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Posts posted by Bibliogryphon

  1. My List

    1. Bruce Forsyth
    2. Ryan Buell
    3. Lindsay Lohan
    4. Stuart Hall
    5. Hosni Mubarak
    6. Michael Schumacher
    7. Ian Watkins
    8. Bashir al Assad
    9. Muhammad Ali
    10. Valerie Harper
    11. Pope Benedict XVI
    12. John McVie
    13. Paul Gascoigne
    14. Ian Brady
    15. Stephen Hawking
    16. Jerry Lewis
    17. Joost Van Der Westhuizen
    18. Daisy Berkowitz
    19. Mike Porcaro
    20. Sandy Jardine
    21. Prince Philip
    22. Eli Wallach
    23. Clive James
    24. Nancy Reagan
    25. Denis Healy

  2. I'm not sure if it counts as a 'crass generalisation' to base ones assumptions based solely on an individual's experience, but every teacher I know personally is the kind of social, financial and general fuck up that I wouldn't let mind my dog, let alone a child.


    One in particular (who is considered something of a 'rising star' in her profession) was recently interviewed by the police after meeting a spanish barman while on holiday, inviting him to live with her in the UK after a two week whirlwind romance and then allowing him to stay with her while he embarked on a series of armed robberies.


    And this person spends 6/7 hours a day teaching primary school children how to succeed in life.


    I think we need to return to a time when teaching was considered a prestige employment, rather than the default setting for the wet and unambitious which it now seems to have become.


    It is this situation that the OFSTED regime has contributed to. Who would expose themselves to the ritual humiliation of this type of witch hunt when there are many easier ways of earning a living. This becomes a vicious downward spiral.


    After finishing her degree a few years ago my niece, who had always wanted to be a teacher, tried to enrol on a post-graduate teaching course. However as the recession had just hit the course was filled by people who couldn't get other jobs and thought that teaching was a good stop gap until the job market picked up.


    My daughter has been taught by some brilliant teachers but also some incompetant ones. In every profession there are a range of abilities and talents.


    In reality the OFSTED inspections should be an opportunity to improve schools by highlighting best practice and suggesting areas of improvement but in an atmosphere of fear and mistrust they cannot be currently seen as constructive.

    • Like 1

  3. The trouble with boning a woman over 60 is that it's like sticking ones cock into a can of baked beans.


    Not pleasant.


    To make such a deduction you must have both boned a woman over 60 AND stuck your cock in a can of baked beans.




    Yeah, but the money I raised for "Children In Need" made it all worth it.



    Today not one, not two, but THREE stars appeared before the beak.

    DLT, Rolf and Bill Roache, whadda the chances of that, eh!!!!

    To top it all, Freddie Starr was also rearrested.

    Jesus wept!!!!


    I noticed that. I also noticed Rolf Harris's wife in a wheelchair.......(one of my unique picks on the DDP :D)


    It was seeing Bob Holness in a wheel chair at Johnny Dankworth's funeral that put me onto him but it took him something like sixteen months to go.

  4. There is a difference between an obituary and reporting on the hospitalisation of a man in his ninties. I am sure when the time comes FIFA will make the matter known and all those pre-written obituaries can fill the space in the papers.


    This year with the World Cup in Brazil would add public interest to his death so it would be a good year to go. Probably sometime around May.

  5. I am not as sure about this year's list as last years but assuming our estimed committee know what they are doing if we are going to break the record we need 15. So I have found 15 that I think can do it (from the list)

    1. Wilko Johnson
    2. Billy Graham
    3. Zsa Zsa Gabor
    4. Gough Whitlam
    5. Chris Woodhead
    6. Ian Paisley
    7. Kirk Douglas
    8. Mickey Rooney
    9. Peter Sallis
    10. Abe Vigoda
    11. Casey Kasem
    12. James Randi
    13. Fats Domino
    14. Sam Simon
    15. Clive James

    This has probably assured their survival well into 2015 but I am hoping that the record will be broken this year.

  6. Just been listening to WATO on R4 and Ian Livingstone (Eidos & Fighting Fantasy) was being interviewed about setting up a Free School. Considering how the Fighting Fantasy novels were vilified by the Right Wing press this should have everyone at the Daily Mail howling like loons.


    There wasn't a Dungeons and Dragons topic!

  7. To be fair I can probably name less than 10 famous Swedes and four of them have names beginning with the first two letters of the alphabet.


    Hate to break this to you, but I suspect you'll find that one of them is actually Norwegian. :P


    Oh you mean Norway and Sweden aren't the same place?

  8. I am surpised the tag line is not "End of the Rhoda?.."


    I am getting conflicting reports of her condition. I dropped her as a main pick from my work game but three players picked her as their wildcard. Time will tell!

  9. ^ FFS


    I'm thinking you may not have heard of books.

    I guess you may have seen a bit of TV (Maybe not the news) but a few light entertainment shows.

    Wiki? may have passed you by.

    Internet - what do you mean no? - well surely you should 'cus you have just been using it...


    Or was that someone else?



    Can't be serious?

    No, I'm actually being serious. Several of these people are not familiar to me, and they are not household names in Sweden. Or anyhere outside of Uk. Is this really an issue? Well, anyways, I think longterm, which means that my knowledge of things keeps growing for every day. I'm only 20.


    No need to get all worked up and question my education that I work hard for at college level. Thanks! :)


    To be fair I can probably name less than 10 famous Swedes and four of them have names beginning with the first two letters of the alphabet.

    • Like 1



    My impression seems to be that about 70% of the userbase here are British (or other European) civil servants or civil-servant types. If they're not they do a damn good job of seeming like them. Ok I may be totally wrong there. But if I am correct, I can only agree with your last line wholeheartedly - they really need to get on with doing something useful!




    How about posting pictures of cats on the internet or putting up videos on You-tube of clips of our favourite TV shows synched with an eighties pop track. The internet seems designed to waste peoples time but I like this site it had informed me about many people that I had never known about and there have been some debates that made me think. The tone does tend to be respectful but there is also a dark humour to the site but it is not crude or aggressive.



    Oh dear this post might add fuel to yout civil service theory. I am not a civil servant but I am very very British.

  11. Hi I am going to replace Ronnie Biggs with the former MP John Freeman.


    I am also going to play a sub as I will be out of circulation over Christmas and you might need another replacement to make sure that I have a full team for the starting tape. That someone is snooker player Ali Carter.


    He was given the all clear for his testicular cancer yonks ago and his chrohns is not going to kill him any time soon. Weird/stupid choice.


    Thanks for the info. I had missed that update. But it is also irrelevent cos he wasn't needed to complete my starting line up.

  12. I was surprised not to see the General make a return and thought that Liz Dawn and Tony Benn would have been good picks.


    Not too sure about the inclusion of P D James and Terry Pratchett but I was one of the neigh sayers who though Peter O' Toole was a bad pick last year.


    I think that we should be comfortably in the 10-12 region with this group.

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