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Posts posted by Bibliogryphon

  1. Those blokes that come round selling overpriced household items, who claim to be ex-young offenders trying to go straight. They always come round to the back of the house which I find intrusive, and frankly I suspect them of casing the joint. And the cunts always leave the gate open so that the dog can get out.


    Well I think part of the problem is the dog is not doing its job properly surely these workshy layabouts should not even get close to your rear entrance and should be fleeing down the road minus their trousers seat.


    True, but one of the dogs is sadly recently deceased, and the survivor was too engrossed in the rabbit he caught several weeks ago. He buried it as soon as we got home, but exhumes it regularly for a snack. Not much of it left now.


    Note to self: get new dog.


    Well he could bury one of the salesman, they would keep him going till Christmas

  2. With time having seen off most of the casts of the 70's stalwarts Dad's Army & Are You Being Served? Maybe we should begin to compare and contrast the 80's contributions particularly following the death of Paul Shane which programme will provide us with most fertile ground Hi-De-Hi or Allo, Allo?


    Most of 'allo 'allo are dead already- Hill, Haig, Silvera, Hilary Minster(?) - played von Klinkerhoffen and the large German chappie (Richard Marner I think his name was), not to mention Jean-louis Mansi and the chap from the Carry On movies who name inexpicably fails me right now.


    Likewise a good number of the Hi-Di-Hi cast are no longer with us Cadell, Dwyer, Bowness, Shane, Holland and Kenneth Connor (again)


    But people like Sam Kelly, Gordon Kaye, Jeffrey Holland and Ruth Madoc if they survive can be the Frank Thornton and Clive Dunns of the future.

  3. Those blokes that come round selling overpriced household items, who claim to be ex-young offenders trying to go straight. They always come round to the back of the house which I find intrusive, and frankly I suspect them of casing the joint. And the cunts always leave the gate open so that the dog can get out.


    Well I think part of the problem is the dog is not doing its job properly surely these workshy layabouts should not even get close to your rear entrance and should be fleeing down the road minus their trousers seat.

  4. With time having seen off most of the casts of the 70's stalwarts Dad's Army & Are You Being Served? Maybe we should begin to compare and contrast the 80's contributions particularly following the death of Paul Shane which programme will provide us with most fertile ground Hi-De-Hi or Allo, Allo?

  5. I have plotted on a graph the hits against progress through the year.


    I have used 2013 (obviously), 2012, 2011 (poor year), 2008, 2003 (good years).


    Because 2003 was very sporadic (three clusters of intense activity) I think the year to track performance against is 2008.


    Our third hit at the beginning of Feb took us ahead of the 2008 line but they crossed again in the middle of March. We are now falling behind dramatically. However if we make the sixth hit before 150 days (30 May) and eight hits before 200 days (19 July) then I still think there is the potential for a good year but it could be 2003 all over again when all fourteen deaths occurred before the end of September.

  6. As e-mail mistakes go this is pretty mild.


    Once one of my colleagues made the mistake of responding to the original message rather than the fowarded message and send one of our most important customers an message saying the were a stupid f****** c*** who didn't understand what they were asking for.


    Suffice to say he is no longer a colleague.


    TMIB you are doing a sterling job which we should all remember.

  7. I have produced a graphic in Excel to show how the current year compares to previous high and low watermarks but I am not sure how to load it into a post.


    Any suggestions?



    Ehrm, I don't quite get what you mean? Would you want to post a sheet? It's possible as an attachment, but that's a part of the forum software where I rarely come and where monsters live.





    I have entered the data to produce a chart and I have tried copying the chart into word but that doesn't work. I suppose it would be the same as posting an image but I don't know how to do that either :scratchhead:


    Aha, like this:



    What I do is:


    - go to http://imageshack.us/

    - upload the picture there

    - do some magic to bypass the Please Register pain

    - grab the url of the uploaded picture

    - post it.


    I suppose better anonymous picture sites exist.





    I have tried the image loading website but they are blocked from my current location. So I will keep the graphic for my own pleasure and describe the conclusions in the appropriate forum.

  8. To make Death List 2014 more challenging - we need to limit the number of potential candidates over the age of 90. The current number of candidates over the age of 90 on the list for 2013 is greater than 60%! The list should comprise of at least one individual in their 20's, 30's, 40's, and 50's. The list should be expanded to include at least one male and one female in their 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's and 100's. The remaining list of 36 candidates should be be balanced. Having 15% under the age 59, 20% between 60-69, 20% between 70-79, 20% between 80-89 and 25% between 90-99.


    The current list is not much of a challenge considering 32 of the 50 candidates are over 90 yrs of age and 43 of the 50 candidates are over the age of 80 yrs. of age.


    Any comments are greatly appreciated


    This argument does not carry much weight. Of the five hits we have had this year the only one who was over 90 was Patty Andrews and this was her third appearance on the list.


    Just because someone is over 90 there is still a good chance that they will last out the next 12 months. If you are playing a game like the DDP then the age will determine the amount of points that you get for any hits.


    I think this is a good list and there are plenty of opportunities to play in your own way.

    • Like 2

  9. Michael York is a defo for next year. He looks terrible and has some condition now


    Ok, I looked this up and...




    FUCKING HELL!!!!!!!!!!1





    He has some rare blood condition:




    That is very sad I like Michael York but as soon as I have finished typing this I will be adding him to my long list for next year.

  10. I think that the only name on the list that will trump Thatcher for significance this year would be Prince Philip.


    Not Mandela?


    I did think about both Mandela and George Bush Snr. The latter can be dismissed as a one term president against a 10 year stint as Prime Minister but Mandela could be a challenger. The real question is what is South Africa's place in the world compared with the UK & USA?


    Bush Snr & Carter would be big in the states but thats about it, both would receieve a couple of hours of breaking news feeds on Sky as opposed to the two days worth for Thatcher, in terms of most significant on the list i do think Mandela would beat Thatcher as would Prince Philip. Mubarak, Castro and Stan Lee are other possible contenders.


    Stan Lee would be significant for a small portion of the population (Big Bang Theory territory) but not worldwide. I wouldn't be able to pick out his face in a line up.


    Castro possibly he has longevity but Mubarak no.

  11. I think that the only name on the list that will trump Thatcher for significance this year would be Prince Philip.


    Not Mandela?


    I did think about both Mandela and George Bush Snr. The latter can be dismissed as a one term president against a 10 year stint as Prime Minister but Mandela could be a challenger. The real question is what is South Africa's place in the world compared with the UK & USA?

  12. I have produced a graphic in Excel to show how the current year compares to previous high and low watermarks but I am not sure how to load it into a post.


    Any suggestions?



    Ehrm, I don't quite get what you mean? Would you want to post a sheet? It's possible as an attachment, but that's a part of the forum software where I rarely come and where monsters live.





    I have entered the data to produce a chart and I have tried copying the chart into word but that doesn't work. I suppose it would be the same as posting an image but I don't know how to do that either :scratchhead:


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