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Posts posted by Bibliogryphon

  1. Actually managed some sympathy for our Kelly when I read a lengthy piece in the paper yesterday detailing the way her courta-appointed financial guy skins her on a par with the way payday loan sharks skin their clients.


    Her third marriage and some interest re bankruptcy will doubtless see her rally for a few months before the next meltdown.


    Maybe Atomic Kitten should reform for a sell out tour (Any local Village hall should do)

  2. What is the worst year then? (Knows almost nothing about Eurovision and can't stand watching it, but just wants to know out of morbid curiosity)


    Every year.


    For some weird reason countries tend to vote for the countries most closest to them , biggest load of crap on TV and the BBC uses large amounts of TV licence money to fund it . It then precedes to the mickey out of it and send bad singers to the contest . So yea millions of pounds for one nights TV so the BBC can feel a little superior about itself . What the BBC don't know though is it now produces the same level of crap as eurovision it just hasn't realised it yet , the BBC is not very self aware.


    Oh and yes we are forced to fund a private company in the UK by law.




    License Fee vs BBC with adverts


    I know which I prefer.


    Well there was a time I would agree with you about the licence fee but not anymore. i.e when you actually got value for money . The BBC churns out cheap TV and the same old phone in reality TV shows now. When was the last time the BBC produced a good comedy I would say a good ten years ago now , but comedy is subjective we all have different tastes when it comes to good comedy.


    The BBC now receives funding from EU which is in breech of its agreement to only receiving funding from the British people.


    You then have the way the BBC likes to waste our money , 6 million for Johnathan ross which equals 41000 thousand people paid their licence fee just for the ermm 'privilege' of listening to Johnathan ross every friday. I'm sure he gets something similar at ITV but we are not forced to pay for it.


    Not to mention these stories you hear virtually every week.






    2 months work for £800 000 nice work if you can get it.





    If the BBC had to fund itself i'm sure the money would be spent alot more wisely . The BBC uses the British people as a cash machine.



    Lets not even talk about the unscrupulous behaviour of the TV licence collection . Threats on the door , looking though windows and one story i read a Tv licence man convinced a young boy of 7 to let him into their home while his mum was in the garden . The whole guilty before innocent thing pisses me off too. I think given the freedom of choice people would rather save 145 pounds a year and have adverts , the bbc knows this hence the reason why is tells people instead of asking them to pay.


    Don't get me started on the whole peado BBC cover up either.


    http://www.thisismon...ne-in-scam.html The contest scams . How many more has it scammed and got away with that we don't

    know about it has a history of covering things up.



    Yea so there's that. :D


    Yes the BBC is not perfect because a lot of people have had their fingers in the pie but the same is true of other institutions which we value highly (the NHS) but the faults in management should not be taken as an excuse to violate the principal. Many of the people who are critical of the BBC have their own agenda particularly from the pay TV lobby. I don't watch a lot of TV but most of what I do watch is on BBC - Doctor Who, Merlin, Emma, Horrible Histories, Miranda, Horizon, Nature Documentries etc.

  3. I mean that following on from the Arab Spring unrest in developing countries seems to be increasing. I think Morsi is valid for inclusion next year but there are a few other countries where it might be worth looking at how the leaders might fare if the populace took it into their heads to take direct action.


    I do not for a minute suggest that David Cameron, Barak Obama or Angela Merkel are in danger but uneasy lies the head...

  4. What is the worst year then? (Knows almost nothing about Eurovision and can't stand watching it, but just wants to know out of morbid curiosity)


    Every year.


    For some weird reason countries tend to vote for the countries most closest to them , biggest load of crap on TV and the BBC uses large amounts of TV licence money to fund it . It then precedes to the mickey out of it and send bad singers to the contest . So yea millions of pounds for one nights TV so the BBC can feel a little superior about itself . What the BBC don't know though is it now produces the same level of crap as eurovision it just hasn't realised it yet , the BBC is not very self aware.


    Oh and yes we are forced to fund a private company in the UK by law.




    License Fee vs BBC with adverts


    I know which I prefer.

    • Like 1

  5. Whatever. He's going to hell in any case. Corrupt scumbag.


    Wanted to like this but it's a guest.

    Horrible, horrible man.



    Normally this level of vitriol is reserved for child murderes, dictators, reality TV stars and Margaret Thatcher.


    He killed football


    You say that as though it is a bad thing.

