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Posts posted by Bibliogryphon

  1. Clive James was on Front Row last night primarily to promote his translation of The Divine Comedy but he was frank about his health. He said he is not as ill as he was last year when the news broke but he cannot be away from Addenbrookes hospital for more than three weeks and he doesn't expect to see Australia again but he does hope to be able to complete another book.


    I think he will now not come up trumps this year but I would be in no rush to take him off for next year.


    I picked him in the latest next death poll so wrong again for me.

  2. That's quite an impressive tribute to someone who until a few hours ago I have never heard of...


    Probably because you don't have teenage daughters or enjoy masturbating to lesbian cheerleaders.


    Surely everyone enjoys masturbating to lesbian cheerleaders. Actually, I'd never heard of him either and I wonder how many people listening to Radio 4 at 10 o'clock this morning had, though they still felt it necessary to mention his death.


    If you listened very carefully (probably on digital) you can hear the sub-text to the announcement:


    "We know that none of our dedicated Radio 4 listeners will have any sort of interest in this announcement but by informing you it will allow you to appear smug* and knowledgeable* in front of the chimpanzees you call colleagues. Tomorrow evening on Front Row Mark Lawson will condesceningly discuss the role popular music should play in television drama........ none whatsoever"


    * Smug and Knowledgable is just what is expected of a typical Radio 4 listener.

  3. Back at the White House and the last photo has all the living Presidents together.


    Clinton looks fine, as does Carter. Bush is ailing, but I don't think he's on death's door yet.




    The most interesting thing about this is how well Barbara looks - I hadn't seen a picture for some time and got the impression that she might be really ill but here she looks fit and well.


    Is it just me or is Michelle Obama a damned sexy lady?

  4. He has just had his translation of Dante's The Divine Comedy published and has taken the opportunity to slag off Dan Brown.


    Evidence of health or last swan song?


    Read that condescending piece on Dan Brown this morning in the i and laughed when Clive also made a bit of a schoolboy error; claiming Jessica Ennis as a Pentathlete. Jessica Ennis-Hill (as she now is) competes in the Heptathlon.


    Not sure if it's evidence of the normally accurate Clive losing a few marbles or simply not caring enough to follow up all facts in the final check. I think he'll mock our decisions to pick him this year; but on the evidence available I think 1 Jan 2015 is a day he won't see.


    I read it this morning and thought it funny in a warm and mocking way. It made me miss the TV show he used to do on the BBC.


    I still like him.

    • Like 1

  5. Again, if someone clever can do the necessary and tidy it all up, I'd be very appreciative.


    66 playing survivors (as far as we know)


    Surely that should be surviving players if they are still all playing we have no hope.

  6. On the names front I think Diana won't be the first name but will be in there somewhere.


    Boys Edward is out because of Ed VIII. I am thinking George.


    I discount Louis because of associations with the beheaded line of French monarchs.


    How about throwing one to all the seventies rockers out there and calling him Crimson.

    • Like 1

  7. BBC news app just reported that Alan Whicker has died. No online link yet. Strange he never had a thread on here.


    Link here I was just searching the forum to find the thread when you beat me to it.

  8. I thought there was a theatre based thread for directors and other luvvie types but I couldn't find it. So I will put forward as a possibility Cicely Berry (b.1926) the RSC voice coach and author of Your Voice and How to Use It.


    I am just trying to work out if I will have room for her in my Unusual Suspects team for 2014.

  9. Following the death of Bernie Nolan we are in a similar position to 2012 & 2003 the trend line is looking like 13 deaths will be the final number so the record may be off but in 2003 there was a sudden midyear surge so if Nelson, Zsa Zsa and Gough were to oblige over the next couple of weeks we might be back on.

  10. Survey 5 results



    Spongebob Squarepants


    Clancy Brown (Mr. Krabs) 44%

    Rodger Bumpass (Squidward) 22%


    Celebrity Rehab 4


    Leif Garrett 89%

    Eric Roberts 11%


    Celebrity Rehab 5


    Sean Young 33%

    Michael Lohan 22%


    Red Hot Chili Peppers


    Anthony Kiedis 40%

    Flea 30%




    Graeme Garden 50%

    Bill Oddie 30%

    Tim Brooke-Taylor 20%


    The Goodies result surprised me as I thought it was the generally considered opinion that Bill Oddie's health is decidely shakey whereas the other two seem to plough on regardless.

  11. No one has posted in Room 101 since June 22nd? Wow.

    I'm putting life itsownself in here. Company laid off two people integral to my existence, my best friend has breast cancer and I'm heading back to freaking California in two weeks.

    Thats because nobody can be arsed anymore C.A.

    These are sad times for the D.L, there is a distinct lack of mojo and the infestation of Wayne and Waynettas siblings has only sought to weaken the strength and integral structure of the forum in a brazen attack on its ethos and very existence.........................or summat.

    Fucked if i know.

    I actually knew a Waynetta. True story. Brother named Wayne, sister named Waynetta. Dad Wayne insisted they both be named after him.


    Good God.


    I know a man named Kevin, middle name Wayne. He had a son, named him Wayne, middle name Kevin. Suffice to say, they are a pair of cunts.


    In other news, I have a job interview today that my whole entire life depends on. Being a grown up sucks.


    Good luck with the interview but if you are applying to be an Angliacan Bishop there are a couple of things that will go against you.

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