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Posts posted by Bibliogryphon

  1. Les Munro is duly added on your list.


    I think I had a lucky escape here because I missed it when he died I don't think he got enough publicity to score me any points.


    I will learn for 2015.

  2. Rob Daley - tumour afflicted dad of diving sensation Tom - has been barred by medics from flying to the Commonwealth Games to watch his son.


    Just an idea, like: do you see a movie about this touching story and maybe......Michael Douglas




    Oh look, there's my coat.

    Frankly, I don't fancy his chances of cheering on his closeted wurzel diving boy to 2012 Olympic gold, having seen this documentary.

    Shock horror! It's Tom Gayley


    Slow news day.


    It was pointed out on twitter that this news is equivalent to Barak Obama coming out as black

  3. Maybe they do need the money.


    After all, Python is a cult, they didn't make a massive amount of money. The records sold OK, but not Led Zeppelinesque standards. The films were more labours of love than commercial money spinners, which might explain Cleese/Idle's poor movie choices for the bucks.

    Their last film together was in 1983. Last significant set of gigs (Hollywood Bowl) was in 1980. Last TV series, 1974. And there's five of them, quite a bit to split.


    That's a while ago now. Throw in a few bad career moves/business deals/divorces/new family and it soon adds up and the money soon runs out.

    If they want to cash in on their success and add to their pensions, then let them.


    Sooner them than fucking Michael Mcintyre any day of the week...


    The films were bankrolled by Handmade Films which didn't end well for George Harrison which was a (Shanghai) surprise.

  4. OK no surprises here but I am willing to be the first in the stagnant pond.



    Bibliogryphon's body bag


    Tony Benn

    Rodney Bewes

    Ronnie Biggs

    George H W Bush

    Boutros Boutros Ghali

    Liz Dawn (Joker)

    Kirk Douglas

    John Glenn

    Dennis Healey

    Clive James

    Wojciech Jaruzelski

    Wilko Johnson

    Ethel Lang

    Norman Lloyd

    Nelson Mandela

    Misao Okawa

    Leslie Philips

    Godfrey Stafford

    Gough Whitlam

    Philip, Duke of Edinburgh



    Godfrey Stafford the Physicist, right?


    If so, you might want to reconsider that pick in the light of his death last summer. The Raymond Hewlett clause wouldn't apply in his case.




    I apologise and would like to substitute Les Munro in the place of Godfrey Stafford.


    It was very rude of him to die without sending me an e-mail.


    Thank you for pointing this out.

  5. OK no surprises here but I am willing to be the first in the stagnant pond.



    Bibliogryphon's body bag


    Tony Benn

    Rodney Bewes

    Ronnie Biggs

    George H W Bush

    Boutros Boutros Ghali

    Liz Dawn (Joker)

    Kirk Douglas

    John Glenn

    Dennis Healey

    Clive James

    Wojciech Jaruzelski

    Wilko Johnson

    Ethel Lang

    Norman Lloyd

    Nelson Mandela

    Misao Okawa

    Leslie Philips

    Godfrey Stafford

    Gough Whitlam

    Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

  6. Four BBC links to the story about Lewis - one at 11.14 (mine), three others at 12.05, 12.57 and 14.45 - doesn't anyone look at previous posts in forum threads anymore?!


    OK I am guilty of one of these as I added the link after seeing the unlinked post in The Dead of 2013 thread which was subsequently moved by the mods to the Cuckoo Waltz thread.


    I didn't immediately make the connection to the CW as the feat Lewis Collins was added later.

  7. i think one day he will just literally drop dead lets hope it isn't a tommy cooper type of drop dead.




    I suppose it would be entertaining :D . But i think brucie is one of the good guys ( saying that and he gets arrested by yewtree detectives next week) and I can think of a few above bruce that deserve it more.


    Then again with bruce refusing to retire maybe its probably how he would like to die.


    Bruce Forsyth is one of those people who splits the opinions of the nation but I must admit that he is the King of Light Entertainment, you may not like the product but he is one of the best proponents of the form. Ask yourself the question who would you rather watch Bruce, Jim Davidson, Michael Barrymore, Jonathon Ross or Lionel Blair. I rest my case.


    I'd watch Sooty in preference to any of that lot and read a book in preference to watching Sooty. We have a choice!


