

    24. Len Maddocks ro, yw

    25. Roy Miller sw, rg, ih

    26. Peter Pollock ti

    27. John Richard Reid dr, di

    28. Dick Richardson hj

    29. Fred Rumsey yw

    30. Ian Sinclair hj

    31. Garfield Sobers cc, ra

    32. Don Smith sw, rg, ih, mc, di, cc

    33. James Taylor dr

    34. Lindsay Tuckett sw, rg, ih, mc, dr, rp, di, ro, to

    35. Shane Warne dr

    36. John Watkins (SA) sw,rg, ih, cc

    37. Everton Weekes sw, yw, rg, mc, rp, cc, ro


    I included this because I thought there should be a sport category and Cricket buffs are keen on keeping lists and statistics. Lots of new names here.


    Hate to point this out, but having too much time on my hands I've noticed Deathray appears to only have 4 cricketers. :rolleyes:



    There was a bit of back and forth with Deathray's V but checking back he had Len Maddocks.


    Good Spot Rover






    Fairly balanced report on the BBC News tonight, basically he'd been seeking help because he was becoming hooked on painkillers which he was using to maintain his ability to perform.


    He should've based his style on Val Doonican


    I do get it that he got addicted but what I don't get is why he waited so long to do that hip surgery at first place.... well, poor man....




    Cos he was PRINCE and he was FUNKY so he was probably in FUCKING DENIAL about the whole thing.



    could it have had something to do with him being a Jehovah's Witness?

  7. If we have a hit before 12th June then we are still ahead of every year except 2008 which had already reached 9 hits by now.


    However this time last year we were in a 42 period where we had six deaths (one a week).


    However the early promise of this year seems to be fading.

  8. Boring boring boring boring! (factorial of boring) days!!! (simply three exclamation marks).


    26 May: Loris F. Capovilla, Angela Paton, Arturo Pomar. Ok, we expected more but who cares.

    27 May: Girolamo Prigione. Unknown man for a boring day.

    28 May: Giorgio Albertazzi, David Canada, Bryce Dejean-Jones. Small deal, but good if compared to the other days.

    29 May: NOTHING.

    30 May: NOTHING (don't try to say Thomas Fekete was a notable death)

    31 May: Mohamed Abdelaziz. Unknown terrorist, still what I call NOTHING.




    We're in the middle of a deth crysis, my friends. 2016 is slowing down and no one will die until 2017.


    Carla Lane was significant.


    OK This is how the scoreboard will appear.


    Each player has five digits after their name and abbreviation these correspond to each category Doctor Who/Lords/US Elections/Test Cricketers/No.1 UK Singles


    If a player scores a hit then one of the numbers will change. If the player scores a unique hit the colour of the whole entry will change Black = 0, Green = 1, Orange = 2 and if they get three they win.


    SWITCH sw 0/0/0/0/0

    YOUNGWILLZ yw 0/0/0/0/0

    RADGUY rg 0/0/0/0/0

    TIME ti 0/0/0/0/0

    IMNOTHADES ih 0/0/0/0/0

    MSC mc 0/0/0/0/0

    DEATHRAY dr 0/0/0/0/0

    HANDREJKA hj 0/0/0/0/0

    ROCKHOPPERPENGUIN rp 0/0/0/0/0

    DEATH IMPENDS di 0/0/0/0/0

    CAPTAINCHORIZO cc 0/0/0/0/0

    GCREEPTILE gr 0/0/0/0/0

    ROTTON ALI ra 0/0/0/0/0

    ROVER & OUT ro 0/0/0/0/0

    TOAST to 0/0/0/0/0


    I would like to thank all 14 players for getting the teams in on time and being so inventive. There are lots of unique picks and lots of ones that might slip under the radar if we are not careful. Anyone who i have had to go back to has also been very understanding about why I have questioned their picks.


    GAME ON!!!!!


    Erm, I count 15...? :blink:


    That is a much nicer number.


    My bad.

  10. Masterlist #5 Artists who have appeared on a UK No.1 Hit Single


    1. Marcia Barrett hj

    2. Harry Belafonte ih, ro

    3. Tony Bennett sw, ih, dr

    4. Pat Boone ti, mc

    5. David Cassidy to

    6. Petula Clarke rp

    7. Billy Connelly ti, hj

    8. Vic Damone mc, ro

    9. Dave Davies hj

    10. Windsor Davies hj

    11. Doris Day sw, rg, ti

    12. Kiki Dee yw

    13. Ken Dodd yw, cc, gr, ra

    14. Judith Durham hj

    15. Don Everly gr

    16. Chris Farlowe yw, cc

    17. Barry Gibb ih

    18. Rolf Harris cc, ra

    19. Tab Hunter mc, di

    20. Plas Johnson rp, ro

    21. Eden Kane rp

    22. John Layton rp

    23. Vera Lynn sw, rg, ti, ih, dr, ro, to

    24. Paul McCartney rg, dr

    25. John McVie ra

    26. George Michael ih

    27. Jane Morgan di

    28. Des O’ Connor ra

    29. Sinead O’ Connor rg

    30. Cliff Richard ra

    31. Keith Richards dr

    32. Smokey Robinson yw

    33. Mike Sarne rp

    34. Peter Sarstedt di, gr, to

    35. Kay Starr sw, rg, mc, dr, di, cc, ro, to

    36. Tommy Steele ti

    37. Nobby Stiles gr

    38. Ricky Valance cc

    39. Bill Wyman yw

    40. Jimmy Young sw, mc, di, gr, to


    Note that Ken Dodd will score in two categories. The only person to do so. Again I had to look a few of these up but had to reject Roberta Flack because the best she managed was a #2.

