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Posts posted by Bibliogryphon

  1. We also have to consider what the strategists of the Centrist Tories is. People like Ken Clarke and Dominick Grieve who were pro-European if the party lurches to the right, if there were half a dozen of them (remember Ken Clarke might not fight another election) they could resign (or threaten to) and that would reduce the new leader into a minority Government (if all the by-elections went against them) Perhaps relying on the DUP to sustain them. (I think the Lib Dems would steer clear). It is interesting to note that Ken Clarke's Rushcliffe constituency was one of the few places in the midlands to vote for Remain (and of course the City of Leicester).


    The truth is no-one knows what will happen but we should not rule anything out.

  2. And if anyone cares about my own thoughts on this, I am of two minds. On the one hand, I regard it as a triumph against the neo-liberal consensus, on the other hand, it's a real pity. I think Mr. Corbyn has a similar opinion, the EU has become a bit of a bureaucratic corporatist nightmare, but then the original idea was rather neat. I wonder what will happen to my british neighbors in hipsterific Berlin Neukölln.


    My neice in Potsdam is seriously considering applying for German citizenship.

    • Like 1



    I also have David Cameron in the Bingo. As does The Dead Cow. My expectation was he'd do a Blair and stand down as MP when he stands down as PM. If it was closer to 2020 then he might see out his term but I don't think he can take 3 years sitting on the backbenches behind Boris.


    And if there is a General Election this year, the game would indeed become void. :unsure:


    As for whether that will happen, there are various ways in which it could. They could somehow come to an agreement over the 2/3rds majority to dissolve Parliament. They could simply repeal the Fixed Term Parliaments Act which introduced the 5 year rule in the first place - that would only need a majority of Parliament. And Labour is more likely to be open to a new election if they've managed to get rid of Corbyn. Not guaranteed if it goes to the members, but apparently his aides aren't sure that as leader he automatically qualifies for the ballot, and chances are Labour MPs simply wouldn't nominate him if not.


    The game does not become void. just ended.



    A one off or repeated in the next parliament?



    Oh yes definitely. Although I will be upping the picks to 50 in the next game so we get better coverage of the 650 (or however many are left by then (minus Scotland and possibly NI))

    • Like 1

  4. I also have David Cameron in the Bingo. As does The Dead Cow. My expectation was he'd do a Blair and stand down as MP when he stands down as PM. If it was closer to 2020 then he might see out his term but I don't think he can take 3 years sitting on the backbenches behind Boris.


    And if there is a General Election this year, the game would indeed become void. :unsure:


    As for whether that will happen, there are various ways in which it could. They could somehow come to an agreement over the 2/3rds majority to dissolve Parliament. They could simply repeal the Fixed Term Parliaments Act which introduced the 5 year rule in the first place - that would only need a majority of Parliament. And Labour is more likely to be open to a new election if they've managed to get rid of Corbyn. Not guaranteed if it goes to the members, but apparently his aides aren't sure that as leader he automatically qualifies for the ballot, and chances are Labour MPs simply wouldn't nominate him if not.


    The game does not become void. just ended.

    • Like 1


    In January I bet money on Teresa May becoming PM by the end of the year at odds of 11/1. I'm quite hopeful about my chances.


    Before I gave up the gambling about six years back, I told everyone to put a £10 on Priti Patel being the next PM at odds of 66/1. She's 9/1 now.

    Priti Patel has been one of the most vile members of the leave campaign. Please anyone but her.

    I hope everyone is fucking satisfied now.

    • Like 2

  6. I didn't realise that people who are not famous were eligible picks. Personally I feel that it crosses a line. Someone is going to pick their granny, or a cancer-stricken neighbour.

    To be fair the winning pick went during his 15 minutes and got the necessary in the rules of the game.


    Pity otherwise I would have won!

  7. Why doesn't anyone ever say anything about the "don't knows"?

    They regularly feature at about 10% in polls.


    If you ask someone if they want to stay with their spouse and they say "don't know", that isn't good is it?

    Turn the question around. Do you want to leave your spouse? The don't know becomes a request for a better offer. Do we have one?

  8. Thank you then I will.


    This is quite hard. There are a few years when I am short of Ladies. Will need to be quick off the mark when someone goes.

    • Like 1

  9. 1920: Fanny Waterman/Michael Anderson

    1921: Elizabeth Kelly/Gordon Murray

    1922: Jean Barker/Rex Richards

    1923: Glynis Johns/ Harry Leslie Smith

    1924: Vivean Gray/Brian Rix

    1925: Ysanne Churchman/David Jenkins

    1926: Cicely Berry/Ingvar Kamprad

    1927: Babs Chinnery/Dick Bruna

    1928: Kate Wilhelm/Edward Albee

    1929: Patricia Routledge/David Fisher

    • Like 1


    Just the other day I was talking to a friend about the Liver Birds and the question of whatever became of Carla Lane came up. I guess our question has been answered





    She was more famous than any of the three Liver Birds in the end, right?


    Surely Nerys Hughes is as famous (The district Hearse)



    MP Jo Cox shot and stabbed.






    "Handmade" weapon, eh. If only every American with an assault rifle were reduced to those means



    Just imagine. The reason this is so shocking is it's so rare. Absolute tragedy for her young family, so senseless. Think I'm pretty glad nobody's getting points for this one in all honesty.



    Just read her husband's statement and it has moved me to tears. This is so wrong.

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    On the way out of the kitchen I noticed one of my daughters kittens laying in her usual place, on the mat by the front door.

    I looked at her and began to sing 'Halfway down the stairs' by The Muppets, as you do.

    The cat listened with good grace, eyes focussed on me the whole time but, at the end, she said absolutely f**k all.

    What did I do wrong?

    You are a human. Cats hate humans. She was simply thinking 'get out of my vicinity you loathsome article, and go and fill up my biscuit bowl'.

    This is way dogs are better than cats.



    Some of us, though I think I'm the only cat person here, prefer cats because they are aloof and not sycophantic. I like dogs too but I prefer cats.





    I am a cat person (well Mrs Biblio is) we have four of the delightful creatures. However at no time did we say today we are going to get a cat. They just sort of happened.



    I'm calling Wales to top that group, the rest can fight it out for second.


    Needless to say I'm probably more interested in the rough trade footballer. Still to see one I'd bring home, mind, though the Swiss captain caught my eye.


    I'd be worried if I was you, he looks like some lesbian.

    Maybe it was the haircut he had.


    I have been looking, but as I say, nobody has really energised my fantasies. Hoping for better as the tourney progresses.

    In the NI v Poland game it looked like one of the players tried to grab the genitals of the bloke standing next to him.

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