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Posts posted by Bibliogryphon

  1. And if the chemo doesn't work, he'll be "living in a box" for a long time.

    Clark Datchler of Johnny Hates Jazz has been diagnosed with stomach tumours


    He seems pretty optimistic about his chances of recovering. He was quoted as saying "The "future's so bright I gotta wear shades.




    Nor that one.


    Doesn't say much for their musical legacy is that random eighties tracks are assigned to them.

  2. The death of Sid Bernstein,the man who made the Beatles famous as well as The Rolling Stones and many other artists, is now being widely reported across the net http://edition.cnn.c...obit/?hpt=us_c2


    The title of this thread is "Beatles death curse", this implies that this thread is about Beatles or people associated with the Beatles who die early/tragic/unexpected deaths, not people associated with the Beatles who died natural deaths at the age of 95.


    Well considering that the remaining band members can now be thought of as old men then this thread has probably run its course.

    • Like 2

  3. I think we can probablysay R.I.P to David Camerons political career and the US-UK special relationship after tonights vote in the British parliament... :referee:


    You make it sound as if that's a bad thing...





    Any headlines which include the words "David Cameron" and Humiliated are OK by me.

  4. Valerie Harper Despite being given 3 months to live in March she will now be on the upcoming season of Dancing With The Stars in September.


    F F S...


    And to think I moved out Annette Funicello from my Rotten.com team for cancer dancer...


    Makes ME sick...


    In some ways Dancing With The Stars/Strictly Come Dancing have a lot in common with the Deathlist. A group of celebrities from all walks of life are selected, we make judgements on their performance and they are eliminated one by one.


    Can we now get Len Goodmen to make predictions on their destination in the afterlife.............











    ......... HEAVEN !

  5. I love how half of the posts aren't even talking about Peter Sallis, though I can't blame them for not wanting to ruin a perfectly good discussion about the benefits of gay relationships by even mentioning that unfunny prick.


    Bit harsh RF. Peter Sallis is an actor first and foremost who tended to get cast in comic roles. Like former Deathlist fav Clive Dunn he has spend 40 years playing old men.

  6. Sad news.I used to enjoy watching his tv show with his dog Snorbitz


    Sad news. I used to enjoy watching his tv show with my family .


    This is actually great news because he is a unique DDP pick for me!!!!

    • Like 1

  7. 2 death listers for the price of one


    its seemed a bit dead here at the moment (excuse the pun) so time for some pointless tittle tattle


    This story does not seem to have much to back it up. Possibly manipulating the facts to fit the story.


    Is this the book that is referred to?


    I do like the way that the discussion descends into a argument about the pros and cons of the American War of Independence.


    They should take lessons from this site about how to stay on topic!!!

  8. Although unable to attend because of poor health, son Michael was there to celebrate his connection to the city.


    Shockingly poor grammar and syntax. Oh BBC, how far have your standards fallen. :bat:


    I take it you have never been to Leicester. There that would be poetry.


    Leicester 4 City of Culture.

  9. Sorry, but at the moment this is the Gazza thread, not the Kenny Sansom thread, or any sad bloke in a bit of trouble...


    True but I do not want to proliferate threads for every alcoholic ex footballer.


    I did check the football thread but did not realise that it had been moving so quickly as I saw the article whilst I had been on holiday. I only searched the Deathlist forums for the name.


    Which thread do you think would be most appropriate?

  10. This is a fascinating thread.


    I agree about the weird respect issue, we acknowledge the passing of people everyone else has forgotten and when people like Herbert Lom, Patrick Moore and Clive Dunn died there was a lot of positive appreciation of their work. OK we will make the black jokes but my Father in Law did a bit of work driving for a funeral directors and when the boss was looking to rename the business he suggested The Body Shop. Black Humour is a way of dealing with death.


    When I go to funerals I am a wreck it really gets to me which probably comes from losing my mother when I was nine years old.


    However the factor that does hit close to home is the list obsessive slightly autistic tendancies. I work in an scientific establishment and my Deadpool game has almost 20% of staff playing.


    Where better to hide a tree than in a forest.


    I am a teetotal vegetarian.

  11. Who had the bright idea of giving Marcus Brigstock a TV show?




    Absolutely. Marcus Brigstocke is about as funny as having both your grandparents suffer strokes at the Christmas dinner table, in front of the kids.


    I actually find MB very funny and Stupid and its stable mate 1'm Sorry I've Got No Head were both very funny but the first is that he would not be a safe person to present to kids.

  12. Another former England player following the George Best rule book - Kenny Sansom


    I have looked around the forums and surprised no-one picked up on this one.


    Or are alcoholic ex footballers just a too big a pool to pick from?


    Look in the football thread... FFS... Just one page back from where it is now, page 110, post 2186.


    I would think that the Football thread is in the extra-curricular section whereas this is on topic.

  13. I know I have previously recommended them but his diaries are excellent reading whether you agree with him or not. Little snippets like Margaret Thatcher crying at Eric Heffer's funeral and the bits where he described his own wife's deaths made me cry buckets.


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