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Posts posted by Bibliogryphon


    Dont apologise. I think we have slightly more in the way of wankers that visit here than investment bankers.


    That is true even if all the ivestment bankers here were considered to be wankers they would only be a subset of the total amount of wankers on the site because the set of guests would have a large instersection with the set of wankers but it would not be a totally inclusive subset. I could go on but I promise I will not represent this on a Venn diagram!

    • Like 2

  2. It's Biggles I feel sorry for. Fancy getting saddled with a name like that. Larkin was right, your parent really do fuck you up...

    Biggles will grow up in a World inhabited by Livingstones, Tarquins and Eliza Doolittle Farquhars.

    To put it into context, young Biggles will not stand out from the crowd and will live a life that is totally alien to the rest of us mere mortals.

    This lad wasnt just born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he was born with a whole fuggin African Gold mine in his lil chops.

    Fuck, does anybody REALLY think that this chap is going to go to Bash St School, leave at 16 without qualifications and work in McDonalds?


    Yes but fast forward 25 years as all our bodies are collapsing around us and when we are in hospital being introduced to the nice new junior doctor - Biggles Jackson-Kew.


    Fills you with confidence.


    At least Posie can marry out of the name although she could take a leaf out of her mother's book and end up with a triple barrrelled or quadruple barrelled name.


    Did Christian and Emily feel that their lives were so incomplete that they didn't want to saddle their offspring with uninspiring names?


    I am sitting here shaking my head.


    Spare a thought for the sister - Tuppence!!!

    Doctor?!? Investment banker, you mean!!

    Biggles is a middle to upper class chap, not the sort who will go into Politics and certainly not somebody who will become a Doctor.

    His life will revolve around Sloane Square and his retreat in rural Gloucestershire, or summat.


    I thought all investment bankers were called Worthless Arrogant w***er-Leech


    With no apologies whatsoever to any investment bankers who may visit this site.

    • Like 1

  3. A couple who play my list at work did a deal he wouldn't pick Attenborough if she didn't pick Patrick Moore they agreed but she went behind his back and picked Moore anyway.


    David Attenborough is a man who inspires great loyalty amongst his fans.


    .................but Patrick Moore is dead......?!?


    I didn't say it was in this year's competition!!

  4. Ooh awesome, there's always some whizz kid on every message board who can pump out amazing graphs or something isn't there....... look at the sophisticated graphics on that thing!


    This is about statistics and numbers not graphics. My nerdish 'qualities' do not extend to computery things. I had enough problems trying to get it to display at all.


    By the way today is day 155.

  5. I have plotted on a graph the hits against progress through the year.


    I have used 2013 (obviously), 2012, 2011 (poor year), 2008, 2003 (good years).


    Because 2003 was very sporadic (three clusters of intense activity) I think the year to track performance against is 2008.


    Our third hit at the beginning of Feb took us ahead of the 2008 line but they crossed again in the middle of March. We are now falling behind dramatically. However if we make the sixth hit before 150 days (30 May) and eight hits before 200 days (19 July) then I still think there is the potential for a good year but it could be 2003 all over again when all fourteen deaths occurred before the end of September.


    I have managed to up load my graphic


    Do you like it!

  6. Layla's the last track on the list. He's still locked up, as this delightful Californian Prison Service search engine will tell you:




    Being as he played the drums on "Apache" by the the Incredible Bongo Band, he may be the second most-sampled musician of all time, just behind perennial deathlist possibility Clyde Stubblefield.


    I obviously couldn't see the whole list.


    Why don't we have a website like that? Though we do have the Daily Mail.

  7. A couple who play my list at work did a deal he wouldn't pick Attenborough if she didn't pick Patrick Moore they agreed but she went behind his back and picked Moore anyway.


    David Attenborough is a man who inspires great loyalty amongst his fans.

  8. Cullen Finnerty(who)


    The starting QB who led Gran Valley State(where) to NCAA Division III titles in 2003,2005 and 2006 and briefly played for Baltimore Ravens went missing Sunday on a fishing trip and his body was found in the woods about a mile away Tuesday night.


    Kind of shocking Daily Mail would kind of go that obscure and not give a certain former NFL Coach a write up earlier in the year


    Do I detect a sense of Bitterness?

    • Like 1

  9. It's Biggles I feel sorry for. Fancy getting saddled with a name like that. Larkin was right, your parent really do fuck you up...

    Biggles will grow up in a World inhabited by Livingstones, Tarquins and Eliza Doolittle Farquhars.

    To put it into context, young Biggles will not stand out from the crowd and will live a life that is totally alien to the rest of us mere mortals.

    This lad wasnt just born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he was born with a whole fuggin African Gold mine in his lil chops.

    Fuck, does anybody REALLY think that this chap is going to go to Bash St School, leave at 16 without qualifications and work in McDonalds?


