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Posts posted by Bibliogryphon

  1. I have previously stated that I believe Radio 4 to be the natural station of the Deathlist and when I heard The Last Word broadcast on 26 October two of their interviewees were both on the Deathlist: Henry Kissinger and James Randi. Henry sounded weak but coherent and James sounded quite chirpy. However as both were discussing the loss of a contempary too chirpy should not really be an option.


    So to start off this discussion of all things Radio 4 I have a list of all the still living presenters of the Today programme.



    Barry Norman (1933 -

    Desmond Lynam (1942

    Gillian Reynolds (1935-

    Nigel Rees (1944-

    Libby Purves (1950–

    Jenni Murray (1950–

    Sue MacGregor (1941–

    Peter Hobday (1937–

    Anna Ford (1943 -

    Edward Stourton (1957-

    Carolyn Quinn (19?? -

    John Humphries (1943-

    James Naughtie (1951-

    Sarah Montague (1966-

    Evan Davies (1962-

    Justin Webb (1961-


    Barry Norman must be a consideration over the coming years

    you missed out eddie mair. he did holiday relief in august 2004


    This was deliberate as I will be including Eddie in his rightful place when I do a full list of PM presenters.


    You have been warned.

  2. I have previously stated that I believe Radio 4 to be the natural station of the Deathlist and when I heard The Last Word broadcast on 26 October two of their interviewees were both on the Deathlist: Henry Kissinger and James Randi. Henry sounded weak but coherent and James sounded quite chirpy. However as both were discussing the loss of a contempary too chirpy should not really be an option.


    So to start off this discussion of all things Radio 4 I have a list of all the still living presenters of the Today programme.


    Barry Norman (1933 -

    Desmond Lynam (1942

    Gillian Reynolds (1935-

    Nigel Rees (1944-

    Libby Purves (1950–

    Jenni Murray (1950–

    Sue MacGregor (1941–

    Peter Hobday (1937–

    Anna Ford (1943 -

    Edward Stourton (1957-

    Carolyn Quinn (19?? -

    John Humphries (1943-

    James Naughtie (1951-

    Sarah Montague (1966-

    Evan Davies (1962-

    Justin Webb (1961-


    Barry Norman must be a consideration over the coming years
    • Like 1

  3. Nolan Sister and actress Bernie Nolan is suffering from breast cancer.


    Tragic news.


    It should have been Coleen...then it should have worked its way throgh the rest of the presenters of loose women.


    This is where I was getting confused, when I read Bernie I thought Coleen. But they might just be a gestalt entity.


    I saw them once in summer season at Blackpool, second on the bill to Mike Yarwood.


    I once was supposed to see them on a 70s weekend at Butlins in Bognor Regis, but I fell asleep on the beach in the afternoon and got sunstroke and spent the evening vomiting in my chalet instead.


    You should go on Graham Norton with that tale


    So she can vomit on him?

  4. I don't understand why Star Wars fans are objecting to Disney in particular, other than the new films will inevitably be packed full of characters that are easily turned into action figures. However, I'm pessimistic about whether these new films will be any good, and especially the idea that they're just going to keep making them every couple of years. But at least Lucas won't be in charge


    Just one thought which would you rather watch?


    The Phantom Menace or Pirates of the Carribean

  5. Of course, Britain's biggest real conspiracy this side of Jimmy Savile is the Dr David Kelly "suicide"...


    I am going to disagree with this because this isn't really that murky. Yes the poor man was hounded to death but I do not think he was taken out.


    I am going to suggest that the biggest conspiracy theory in the UK surrounds the death of Diana, Princess of Wales - was she murdered and if so was this with the knowledge of any members of the current royal family?

  6. There have been reports over the past few days of a new Celeb talent show to be screened soon called SPLASH! in which Olympic poster boy Tom Daley will put celebrities through the mill in a diving competition. This leads me to have several thoughts.


    1. Will Luis Suarez and Fernando Torres be taking part as they seem to be naturals in this area?

    2. Celebrities will have to be carefully chosen - imagine seeing Chris Moyles in his Speedos! :puke:


    3. Most importantly this has the potential to be a disaster of Late, Late Breakfast Show proportions. Maybe an alternative title could be "Tom Daley's Deadly Death Dive Show"

  7. We're literally the only google hit for "frankie boyle 104 productions" or "last orders 104 productions".


    Also the top match for "104 Productions" is these guys, who don't look like they'd be up to the task of producing a celeb obit TV show.




    Maybe I wrote it wrong and it should have been 0104 Productions or even 01/04 Productions. :reading-glasses:

  8. Nolan Sister and actress Bernie Nolan is suffering from breast cancer.


    Tragic news.


    It should have been Coleen...then it should have worked its way throgh the rest of the presenters of loose women.


    This is where I was getting confused, when I read Bernie I thought Coleen. But they might just be a gestalt entity.


    I saw them once in summer season at Blackpool, second on the bill to Mike Yarwood.

  9. We're literally the only google hit for "frankie boyle 104 productions" or "last orders 104 productions".


    Also the top match for "104 Productions" is these guys, who don't look like they'd be up to the task of producing a celeb obit TV show.




    Holly Willoughby is the one on the right!

    • Like 1

  10. http://www.nation.co...zabeth-is-dying



    Just saw this article , one of those are articles you can imagine to be true or false . Parker horse face bowles does seem to be the type though.


    Here is the cover of the US tabloid that sparked the story:




    Just to update this story.


    She is now closer to death than when this was first published and we can reveal that both her parents......died!