  11. Masterlist #4 Test Cricketers


    1. Imtiaz Ahmed mc, di, ra, ro

    2. Dennis Amiss yw

    3. Ken Archer gr

    4. Bob Barber ih

    5. Jimmy Binks yw

    6. Ian Botham rp

    7. Donald Carr ra

    8. Nari Contractor ti

    9. Somachandra de Silva mc, rp

    10. Ted Dexter to

    11. Hubert Doggard gr

    12. Graham Dowling hj

    13. Ronald Draper cc

    14. John Edrich hj, to

    15. Datta Gaekwad gr, ra

    16. C D Gopinath gr

    17. Lance Gibbs di

    18. Waqar Hasan hj

    19. Ray Illingworth to

    20. Doug Insole ti, rp, ro

    21. Rohan Kanhai ti, ra, to

    22. Imran Khan ti

    23. Arun Lal gr

    24. Len Maddocks ro, yw, dr

    25. Roy Miller sw, rg, ih

    26. Peter Pollock ti

    27. John Richard Reid dr, di

    28. Dick Richardson hj

    29. Fred Rumsey yw

    30. Ian Sinclair hj

    31. Garfield Sobers cc, ra

    32. Don Smith sw, rg, ih, mc, di, cc

    33. James Taylor dr

    34. Lindsay Tuckett sw, rg, ih, mc, dr, rp, di, ro, to

    35. Shane Warne dr

    36. John Watkins (SA) sw,rg, ih, cc

    37. Everton Weekes sw, yw, rg, mc, rp, cc, ro


    I included this because I thought there should be a sport category and Cricket buffs are keen on keeping lists and statistics. Lots of new names here.

  12. Masterlist #3 Participants in the US General Election


    1. John B. Anderson sw, rp, di, gr, ro, to

    2. Barbara Bush rg, ih, hj, rp

    3. George H W Bush yw, rg, ih, dr, hj, di, cc, gr, ra, ro, to

    4. Jimmy Carter yw, rg, ti, ih, dr, hj, cc, ra, to

    5. Rosalynn Carter ti, ih, cc

    6. Dick Cheney yw, ti, mc, ra, to

    7. Lynne Cheney mc

    8. Pat Choate rp

    9. Ed Clark sw

    10. Bob Dole sw, rg, mc, hj, di, ra, ro, to

    11. Michael Dukakis yw, rp

    12. Tipper Gore mc

    13. Bo Gritz cc

    14. La Donna Harris gr

    15. Mary Alice Herbert cc

    16. Lyndon LaRouche sw, ti, di, gr, ro

    17. Walter Mondale sw, yw, rg, ti, ih, mc, hj, ra

    18. Ralph Nader dr

    19. Barack Obama dr

    20. Ross Perot rp, gr, ro

    21. Willie Mae Reid dr

    22. Bob Richards di


    I am amazed at some of the Research that has gone into this there are names here that I had never even heard. I know now though.