    Yes but fast forward 25 years as all our bodies are collapsing around us and when we are in hospital being introduced to the nice new junior doctor - Biggles Jackson-Kew.


    Fills you with confidence.


    At least Posie can marry out of the name although she could take a leaf out of her mother's book and end up with a triple barrrelled or quadruple barrelled name.


    Did Christian and Emily feel that their lives were so incomplete that they didn't want to saddle their offspring with uninspiring names?


    I am sitting here shaking my head.


    Spare a thought for the sister - Tuppence!!!

  10. You just wanted to bump a nine-year-old thread, huh? Unless we can find an excuse to post an update about Bill Deedes, then you'll have claimed the forum record.


    Guilty as charged :)

  11. I can't remember if I mentioned this before on here, but in a moment of boredom I put together a Spotify playlist solely of songs by musicians who'd murdered someone. Unsurprisingly it's nearly entirely blues, country and west coast hip-hop.


    They hang their heads and cry: a playlist of musicians who actually killed someone


    I woulld have thought Layla might have made it in to the list. The co-writer, Jim Gordon, did time for the murder of his mother.

  12. This is the end, my only friend the end


    Seems fairly possible but I'd give him a couple more illnesses before he goes. I'm gonna go out on a Pistorius and say he'll survive this year somehow. But it does seem like every time he goes outside for any length of time these days, he ends up in the hospital. Last year he got a bladder infection from the Queen's boat parade, now he goes to the Epsom Derby (inevitable pics from the Mail here http://www.dailymail...psom-Derby.html) and he's too ill to go to Elizabeth's latest anniversary party (how many does she have anyway?)


    He does look pretty much like he's the second most sickly Greek thing in the world (No. 1 being their economy). Also why the fuck is Princess Beatrice dressed like she's about to pick up an Academy Award for her role in the world's first ever talkie? I know it's horse racing and that always involves dressing up stupidly but even so, christ....


    Seems to me he uses it as an excuse to miss anything that might be too tedious to endure (Jubilee concert last year, Christmas with the family etc)

  13. We went through three or four 360s here. Never lost a PS3.


    I will say, though, I still have my original Xbox and it is functioning just fine.


    As far as the Xbox One is concerned, I am totally turned off by the lack of backward compatibility. I'm also not impressed that the hard drive isn't replaceable. Nothing else is blowing my skirt up far enough for me to be real happy about the damn thing. Voice control? Yeah, who actually uses Siri and, more to the point, do I really want my Xbox listening to everything in the room? Skype integration? The only person I skype with anymore is my two year old grandson, and that's only when I'm out of town.


    Apparently it will play used games if you pay a fee to Microsoft - that could be a deal breaker. I'm not paying more than $60 for a new game unless you give me a XXXL gold encrusted t-shirt.


    So, I can't replace the drive, I can't turn off my internet connection to it, it will cost me more money to play used games, it's not backwards compatible in either hardware or games, and it's ugly. More to the point, I don't see my gold encrusted t-shirt.


    So while the PS4 is also not backwards compatible, it will stream PS1, PS2 and PS3 games from the cloud. If Sony does the DRM thing I could swear off games forever.


    It looks like the WiiU will be a better console than the Xbox One. This is sad.


    Of course, we all just need to hang on until E3. Lots and lots of questions will be answered on June 11th - and far more may be asked. :)


    Wow I am impressed - throw out your preconceptions - a Granny who not only Skypes her grandson but is an authority on all things console based. I have not progressed beyond PS2 and Cradle of Egypt on the DS!


    Would you describe yourself as a Silver Surfer? :)

  14. Lord Fellatio, I do love your witty retorts - they make me laugh a lot - but I didn't buy her a necklace made out of that. I really did push the boat out and got her a silver locket which cost me £1,840 and another 235 to get our names engraved on it - Jilly and David Forever. I know you'll think I'm soppy - but I love spoiling her - as any boyfriend should like buying his girlfriend presents.,I've fancied her since we were at school - but I never had the guts to ask her out. As I don't know if you're male or female, no doubt you spoil your partner (be they female or male) with presents and expensive holidays.


    David, David, David


    Are you (he asks politely) very very posh?


    I have been married to my wonderful wife for over 20 years and I have never ever been able to justify the spending of that sort of money on mere gifts. I felt guilty when I spent several hundred pounds on a Swarowski figurine for our 15th (Crystal) Wedding Anniversay. I am a professional person and clearly much more advanced in years than your good self but I have never had that kind of disposable income.


    You have set the bar very high but if you can afford it, and I do not doubt she is worth it, then all the best to you both for your future life together.

  15. Second hit for my theme team with Jack Vance but I had provisionly planned to drop both Jack and Ruth from my 2014 team so if this is going to work then Brian Aldiss, Barbara Taylor-Bradford and Sue Townsend should be worried.


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