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Posts posted by Bibliogryphon

  1. Are these stories generated by computer.


    Pick famous person 1


    Pick Crisis


    Pick scandal


    Pick Famous Person 2


    It sounds like a great new card game.


    Michael Gove/ career nose dive/ after cocaine binges/ with Kerry Katona

  2. I am indeed correct I have just found out that the liklihood for a woman who is 96 of dying within the year is 25%.


    So if we picked a list of 96 yearold women we should get 12 hits just by probability.


    The statistics comes from a maths website on understanding uncertainty.


    However the author might consider our use of his information a debasement of science.

  3. What idiot put Olivia on this list? She's probably one of the healthiest 97 year olds on the planet right now! She's probably gonna live well into her 100's.


    I think it is a bit harsh to be critical about putting someone who is 96 on the list.


    I imagine that for any individual who is 96 I bet the statistics for dying before reaching 97 must be at least into double figues.

  4. http://www.dailymail...cal-career.html - Theresa May has been diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes and is now dependent upon insulin - she is still carrying on as normal she does however look very tired and pale in these first two pics. :mellow:


    The most significant thing about this story is the possible effect it will have on her ambitions to be tory leader if Cameron crashes and burns in 2015 (please please)

    • Like 1

  5. House of Commons Speaker John Bercow is preparing to recall UK parliament from summer recess for death of Nelson Mandela http://www.dailymail...ies-recess.html


    Disappointed that this wasn't more urgent but this is more to do with Tory in-fighting than Nelson.


    In the event he does die I'm not sure that a message of condonlence from any back bench MP who wants to get notice is going to mean much. There should be an official response from the Queen and the Prime Minister and the rest can wait.


    To quote Yzma "He ain't getting any deader"


    We of course should send the official Deathlist message which after the past few weeks will probably read "About bloody time"

  6. Back at the White House and the last photo has all the living Presidents together.


    Clinton looks fine, as does Carter. Bush is ailing, but I don't think he's on death's door yet.




    The most interesting thing about this is how well Barbara looks - I hadn't seen a picture for some time and got the impression that she might be really ill but here she looks fit and well.


    Is it just me or is Michelle Obama a damned sexy lady?

    It is just you.


    Does that mean there is something wrong with me?

  7. If on next's years list you need to replace Anna with another soap battleaxe/matriarch there are plenty to choose from


    Edna Dore or June Brown - Eastenders


    Jean Alexander or Liz Dawn - Coronation Street


    Sheila Mercier - Emmerdale (Farm)


    Vivean Gray - Neighbours


    Obviously with Brookside being set on Merseyside and Phil Redmond committment to realism there were no old ladies because they had all been kicked to death by teenage drug addicts.

  8. Prince Albert II of Belgium, aged 79, has abdicated due to "Health reasons" http://www.bbc.co.uk...europe-23393963


    I guess molesting kids all day has a serious impact on your health.


    One to consider for '14 or '15?


    Highly doubt it...


    I've watched his abdication speech and the anouncement of his abdication (a couple months earlier) and in both he looked and sounded perfectly healthy... He did mention health-reasons in that anouncement, but it sounded more as if it was just age-related (whatever it is i doubt that it is anything extreme), queen Beatrix said the same things when she anounced her abdication and i can't imagine her dying within the next ten (or maybe even tewnty) years...


    After watching clips and photos of the abdiction of King Albert, I however did noticed how frail queen Fabiola, the widow of king Baudouin, was looking...


    Most of the abdiction she apparently spend in a wheelchair and it seemed as if her mouth was constantly hanging open... She didn't look like a woman who would make it to 90...





    At least she was there!!!


    I only heard a clip of the speech on the radio and he sounded frailish and struggling for breath.


    But since I had no idea what he used to sound like I am probably in no position to judge.

  9. There are two Mel Smith sketches that I really love the first one is the NTNOCN Hi-Fi shop sketch which theorectically should be dated by to any person who has been confronted with a smug know it all in a computer or phone shop it will still have resonance.


    The other is from Alas Smith and Jones and is a spoof game show BIGOTRY with Tony Slattery as the host.


    I think it is sad but as has been said - with hindsight not a surprise.

  10. WhereasGlee fans are more like Spetsnaz.




    23,822 posts since May 7th dedicating to proving that Glee starlets Lea Michele and Diana Agron arein a sapphic relationship. With every single photo, tweet and video of the actresses analysed so they can calculate if they're in the same city or not.


    OK so far as I am aware nobody contemplates that any two of the characters/actors in the Archers are in homosexual relationships to that extent. I am not an Archers listener by the way it makes an awkward gap between the 6.30 comedy and Front Row.


    That website has slightly disturbed me.


    I know I might be heading into pot/kettle territory but some of what I have seen on the internet makes me think people have got too much time on their hands.


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