  13. Masterlist #2 Current and Former Members of the House of Lords


    1. Anthony Armstong-Jones (Earl Snowdon) di, gr, ro, to

    2. Derek Barber (Baron Barber of Tewkesbury) cc, ro, to

    3. Jean Barker (Baroness Trumpington) dr

    4. Betty Boothroyd hj

    5. Bertram Bowyer (2nd Baron Denham), sw, rg, ih

    6. Edwin Bramall (Baron Bramall) ra

    7. Jane Campbell (Baroness Campbell of Surbiton) to

    8. Peter Carington, 6th Baron Carrington sw, yw, rg, ti, ih, dr,rp, di, gr, ra

    9. Lydia Dunn, Baroness Dunn ti

    10. John Eden, Baron Eden of Winton rp, cc

    11. Marcia Falkender, Baroness Falkender ti

    12. Basil Feldman hj

    13. Flora Fraser (Lady Saltoun) gr, ro

    14. William Goodheart, Baron Goodheart rp

    15. John Habgood (Baron Habgood) gr, ro

    16. Douglas Hurd di

    17. Jeremy Hutchinson di, ra, ro

    18. Patrick Jenkin, Baron Jenkin of Roding yw, ra

    19. Alun Gwynne Jones, Baron Chalfont rg, dr, to

    20. Jill Knight (Baroness Knight of Collingtree) to

    21. Robert Lindsay, Earl of Crawford ih

    22. William Lloyd George (3rd Viscount Tenby) cc

    23. Betty Lockwood, Baroness Lockwood mc, hj

    24. Charles Lyell (3rd Baron Lyell) sw

    25. John McClusky, Baron McClusky ih

    26. Malcolm Mitchell-Thomson (3rd Baron Selsdon) sw, ti

    27. David Nickson (Baron Nickson) gr

    28. Olive Nicol, Baroness Nicol mc, di

    29. Donald Nicholls hj

    30. Gwilym Prys Davies, Baron Prys-Davies mc

    31. Randolph Quirk hj

    32. John Sainsbury, Lord Sainsbury of Preston Candover mc

    33. Michael Sandberg, Baron Sandberg mc

    34. Colin Sharman, Baron Sharman yw

    35. Pamela Sharples, Baroness Sharples rg, ih, dr

    36. John Douglas Slim, Viscount Slim rg, ti

    37. Francis Leonard Tombs, Baron Tombs yw, rp, cc

    38. David Trefgarne (2nd Baron Trefgarne) sw

    39. David Waddington (Baron Waddington) ra

    40. Helen Mary Warnock, Baroness Warnock yw, cc

    41. Neville Wigram, 2nd Baron Wigram dr

    42. Shirley Williams, Baroness Williams rp

  14. Masterlist #1 Actors in Doctor Who


    1. Colin Baker cc

    2. Tom Baker sw, rg, dr, ra

    3. Keith Barron ra

    4. Geoffrey Bayldon mc, gr, to

    5. Honor Blackman mc

    6. Brian Blessed ra

    7. Claire Bloom ih

    8. June Brown hj

    9. Sonny Caldinez sw

    10. Earl Cameron di

    11. Tony Caunter ti

    12. Ysanne Churchman sw

    13. John Cleese rp

    14. George A. Cooper to

    15. Kenneth Cope gr

    16. Bernard Cribbins dr

    17. Windsor Davies ro

    18. Ken Dodd hj, ro

    19. Mark Eden di

    20. Bella Emberg hj

    21. Richard Franklin sw, rg, hj, cc

    22. Hugh Futcher sw

    23. Julian Glover ti, rp

    24. David Gooderson mc

    25. Prentis Hancock yw

    26. Damaris Hayman to

    27. Frazer Hines ti

    28. Nerys Hughes rp

    29. John Hurt ih, ra

    30. Derek Jacobi dr

    31. Milton Johns yw, ti

    32. Katy Manning ih

    33. Jean Marsh rg, ti, ih, ro, to

    34. Sylvester McCoy rg

    35. John Moreno cc

    36. Geoffrey Palmer gr

    37. Nicholas Parsons gr

    38. Donald Pelmear mc

    39. Peter Purvis dr

    40. William Russell rg, ih, dr, di, cc, ra, ro

    41. Peter Sallis di, ro, to

    42. Catherine Schell rp

    43. Leslie Schofield yw

    44. Peter Thomas cc

    45. Antony Webb mc

    46. Laurie Webb di

    47. Frank Windsor gr

    48. Gabriel Woolf yw

    49. Henry Woolf yw, hj

    50. Peter Wyngarde rp


    Red indicates a unique pick. This is the category that got the most number of separate picks. Some are quite obscure and don't have Wiki pages so might require close following of Toby Hadoke's twitter account.

  15. OK This is how the scoreboard will appear.


    Each player has five digits after their name and abbreviation these correspond to each category Doctor Who/Lords/US Elections/Test Cricketers/No.1 UK Singles


    If a player scores a hit then one of the numbers will change. If the player scores a unique hit the colour of the whole entry will change Black = 0, Green = 1, Orange = 2 and if they get three they win.


    SWITCH sw 0/0/0/0/0

    YOUNGWILLZ yw 0/0/0/0/0

    RADGUY rg 0/0/0/0/0

    TIME ti 0/0/0/0/0

    IMNOTHADES ih 0/0/0/0/0

    MSC mc 0/0/0/0/0

    DEATHRAY dr 0/0/0/0/0

    HANDREJKA hj 0/0/0/0/0

    ROCKHOPPERPENGUIN rp 0/0/0/0/0

    DEATH IMPENDS di 0/0/0/0/0

    CAPTAINCHORIZO cc 0/0/0/0/0

    GCREEPTILE gr 0/0/0/0/0

    ROTTON ALI ra 0/0/0/0/0

    ROVER & OUT ro 0/0/0/0/0

    TOAST to 0/0/0/0/0


    I would like to thank all 14 players for getting the teams in on time and being so inventive. There are lots of unique picks and lots of ones that might slip under the radar if we are not careful. Anyone who i have had to go back to has also been very understanding about why I have questioned their picks.


    GAME ON!!!!!

    • Like 3


    Kirk Douglas this morning in Beverly Hills. He wears Ray Ban glasses, is smiling and looks okay for his age. He could live another ten years and be the next Zhou Youguang...
    Or maybe he wants already to say goodbye to all of us with this pic? Who knows....



    Is he planning a bio pic where he stars as Ronnie Biggs in his final years because that is the look that he is rocking.

    • Like 3

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