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Posts posted by Bibliogryphon

  1. The fifth death came on 08 April which is the 98th day of year which if we extrapolate up would give us approximately 18 deaths for the year. I don't think that this has ever been acheived. However on the 97th day of the year the tally stood at 4 deaths so this would equate to about 15 deaths which looks more reasonable. However we know that the Grim Reaper is not governed by statistics.


    Next death before the end of April?

  2. I think Gordon Brown and a small possibility Tony Blair will die before him.


    He might be the British Jimmy Carter in longevity not policy obviously . :P


    Just turned 70. The big C aside, he should last a couple more decades...


    His love of cricket and his general demenour suggest a person who is not living life on the edge, the only danger I envisage is him just stopping and nobody noticing for a couple of days.


    I think his acheivements are underrated and I am no Tory.

  3. I think Gordon Brown and a small possibility Tony Blair will die before him.


    He might be the British Jimmy Carter in longevity not policy obviously . :P


    I had the same feeling about Gordon Brown but didn't like to say so because I always feel a bit sorry for him.

  4. Am still trying to think of someone who is so divisive.


    The only name I thought of was George W. Bush but on this side of the Atlantic I am not sure we can find the people who would sing his praises.

    • Like 1

  5. Power ranking the post-war PMs, not counting Churchill:


    1. Attlee

    2. Blair

    3. MacMillan

    4. Wilson

    5. Heath

    6. Major

    7. Callaghan

    8. Brown

    9. Thatcher

    10. Douglas-Home

    11. Eden


    Come at me.


    As much as I disliked her I still think she should be placed above Blair on the list but Wilson should be above McMillan.


    I presume D-H is above Eden because it is better to do nothing at all than have to resign because you have done it so badly.

  6. I have noticed a lot of names posting on this forum that I haven't seen recently.


    But with both Dunn and Thatcher going within a 12 month it will be interesting to see who replaces them as the heros/villans of the deathlist.

    • Like 1

  7. Still, Thatcher's funeral will be a great opportunity for deadpoolers to spot the frail and not-so frail as well as noting any absentees, so keep 'em peeled...


    Lord McAlpine on telly on Monday sounded distinctly frail but Shirley Williams on the radio sounded positively youthful, maybe something has happened that has given her a new lease of life. I wonder what that could be....

  8. How long before the sun runs the headline .



    Cruel Internet trolls organise parties to celebrate the death of our iron lady.


    I thought "Thatcher Dead in Bed at Ritz" was not the most respectful headline they could have chosen.

  9. I loved the news coverage over the weekend.


    I think Radio 4 like to tease Deathlisters by opening a bulletin with "The South African government have confirmed tha former president Nelson Mandela has........"

  10. Not to worry everyone!


    Joyous news has arrived that George and his son Georgie along with Bill Clinton and Peanut Farmer Carter will be joining the current President and his gorgeous wife Michelle at the opening of the George W. Bush Presidential Center (a library and museum)at SMU (Southern Methodist University) on April 25 of this year.


    'Presidents Club' to Reunite at Opening of George W. Bush's Library | TIME.com




    On April 25, President Barack Obama will be united with his four living predecessors in Dallas for the opening of the George W. Bush Presidential Center at Southern Methodist University, officials confirmed Tuesday.

    According to White House deputy press secretary Josh Earnest, both Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama will be on hand when the 43rd President’s library and museum are dedicated. The last time all five met was in January 2009 before Obama was sworn in, in a meeting and lunch hosted by Bush in the Oval Office for the members of the “world’s most exclusive club.”



    President George H.W. Bush and his wife Barbara will attend, as will President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. President Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalynn will also be there, according to spokeswoman Deanna Congileo. Clinton will be delivering her first paid speech since leaving office the night before the ceremony, 15 miles away at the Four Seasons Resort outside Dallas. Former First Lady Nancy Reagan, 91, will not be attending the ceremony.

    “President Obama and the First Lady look forward to participating in the formal opening of a library that will be dedicated to a President who led our country in difficult times at home and abroad,” Earnest tells TIME. “It’s difficult to fully comprehend what it’s like to serve as President of the United States unless you’ve done it — and President Obama has developed a good relationship with both President George W. Bush and President George H.W. Bush. He has routinely expressed his deep appreciation for the 43rd President’s commitment to this country we love, and is looking forward to returning to Texas later this month.”

    The 226,000-sq.-ft. facility houses records of the Bush Administration — including artifacts like the bullhorn Bush used to speak to first responders at Ground Zero three days after 9/11 — and a museum with a replica of the Oval Office and exhibits on some of his most notable policy decisions.

    The opening of a presidential library is traditionally attended by the living and former Presidents, with one memorable exception. Carter skipped the 1990 opening of the Nixon library in Yorba Linda, Calif., citing scheduling conflicts. Instead he toured Temple Square in Salt Lake City. A year later, he canceled plans to attend the Reagan library opening to monitor elections in Zambia, but ultimately reversed course, flying from the country with hours to spare before the opening on Nov. 4, 1991.

    Obama has yet to decide on the location of his library and museum, but already the University of Chicago and the University of Hawaii, among other institutions, are vying to host the facilities. TheAssociated Press reported in March that officials from both schools have toured other libraries in anticipation of Obama’s decision.


    Sounds like a Deathlist Day out.


    Dry run for Nancy's funeral?

  11. Following my failure to identify Merlyn Rees (see Dennis Healey thread) I began thinking about Home Secretaries. Of the big four political jobs this is proabably the least glamorous but has potentially the most pit falls. There are thirteen living people who have been Home Secretary none of whom predate Merlyn. I have listed them below in chronological order.


    Leon Brittan (b.1939)

    Douglas Hurd (b.1930)

    David Waddington (b. 1929)

    Kenneth Baker (b.1934)

    Kenneth Clarke (b.1940)

    Michael Howard (b.1941)

    Jack Straw (b.1946)

    David Blunkett (b.1947)

    Charles Clarke (b. 1950)

    John Reid (b.1947)

    Jacqui Smith (b.1962)

    Alan Johnson (b.1950)

    Theresa May (b 1956)


    If I had been asked to guess these I think the one I would have missed would have been David Waddington.

  12. I really hope this isn't true. If R&C do go down south, it'll be the death of a lot of teams in Scotland.


    I had to check the date on this because I thought it was more appropriate to 01/04.


    Surely Rangers won't be back into the Scottish First Division by Autumn 2014.


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