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Posts posted by Bibliogryphon

  1. I'm waiting for the kraken to arise from the Harbour at Rio, horribly mutated by the pollution, and swallow the Olympic Village.

    You wait until Tokyo 2020 when Godzilla devours the entire Olympic swimming pool.

    • Like 3


    So who is Britain's oldest woman now? According to Wiki it is Vera Pigott but Bess Camm is almost a year older than her but not yet verified.


    Oldest in Britain say Bessie Camm and they are usually very reliable.Apparently Bessie was William Hague`s childhood nurse.You learn something new everyday.Incredible she made 112 after that trauma!
    Wiki have now added Bessie Camm.On Britain's oldest Vera is only 5th.
    • Like 1

  3. Devon Death Trip:1495

    Captain Chorizo:1083

    Death Impends:1063

    Sir Creep:941

    Rotten Ali:742

    The Dead Cow:714

    Radguy :684

    Grim Up North:682

    gcreptile :652

    Jiroemon Kimura: 613

    Shaun of the Dead :601



    The Unknown Man:514

    Not the Nags Head Reading :508





    Chopped Liver:317









    Bryan Wiedmeier -Only a reserve for Captain Chorizo.Did two or more of your picks die before January 1st?

    Tom Leppard 35

    Lady Susan Renouf 42

    Bonnie Brown 38

    Peter Esterhazy 50

    Caroline Aherne 63

    Goran Hadzic 58

    Muhammad Ali 42

    Burt Kwouk 30

    Henry McCullough :43

    Thomas Fekete:88 (an extra point will be given for proof of DOB)

    Abdul Sattar Edhi 28

    Abbas Kiarostami 40


    Here are a list of the deaths since the last update.Please let me know if any are missing.Have not included Al Baghdadi as his death has not been officially confirmed.I need to sort out a few queries with regards to Jiroemon Kimura`s score as I seem to have miscounted it.I also need to look it to some other entries that have queried my counting up of the points.

    I had Susannah Mushett Jones as a Joker. So I think I am owed points.

  4. Actors on twitter reporting the death of Black Beauty star William Lucas. He was in everything from The Prisoner to Last of the Summer Wine. He appeared in the Doctor Who story Frontios as Range after his friend Peter Arne, who was originally cast, was murdered before filming.


    A DDP Qualifying obit will appear at some point.

    This sent me scurrying to the SHBD masterlist but sadly no hit for William.



    I've done a search here and online and can't find anything regarding Valerie Lush, born Christmas Day 1918. She was Auntie Flo in And Mother Makes Three/Five. Anyone know if she's still with us?


    Death Notice from the Perthshire Advertiser indicates she sadly died on 14 May 2016 aged 97: http://www.bmdsonline.co.uk/perthshire-advertiser/obituary/bentley/47084017?s_source=tmsc_pe


    A disgrace there has been no coverage of her passing.

    Valerie gets her Guardian Obit: https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2016/jul/19/valerie-lush-obituary


    She was my first reserve/substitute on my DDP team.



    Saw this yesterday and didn't make the connection until I saw the photo. Valerie was the guest star in an episode of The Ghosts of Motely Hall where she played the medium Emily Tiffin. It is worth seeking out for the very clever scene with Peter Sallis and Freddie Jones where they are both holding converstions with her but Peter Sallis is unaware the ghost is also present. They don't seem to make kids TV that clever and witty (and well cast) anymore.

    Thought she had died years ago.

    • Like 2

  6. 1.Julie Walters

    2.Nicholas Evans

    3. Michael Fabricant

    4.Jenni Murray

    5. Peter Jurasik

    6. Jack Vettriano

    7. Wayne Osmond

    8. Russel Grant

    9. Rosie Boycott

    10. Chrissie Hynde

    11. Clive Barker

    12. Randy Crawford

    13. John Goodman

    14. Doreen Lawrence

    15. Morgan Tsvangirai

    16. Jim Davison

    17. Malcolm Young

    18. Janet Fielding

    19. Chaka Khan

    20. Rosemary West

    21. Angela Merkel

    22. Michael Moore

    23. Mike Nolan

    24. Willie Thorne

    25. Cherie Blair

    26. Francesca Simon

    27. Gillian Taylforth

    28. Ted Robbins

    29. Margaret Moran

    30. Kelsey Grammer

    31. Carrie Fisher

    32. Anne Atkins

    33. John Lydon

    34. Theresa May

    35. Ray Wilkins

    36. Shane McGowan

    37. Frank Miller

    38. Eric Bristow

    39. Dawn French

    40. Deep Roy

    41. Buster Bloodvessel

    42. Annette Bening

    43. Duncan Norvelle

    44. Kenny Sansom

    45. Jennifer Saunders

    46. Pauline Quirke

    47. Ken Watanabe

    48. Jane Campbell

    49. Eddie Kidd

    50. Val Kilmer


    Mine goes into round 2 unchanged.