    This may come as a shock to a large part of the population.

  8. First update on Gough in over a year and a half with him issuing a statement on his party. All the health stuff is early in the article.


    AT 97 and in the twilight of his life, Gough Whitlam still goes to his office high above William Street in Sydney a few days each week.


    His former colleagues visit from time to time. As do his four children - Antony, Nicholas, Stephen and Catherine.


    Moving slower these days, and often in a wheelchair, he resides in an aged-care facility in Sydney's east. He has good days and not-so-good days.


    Australia's longest-lived former prime minister has not consented to an interview for several years. He is no longer writing. His last public statement was a tribute to his wife of almost 70 years, Margaret, who died last year.

    It was very thoughtful of them to provide a health update when the committee is busy pondering who should go on the 2014 list.


    Well before I began frequenting this site I had no idea who he was so his inclusion in the list should raise his public profile. There is no such thing as bad publicity unless of course you are Ian Watkins.

  9. I am going to suggest Rodney Bewes and I also think Eddie Large might be an outside shot.


    On the widow front what about Dolores Hope and Barbara Marx?


    Dolores Hope died 2 years ago, Barbara Marx could be worth keeping an eye on tho


    Thank you for that. I don't know where I had the info she was still alive from but you have saved me making a pillock of myself, because I had almost included her in the work game that I run.

  10. i think one day he will just literally drop dead lets hope it isn't a tommy cooper type of drop dead.




    I suppose it would be entertaining :D . But i think brucie is one of the good guys ( saying that and he gets arrested by yewtree detectives next week) and I can think of a few above bruce that deserve it more.


    Then again with bruce refusing to retire maybe its probably how he would like to die.


    Bruce Forsyth is one of those people who splits the opinions of the nation but I must admit that he is the King of Light Entertainment, you may not like the product but he is one of the best proponents of the form. Ask yourself the question who would you rather watch Bruce, Jim Davidson, Michael Barrymore, Jonathon Ross or Lionel Blair. I rest my case.

  11. perhaps he's 'gone home to die' ?


    Just like Nelson Mandela.


    many people subscribe to the view,and increasingly I am one of them, that Nelson Mandela may allready be dead,and his death is being covered up till after the South African elections, so Zumas chances won't be damaged. Jaruzelski on the other hand is of no importance to anyone so when he dies we will be told of it I'm sure. That could come any day now. watch this space...


    Fortunately I've been out of circulation since this message was posted so have not wasted eight days watching this space.

    • Like 4

  12. Definitely not in our lifetime and most probably not in our kids life will the last person from the 20th century die, takes at least two generations .


    Assuming life spans stay as they are (a dodgy assumption, I know) we may expect the last person from the 20th century to die around 2115. It doesn't take "at least two generations", but rather more exactly a century from now, or slightly more than three generations.





    Talking about life spans I remember my biology teacher saying the human body could probably live for maximum 150 years with some medical help (operations, medcine etc) and living a healthy life with the luck of good genes,I'm guessing were approaching that slowly and i think you will see a big jump in the longer we live with the decline of smoking . Humans could potentially live forever by stopping the cells aging or reversing them ,however wouldn't cells begin to break down after so many reversals kind of like photocopying a photocopy ?


    I am currently at a conference in China and somebody put a slide on the screen yesterday of charting the worlds population over the last two hundred years there was a sharp up turn in the 1950s which the speaker attributed to the introduction of the polio vaccine.The question is what will be the limiting factor for the ageing of the general populace and are the Japanese and certain sectors of the rest of the world genetically disposed to longer life.

  13. OK I have some time on my hands so here is the current top 10. All women, the oldest bloke is Arturo Licate from Italy who wasn't born until 1902.


    1. Misao Okawa 1898 Japan

    2. Jeralean Talley 1899 US

    3. Susannah Mushatt-Jones 1899 US

    4. Bernice Madigan 1899 US

    5. Emma Morano-Martinuzzi 1899 Italy (Oldest European)

    6. Anna Henderson 1900 US

    7. Antona Rivera 1900 US

    8. Ethel Lang 1900 UK (Oldest Britain)

    9. Nabi Tajima 1900 Japan

    10. Blanche Cobb 1900 US


    So Ethel is starting much higher than Grace Jones did.

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