  6. Cliff Michelmore is easily remembered by anyone who watched TV in the late 1950's to the 1980's compared to the serious 'we know it all so listen' Cliff had a great style often lacking in todays presenters - particularly of current affairs programmes and unlike many he put over even the most serious issues with genuine humanity . If he made a slip on air he was as much likely to emphasise it as try to bluff it out - a true professional but with a heart. In the 1960's on 'Tonight' (BBC TV) even an easily bored teen-ager like me found his presentation interesting and he linked the items and introduced guests in way as to actually make one wish the programme was longer - at a time many other such programmes only inspired yawns. He was later a 'gift' to the 'Holiday' with his very honest comments on resorts and package deals. No, Mr Michelmore doesn't deserve to be on this rather sick forum, albeit tongue in cheek. He should rather be on a 'Hope They Live Forever' Forum. God bless you Mr Michelmore may the studio lights never fade and the microphone be forever live for you.


    On every other forum they have forgotten who he is (was).


    Here we keep the memory alive until the day of passing comes.

  7. Don't you lot have your own forums you can go to?


    It is a curious fact but there seems to be quite a lot of Doctor Who fans inhabiting this site and most British actors have some loose connection with Doctor Who and so the thread has plenety of food to keep it going.


    It is also a sad fact that if you have ever been in the presence of more than one Doctor Who fan at once it is difficult to get them to shut up on thier favorite topic.

    • Like 2

  8. Or she may be blameless but tabloid newspaper may extrapolate events around her if there is a space to fill on a Sunday frontcover. "Coleen: My sadness over tragic Bernie" or any other combination of trite combinations.

  9. I must admit that the level of debate on this site is wonderful and goes to show what an erudite bunch the Deathlist attracts.


    I know a lot of Republicans (on both sides of the world) seems to be of the opinion not to do anything until QE II dies but but in my opinion that will be too late because the atmosphere will not be right for the debate and the juggernaut of tradition will swing into action and King Charles III will be crowned before they have had chance to open their gobs.


    However I am a supporter of the monarchy but think that it is better to have a reasoned debate about the choices rather than follow a blind path through tradition.


    This is the view of a Brit and I do not pretend to have an understanding of what the average Australian would think of the matter.

    • Like 2

  10. Power of the Daleks would be good as would Evil of the Daleks or The Abominable Snowman.


    Although my love of TBS is based on it being one of the first Target books that I got and sometimes the books can give a better impression than the TV series. However Tomb of the Cybermen did not dissappoint.

  11. But still more rock than pop, surely? Christ, Lewd_Squirrel. It's bad enough with some of the "specialist" threads here, having to fish through them to find the "appropriate" thread to post updates in. I almost opposed this thread based on that. Give him a break will ya?


    * data supplied by St Asperger, patron saint of internet fora


    I didn't realise that Mark Zuckerberg had been cannonized.

  12. Appears at a mental health tribunal.


    sitting in court wearing dark glasses, curly/wavy grey hair. He's got a feeding tube. He speaks with a very soft voice


    Well at least, according to the court sketch, he can actually sit up. Somehow, when you hear about someone who's been force-fed via a tube for over a decade, you don't visualize them as being very upright.


    I hope the tribunal take all the factors into account and whether the following submission would have any influence:


    "Your honour, I have picked Mr Brady as my DDP joker and could really do with the points"


    Hey, for all you know the judge might turn out to be a regular contributor :)


    I think members of the judiciary have more important things to do in their spare time

    • Like 1

  13. The conspiracy i heard lately that i thought was bizarre at first but the more i look into it the more it seems plausible is that Jose Manuel barroso had something to do with the disappearance of Madelaine McCann.


    Any links to back that one up (or should that be UkiP)?


    Haha well I heard this years ago before UKIP were around in the spotlight.






    Well the mention of David Icke seems to suggest to me that we are well into Wackyland with this one. The first article seems to get a bit hysterical and doesn't produce much in the way of evidence.


    I will go back to my much less far fetched theory.




    Madeleine McCann has never been found because of two reason's the people who abducted her were professional and were working for powerful people or her parents were in on it.




    That's the one I was talking about.

  14. Latest pic of him shows him to be a very frail old man . http://www.cbc.ca/ne...stro-photo.html As you can see he's sitting down,looks like he's no longer able to stand to me.I don't think he'll make 90


    Him not making 90 is irrelevent it is whether he will make 87 that we need to know.


    The fact that there is a photo at all should perhaps push speculation of his death back by a couple of months.


    Thanks for the photo but allow a picture to speak a thousand words.


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