    Buy black now while its still cheap.

  11. Thatcher's chances of a State Funeral would be diminished if we had only just had one for QEII or DoE.


    I doubt she'll get one anyway, no ex-PM has since Churchill and she is too divisive a figure. Cameron would be pilloried by the Opposition, the public, not to mention the Lib Dems if he even contemplated it.


    Yes I suppose its ironic that she had more chance of one when Blair was PM than now with Cameron.

  12. Sounds like a load of bullshit. Soon as the name Holly Willoughby was mentioned, I'm not buying it...


    Holly Willoughby is almost ubiquitous on TV at the moment. She is now touting herself as the new Cilla Black with the unwelcome resurrection of Surprise Surprise.

    Holly Willoughby is a bit of an enigma. She has one of those faces that screams beautiful or fucking hideous.

    Her looks matter not tho as, seemingly, if you are married to a TV producer and have big tits, you will get on in the cut and thrust World of television presenting.


    Indeed, my betrothed is often saying how much he'd like to finger her.


    But I agree with TMIB - Frankie Boyle, yes, but there's no way squeaky-clean Holly would do a show like this.

    OK OK There is not a shred of truth in this post but I kept being annoyed by the presence of HW on everyshow without any evidence of talent or charisma and began to think what I would like her to present. When I did get round to writing the post I did think she let the authenticity down but I could not think of a suitable replacement. I briefly thought of Peaches Geldof but considering what happened to her mother I thought it in poor taste.


    I hope it is to my credit that I cannot readily bring to mind talentless media hungry bimbos from the depths of ITV.


    I hope you at least enjoyed the thought and would really like to watch the show - in your imagination

    I'll have my agent keep her eyes peeled all the same.


    If there are any TV executives reading this and think this would be a brilliant show. I will offer my services as a presenter as I am as attracrtive as Frankie Boyle and as witty as Holly Willoughby and more importantly considerable cheaper!


    That's fine, but would I want to finger you?


    Madam, I could not possibly comment

  13. Paul McCartney has just done an interview with Sir David Frost for Aljazeera in which he tries to break the myth about Yoko Ono breaking up the Beatles. My concern is that he is being very nice (and the bigger person). Is there a reason for this such as one of them is likely to die in the next 18 months.

  14. Sounds like a load of bullshit. Soon as the name Holly Willoughby was mentioned, I'm not buying it...


    Holly Willoughby is almost ubiquitous on TV at the moment. She is now touting herself as the new Cilla Black with the unwelcome resurrection of Surprise Surprise.

    Holly Willoughby is a bit of an enigma. She has one of those faces that screams beautiful or fucking hideous.

    Her looks matter not tho as, seemingly, if you are married to a TV producer and have big tits, you will get on in the cut and thrust World of television presenting.


    Indeed, my betrothed is often saying how much he'd like to finger her.


    But I agree with TMIB - Frankie Boyle, yes, but there's no way squeaky-clean Holly would do a show like this.

    OK OK There is not a shred of truth in this post but I kept being annoyed by the presence of HW on everyshow without any evidence of talent or charisma and began to think what I would like her to present. When I did get round to writing the post I did think she let the authenticity down but I could not think of a suitable replacement. I briefly thought of Peaches Geldof but considering what happened to her mother I thought it in poor taste.


    I hope it is to my credit that I cannot readily bring to mind talentless media hungry bimbos from the depths of ITV.


    I hope you at least enjoyed the thought and would really like to watch the show - in your imagination

    I'll have my agent keep her eyes peeled all the same.


    If there are any TV executives reading this and think this would be a brilliant show. I will offer my services as a presenter as I am as attracrtive as Frankie Boyle and as witty as Holly Willoughby and more importantly considerable cheaper!

  15. The BBC is established by a Royal charter. The BBC board is there to oversee the opporation of the Director General and the creative output. Although the chairman of the board is appointed by the Queen (on the advice of her ministers) this is no different to the Archbishop of Canterbury and no-one would accuse Dr Williams of being a Government lackey.

  16. Sounds like a load of bullshit. Soon as the name Holly Willoughby was mentioned, I'm not buying it...


    Holly Willoughby is almost ubiquitous on TV at the moment. She is now touting herself as the new Cilla Black with the unwelcome resurrection of Surprise Surprise.

    Holly Willoughby is a bit of an enigma. She has one of those faces that screams beautiful or fucking hideous.

    Her looks matter not tho as, seemingly, if you are married to a TV producer and have big tits, you will get on in the cut and thrust World of television presenting.


    Indeed, my betrothed is often saying how much he'd like to finger her.


    But I agree with TMIB - Frankie Boyle, yes, but there's no way squeaky-clean Holly would do a show like this.

    OK OK There is not a shred of truth in this post but I kept being annoyed by the presence of HW on everyshow without any evidence of talent or charisma and began to think what I would like her to present. When I did get round to writing the post I did think she let the authenticity down but I could not think of a suitable replacement. I briefly thought of Peaches Geldof but considering what happened to her mother I thought it in poor taste.


    I hope it is to my credit that I cannot readily bring to mind talentless media hungry bimbos from the depths of ITV.


    I hope you at least enjoyed the thought and would really like to watch the show - in your imagination

  17. Would-be PM Michael Gove seems to resembling another would-be PM from the past...






    George Brown!


    If he ends up as a sozzled embarrassment, the we should consider ourselves lucky...


    And if he ends up as Prime Minister the queue to leave the country will be overwhelming


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