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Posts posted by Bibliogryphon

  1. Charles will be the last great king.


    After him our monarchy will sink to the bog-standard, cheap, European style monarchy.

    Hang on. I live in a bog-standard, European style monarchy, but it's not exactly cheap to the annual tune of some €110 million. That's what's directly spent through the state budget, it does not include lost revenue due to the fact that the Queen and the Prince of Orange pay no tax on income and capital.

    You would think they would do it properly for that price.


    That's one of the reasons (by no means the most important one) why I rather have a republic.





    The things that I would say to British Republicans are this - imagine President Blair or heaven forbid President Johnson.

  2. I must admit this is someone who I am only aware of from discussions on this forum.


    Was he well liked down under?

    He was the only PM to ever be sacked... He was before my time but he was a polarising figure. The majority opinion seems to be he had a lot of extremely good ideas that he tried to implement too quickly and his inept ministers bungled most of them.


    On thd other hand, there is a persistent rumour, reinstated most recently by the likes of John Pilger and Jean Bricmont, that the CIA played a part in the sacking of the Whitlam government as he was too anti-US for their liking... :(


    To put it in British terms, imagine an alternative history in which Wilson had bungled the finances and the budget had been blocked so Heath put pressure on and the Queen caved in and dismissed the Wilson government, triggering a fresh election which Heath wins convincingly, possibly with the blessing of the CIA and you can imagine how controversial the Whitlam dismissal was.


    By the way, Gough's immigration minister, Al Grassby, just happened to be a member of the Calabrian Mafia...


    I now feel much better informed. Thank You DJL

  3. Did anyone else hear (80 next week) Wilbur Smith on the radio yesterday. Just signed a new and very lucrative contract, happily married to a woman 37 years his junior and planning to work for the next ten years. Oh yeah, and he's loaded!


    That definitely makes him a Sta Bard (anag)!

  4. went for old philip, its winter time and he dont like the cold.............surprised not to see QE2 on the board as I dont reckon she will


    last long after philip..........


    She's a resilient old bird, I wouldn't rule out her still giving her xmas speech after her centenary (that notion must give Charlie sleepless nights)...would she have to send a telegram to herself??


    But I agree that there is no point in puttling Liz on the List till Phil is in the ground.

  5. Does anyone have any current info on David Bowie?


    One of my players picked him as a wildcard and said that he was not in good shape.


    I am thinking this is more than just having a history of poor living.


    Nothing on wiki.

  6. I have noticed whenever world leaders are ailing their is an exodus of other stars and then they all come out of hospital fighting fit. Swear they carry out sacrifices.


    I am sorry to pick this up but please there not their


    So they're.

    • Like 1

  7. This is the other pick I am not sure of (alongside Nicolas Parsons) whenever I see her she looks alert but considering we have never got over 20 I am not going to begrudge a few -"well they might" picks.


    Most of my players don't understand the difference between probaility and wishful thinking.

  8. I overheard a hilarious exchange in a public library between a couple with young children in the DVD section. The mother suggested getting out this lovely animated film about bunny rabbits for their offspring to watch, the reaction from her husband was an emphatic no as he had obviously been traumatised by this movie as boy and he reacted as though she had suggested they rent a snuff movie.

  9. There's usually at least a few hours between death and announcement, though.


    How inconsiderate. Can't they announce NYE deaths a few hours before the celebrity in question buys the farm?





    I think they should make an assessment on 30th and open the door for them - just out of consideration for poor deadpoolers

  10. He was a fequent butt of the jokes on the 70s radio show Hello Cheeky:


    Example "Today in a competition to find the sexiest man on Television called Nicholas Parsons..........Nobody won"


    And then there is the traditional NP joke


    "Lots of Girls like Nicholas Parsons and lots of Parsons like............." :old:

    • Like 1

  11. This isn't really death related but I wanted to wish my fellow Americans Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt good luck on the upcoming Celeb BB UK.


    Who are these people? and more importantly Why?

  12. How many of the people listed on this site are REALLY dead??? Answer: None. Almighty God declares: "And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal." (MAtt 25: 46).


    In the case of these celebrities, most will be in the former camp as they led lives of wickedness and knew not the Lord. You should now verily consider your own lives and your own ultimate destiny.




    Garvan Ellison, PhD.


    Suppose someone is a masochist and they lead a life of wickedness: when they die, do they still get everlasting punishment?

    Genuine question. :angel:


    Punishment is not just limited to physical pain.


    Imagine in life you had been an apreciator of fine classical music, your everlasting punishment might be an endless performance of Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat. A poet might have to listen to Pam Ayres recordings and football fans eternity would be Carlisle vs Northampton town on a rainy Tuesday night in January.

    • Like 1

  13. I was rather hoping she would win the Democratic nomination for the 2008 election.


    Mainly because I thought America wouldn't elect a non-white president...


    More likely than electing a woman apparently.

    • Like 1

  14. I don't get the impression that Parsons is going anywhere soon.


    For those who are not familiar with his work on "Just a Minute" and "Sale of the Century" he also dabbled as an actor. His turn as Rev. Wainwright in Doctor Who - The Curse of Fenric is well worth checking out.


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