    • Like 1


    Do people think May can win the 2020 election?


    Speaking right now...who else is going to win it?



    After the last three weeks I am not making any predictions. We don't know what the political landscape will look like by 2020 and she still has to get there. She inherits Cameron's slender majority.


    Who do we think are going to get the top jobs in her cabinet?


    She does not seem to have a cabal of pals around her. Dominic Grieve might succeed her as Home Secretary. If she is feeling generous then Andrea Leadsom might get Business I suspect Philip Hammond will stay put and Gove might become Chancellor unless he is seen as Damaged goods now. I think she will take the opportunity to sack Hunt from Health and I hope that Whittingdale goes from Culture.


    Who can she afford to leave on the backbenchers?

    • Like 1


    Ken Clarke - pissed or failing? Either way, that's a Wethertramp's face if I ever saw one.




    I saw that and thought one of two things either he is really ill or the green room was very well stocked.



    He was back on TV this morning saying what a wonderful woman Theresa May was and he looked in good health. I think he may have been a victim of hospitality on the previous occasion.

  9. Should be possible. Definitely more likely to die than Joe Perry, another possible candidate


    His big sister is still going strong.


    Would putting him on the list be a farce?

    • Like 1



    No swaps by the way.Your list is final until the next round.


    So can I get this straight.


    If I pick 50 people, can I keep them for the duration? Or do they all get swapped around whenever someone dies?


    Whenever someone dies a new round is triggered.You can then change all your picks none of your picks or anything in between.Just let me know after someone conks it if you want to change anything or withdraw your team!



    I won't be making major changes to my team unless someone dies.

  11. 1.Julie Walters

    2.Nicholas Evans

    3. Michael Fabricant

    4.Jenni Murray

    5. Peter Jurasik

    6. Jack Vettriano

    7. Wayne Osmond

    8. Russel Grant

    9. Rosie Boycott

    10. Chrissie Hynde

    11. Clive Barker

    12. Randy Crawford

    13. John Goodman

    14. Doreen Lawrence

    15. Morgan Tsvangirai

    16. Jim Davison

    17. Malcolm Young

    18. Janet Fielding

    19. Chaka Khan

    20. Rosemary West

    21. Angela Merkel

    22. Michael Moore

    23. Mike Nolan

    24. Willie Thorne

    25. Cherie Blair

    26. Francesca Simon

    27. Gillian Taylforth

    28. Ted Robbins

    29. Margaret Moran

    30. Kelsey Grammer

    31. Carrie Fisher

    32. Anne Atkins

    33. John Lydon

    34. Theresa May

    35. Ray Wilkins

    36. Shane McGowan

    37. Frank Miller

    38. Eric Bristow

    39. Dawn French

    40. Deep Roy

    41. Buster Bloodvessel

    42. Annette Bening

    43. Duncan Norvelle

    44. Kenny Sansom

    45. Jennifer Saunders

    46. Pauline Quirke

    47. Ken Watanabe

    48. Jane Campbell

    49. Eddie Kidd

    50. Val Kilmer

  12. Ok the likes on Toast`s post have spoken.Duplicates are allowed but you will only get a point for them whereas unique picks will give you two points!


    I think uniques should be worth 3 rather than two. like Football.

  13. I think I should have a go but my team will be very hamstrung by not being prompt.


    Hopefully there will be a new round in a day or two and you can swoop in with the best picks. Hopefully not mine.

  14. It is quite interesting that once you get to 1926 it does become easier. Those early years are challenging. Still got 8 picks for each though.

  15. Mine:


    1920: Jim Leavelle, Franca Valeri

    1921: Sixto Duran Ballén, Valeria Valeri

    1922: Luis Echeverria, Micheline Presle

    1924: Virginio Rognoni, Ella Jenkins

    1925: Robert Venturi, Cara Williams

    1926: Roger Corman, Irene Papas

    1927: Neil Simon, Juliette Greco

    1928: William O'Malley, Line Renaud

    1929: Pierre Aubenque, Katherine Helmond.


    Good luck with those BBC obits

    • Like 3

  16. 1920 Fanny Waterman/Michael Anderson

    1921 Jane Freeman/ Silvio Gazaniga

    1922 Kay Starr/Rex Richards

    1923 Dina Merill/ Franco Zeffarelli

    1924 Vivean Gray/Brian Rix

    1925 Ysanne Churchman/Richard Baker

    1926 Cicely Berry/Leonard Fenton

    1927 Babs Chinnery/Dick Bruna

    1928 Kate Wilhelm/Edward Albee

    1929 Patricia Routledge/David Fisher


    Same again


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