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Posts posted by Bibliogryphon

  1. In a slightly different approach to this topic, under the rules a maximum of 25 picks are allowed to be carried forward to the next year. There are 11 dead so far, so 14 picks need to leave.


    My suggestions are Nigel Lawson, PD James, Partick McNee, Dick van Dyke, James Randi, Tariq Aziz, Saif al Islam Gaddafi, Ariel Sharon, Fats Domino, Herman Wouk, Hosni Mubarak, Jake Lamotta, Al Molinaro & Chuck Berry.


    I actually found it quite difficult to make the call on some of these because I think this list was a pretty good one.

  2. I just had to check up to see whether John Savident was still alive and he is. Now aged 74.


    He is best known for playing Fred Elliott in Coronation Street but the more discerning amongst us will remeber his very creepy and camp turn as Egrorian in the excellent Blake's 7 episode "Orbit".


    He hit the headlines several years ago when he was stabbed in the neck at his home by someone he met in a bar.

  3. Hi Mr locker

    I think Australia is an exceptional case as regards educating it's population, a very high value has always been placed on a good education in Australia, and particularly distance learning. The various radio linked schools and collages demonstrated what could be done, without the success of which we in the UK would never have had the Open University. I think that the extreme remoteness of some Australian farms and stations actually created the drive for these distance learning solutions, small schools could not be sustained as some years there would be no children of school age in a 1000 square miles of country. I think also the nature of the Australian environment forced a lifestyle that could not fall back on subsistence exploitation of the natural environment (logging, fishing, hunting, subsistence mining) the way the southern US can and forced Australians toward white coller jobs. This in turn has forced a proper welfare system on Australia, also higher level of public sector jobs and more realistic levels of service industry wages, particularly in catering and tourism.

    Best regards



    Probably! Thanks Syd.



    My last comment on the matter is that some Aussie States have considered seceding from time to time. Western Australia sometimes becomes bitchy towards the eastern part of the country and wants out but their moves have never gone too far.


    Tasmania is also an interesting case: it is one of the poorest parts of the nation with all kinds of economic problems and lack of infrastructure. Some mainlanders compare it to the southern USA but this is really unfair. Nevertheless it does have a lot of problems. However, in the 19th century, before Federation turned all of the independent British colonies into a single nation, it was extremely prosperous. Back in the 1990s, some economists were asked to produce a hypothetical model of how Tasmania's economy would perform if it became an independent nation. According to their models, it would thrive.


    I wonder if anyone has done similar modeling for Texas and Louisiana. Maybe if they had to fend for themselves, their economies would kick-start and the outcomes would indeed be better. I am sure, over time, if they were independent their grudge towards "the north" would lessen and their Bible belt fundamentalism would become much more moderate. Of course, there is no way Washington will let their oil producing states go, and as Angry notes, there is hardly a groundswell of support for this movement but it is interesting to speculate about while we wait for Oscar Niemeyer to kick the bucket.


    Can I at this point say SCOTLAND?

  4. So Mrs Rotten has just noticed that Bruce is not on the dance show tonight and I notice that the previous post about him being on holiday leave was not moved to his thread. Can a Mod pull it over to hear please 'cus it shows that the old boy is obviously overdoing now.


    Apparently this was a negotiated absence similar to one Len Goodman had last series when he found doing both UK & US versions of the show a little draining.


    If anything this is bad news for the Deathlist as the BBC seem to be taking good care of him and allowing him to dictate his own workload.


    Still when I first read this the article did suggest that he has to be helped backstage so he does not trip over anything.

  5. hi Windsor

    no....I haven't heard anything about him (other than whats already been posted here) . I was purely interested in what he was up to . I presume he is still at

    Brinsworth ?

    Since I was last a regular here , my work situation has taken a slight turn for the worst (so no SKY now...economies had to be made) . Therefore I cant watch him on GOLD like I used to......


    Man About The House is currently being repeated on ITV3...


    To be replaced by Man about the Hearse?

    • Like 2

  6. If we were going to have a new #50


    My suggestion would be to consider Ariel Sharon. He could live in his coma for many years to come. And he is always a good candidate to put on the list


    I don't like the idea of putting someone in a coma on the list. His life chances are purely dependent on someone else keeping him alive. They could decide he was dead at any moment.

  7. Am I right in thinking that when the Church of England finally get round to selecting a new Archbishop of Canterbury then Rowan Williams and George Carey will have to duel to the death as it is only permitted for there to be one former archbishop?

    • Like 1

  8. i was just kidding.i've no idea whether eddie mair ever presented the Today show or not :P


    Good I was beginning to worry that you may have been he. For it is said that he has haunted these parts in days gone by!


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