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Posts posted by Bibliogryphon

  1. At last, some action, four teams net 292 points and Ali hits four figures on the scoreboard to take the lead:



    Rotten Ali - 1005

    Maryportfuncity - 718

    Uschi - 669

    Toast - 650

    Whitehouse - 359

    MSC - 358

    Damon Killian - 354

    Death Impends - 348

    Captain Chorizo - 309

    Bibliogryphon - 292

    The Engineer - 292


    I've decided to set up a dick dastardly trap just as someone is about to cross over 2014 points.




    and we all know how that turns out....

  2. I like this poll. Nice broad ranges. I hate it when you get presented with a form and you are on the bottom range of a group which includes people you think are very old indeed.


    Here I'm classed with the 35 year olds.


    A better questions would be how old do you think you are?


    100% score for under 30.

  3. I was wondering would an audio obit count?


    There are a lot of people who are covered on The Last Word on Radio 4 who don't even make an obit on the BBC website. As you can get all previous editions on the website would you accept this in the place of a written obit?

  4. "Bibliogryphon, please will you post another irrelevant list that no-one is interested in?"


    Go on then you twisted my arm.


    The Royal Society of Chemistry was formed in 1980 from the merger of two previous societies. The post of President is held for two years and therefore there are quite a few people who might make good picks and all should get at least a broadsheet obituary but if not I am a member of the society and they will get one in Chemistry World. Harry Kroto is probably the only one who would be mentioned on the news though.


    There are 11 surviving past presidents and the current president (who is the first woman to hold the post)


    Sir John Cadogan (1930-

    Sir Jack Lewis (1928-

    Sir Rex Richards (1922-

    Edward Abel (1931-

    Anthony Ledwith (1933-

    Steven Ley (1945-

    Sir Harry Kroto (1939-

    Simon Campbell (1941-

    James Feast (1938-

    David Garner (1941-

    David Phillips (1939-

    Lesley Yellowtrees (1953-

    • Like 1

  5. At a meeting with a Human Resources apparatchik they informed me that "cunt" was the most offensive word in the English language and wasn't appropriate for the workplace.


    I informed them that my intention in using said word was to be as offensive as possible, therefore its use was apposite in the given circumstances.


    They informed me that further use of said word would result in disciplinary action.


    I informed them that they were an utter cunt.


    I'm suspended, pending an investigation.


    We once had a guy who used that term to describe a customer in an e-mail. Unfortunately they replied to the attachment e-mail not to the covering e-mail and it went out to the customer in question.


    He then turned up late to his own disciplinary hearing.


    I bumped into him a couple of years later when he had got a reasonably well paid job play testing computer games.


    His name has now become a by-word for any e-mail related faux-pas in our organisation.

  6. How do you know it's not a she? Okay not likely, but....


    I thought that as soon as I had written it but I decided not to go back and edit it because my gut instinct was that it was probably a bloke.


    Though it is nice to think that if Maggie's ghost did pick a team it would have Geoffrey on it.

  7. In fairness, it's not the DeathList per se - by now most of the DDP hopefuls would have had three or four deaths on the board. All of the 2014 big players - Johnson, Simon, Harper, Graham, Jaruzelski - seem to be checking Trivago for their summer holiday accommodation already.


    I haven't had one hit from sixty picks.


    Surely something soon......

  8. On Sunday (17th March) St Patrick's day if we do not get a hit we will fall behind 2003 which was a pretty poor year. On a pro rata basis we could fail to hit double figures this year.


    Maybe Patrick McNee will oblige for St Patrick's day or Peter O' Sullevan.

  9. Funnily enoiugh in the past week I've seen Honor Blackman and Diana Rigg in James Bond films.I'm watching them all from start to finish. Just took a fancy to do it for some reason.


    Pussy Galore

  10. Alison Prince (b.1931) should be on the radar by now surely. She wrote a number of childrens novels but more significantly for those with British Childhoods to remember she wrote the scripts for Trumpton.


    I discovered this researching Gordon Murray who is I think on the radar.


    I stand corrected Gordon Murray is not a DDP Pick in 2014.


    (Looks down and silently shakes head)

  11. Alison Prince (b.1931) should be on the radar by now surely. She wrote a number of childrens novels but more significantly for those with British Childhoods to remember she wrote the scripts for Trumpton.


    I discovered this researching Gordon Murray who is I think on the radar.

  12. Well this is getting tedious... I'll watch from the sidelines as we slowly drift towards no-one can win point (24th September).


    I may be wrong but I calculate the no-win point as being currently 23 October for the two leaders.


    This time last year I scored my first ever Deathrace points for Hugo Chavez but I think he caused the winners to cross the finish line.


    Something has got to happen soon.



    Hasn't it?


    One can only hope so. Re Biblio's point above, it'd be bad form for me to win, I've always seen my job as looking keen and congratulating the worthy winner who strolled over the line with inspired picking.


    I think the unexpected good health of Wilko Johnson and Billy Graham (who looked like a cert to go very early). But there's lots of talent ready to topple, surely.


    I do not think you should be embaressed about winning. I have a similar dilemma for my work game going into the Autumn for the past three years I have had a healthy lead but have been pipped at the post by another player. It helps to maintain my integrity.


    I for one do not think you are cheating!


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