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Posts posted by Bibliogryphon

  1. The 2nd to go recently as 'Do they mean me' was a presenter too on there.



    Some dodgy hairstyles amongst that lot, but any dodgy tickers?


    How Kee and Greaves have outlived Williamson and Morris, I'll never know...


    Lizzie Webb is another of those people whose DOB is not freely available, but her BBC rival Diana Moran (aka The Green Goddess) was born 1939 and survived her breast cancer which was diagnosed at the age of 48.

  2. Wasn't sure where to put this one but it could be significant.


    I think the announcement had to wait until the end of Frankie Boyle's libel action in case they had to drop him.


    I understand that Channel 5 (in the UK) have commissioned a company called 104 Productions to make a 13 part series which is provisionally titled Last Orders which is intended to be an irreverent obituary show. It will air monthly during 2013 but there will be a launch show in December 2012 where viewers will be invited to submit a list of celebrities who may well die during the year (sound familiar?). The series will be hour long episodes probably aimed at late Saturday nights hosted by Frankie Boyle and Holly Willoughby. No more details as yet.


    Should we sue or welcome them with open arms?

  3. I think the BBC really need to try and find some sombre photos of Jimmy Saville. The news coverage is very serious with allegations of abuse and the very reputation of the BBC at stake but it is all accompanied by pictures of Sir Jimmy grinning like an idiot and putting two thumbs up in the air.

  4. Dionne Warwick has been doing the rounds of the UK chat shows promoting her new album. She was singing on the SCD results show and, more interestingly, she was on Radio 4's Woman's Hour this morning (I was driving somewhere in a car - alright!) and she was explaining why she refuses to give up smoking and doesn't do keep fit.


    72 in December.

    well her sister (Dee Dee Warwick) and her cousin (Whitney Houston) are pushing up daises....and shes related to Aretha Franklin who is on the 2012 death list - I'd say shes doing OK all things considered.


    She was asked about why some stars seem to self destruct including Whitney, Karen Carpenter & Michael Jackson and why she had not secumbed. She said that she had always been grounded. I am not advocating DW for 2013 list, just passing on intelligence.

    • Like 1

  5. Dionne Warwick has been doing the rounds of the UK chat shows promoting her new album. She was singing on the SCD results show and, more interestingly, she was on Radio 4's Woman's Hour this morning (I was driving somewhere in a car - alright!) and she was explaining why she refuses to give up smoking and doesn't do keep fit.


    72 in December.

  6. Yoko Ono kept John Lennon's broken glasses on display and brought a replica of the gun that killed him.


    According to some sources there were tensions in the marriage in the run up tom his assassination and in the interveneing years she has focussed on her self publicity on the premise of keeping his legacy alive.


    That the assassination was carried out at the behest of the person with most to gain is less far fetched than a CT i read in a book that Stephen King had set Mark Chapman to commit the crime.

  7. As a follow on from my post in the conspiracy theory thread, Id like to put Paris in here.

    Paris is, erm, Paris. Beautiful in parts and a tourists paradise.

    Thing is it is covered in graffiti, not just the suburbs but even the tourist areas. The bastards that carry out this defacing even go as far as to "tag" statues, historical buildings/bridges and the like.

    At least in London they send out teams to clean the crap off but it doesnt seem to be the way in gay Paris.

    If they dont love their city enough, why should we?


    I visited Paris for the first time last year and found it to be one of the rudest cities I have ever visited. There is a hostility to the foreign that permeates the whole being of the city.


    I support LFN's submission of Paris to Room 101.

  8. I find it ironic that people on this site get on their moral high horse, yet spend their time pondering who is going to die, putting bets on it and generally finding amusment in someone's death, impending or otherwise. sad, stupid cunts.


    I hope you are not confusing expressing your beliefs and opinions and debating with fellow contributors with being on a moral high horse

  9. Wasn't really sure if this is the best thread or not, but felt it didn't warrant its own thread.


    They've just shown Don't Wait Up - Comedy Connections on BBC1, including interviews with Tony Britton & Dinah Sheridan.


    Sheridan, who has not appeared on telly for yonks, and who I thought might be ill, seems as healthy as ever. I think she's about 86 now, but she looked a good 10-15 yrs younger. From having her high up as a potential pick, she's shot down the list now as I think she'll make 90.


    Tony Britton, who must be, oh what nearly mid 80's now? Looked okay - I don't think he'll die within the next year or so - still seemed with it, looked robust enough. Probably won't make 90 but I think he will make 2008.


    Anyone else see the programme and agree/disagree?


    I agree. Those two seem far too healthy for their years and I wouldn't lay any bets on either of them croaking for a good 5 years or so, unless they meet with a nasty traffic accident in the meantime.


    Here we are five years on and both Tony and Dinah are still with us. Haven't seen them on telly for a while but if they have retired to the high life who can blame them.

  10. Saw him about 6 weeks ago coming out the stage door of Lichfield Garrick Theatre having been on some Brummie comedy show. Looked very fit & healthy.


    Thank you Grande Pablo - this is very useful real intelligence.


    I will not ask why you were hanging round the stage door of the Theatre in Lichfield.

    • Like 1

  11. Robert Stigwood, Epsteins former partner and BG promoter. He's been selling up property and looked remarkably frail at Robin Gibb's funeral; either that or he was smuggling a Koala.


    Whilst acting on this information and adding Robert Stigwood to my database I found Beryl Vertue but she is another of these elusive people whose birthdate is not common knowledge. I do not think she is a good pick for 2013 as on the Sherlock DVD extras she comes across as fit and well but when she does go her association with Sherlock and Stephen Moffatt (Mother-in-law) will guarentee an obit.


    Does anybody know how old she is?

  12. I wonder if there is a tipping point when these "allegations" drift into the realm of attention-seeking bullshittery?


    Remember the old adage about not believing what you read in the papers?


    I think this will only be resolved by finding someone alive they can pin some real charges on and then get a trial.


    Wouldn't it be good if Paul Gadd found it in himself to tell the whole truth about his life and everything that went on - assuming he can remember it all.


    I agree with you Bibliogryphon, this will end with somebody from the 60's or 70's being charged or Jonathan King suffering from a huge bout of clarity and beating off Gadd in the Confesions of Child Abuser stakes.


    The disturbing and very serious question is whether there was a ring of organised abuse which was covered up or whether a culture existed that seemed to accept this sort of thing went on?


    What is happening with the media coverage is lots of people are coming forward describing there experiences and these are all being reported on mass as part of the "Jimmy Saville scandal" whether they were connected to him or not. The media are creating a link by association.

  13. Just saw a clip on youTube which had a brief appearance by Bernie Clifton. I know he was mentioned at the beginning of this thread but I cannot find a reliable DOB for him. Wiki links to an article from 2006 which describes him as 70 years old which puts him at 1935 or 1936.


    Anyone with better information?

  14. If he dies in the next week or 2 I will be on pace for 30 hits out of a possible 10 for my rotten dead pool team.


    I'm not sure why they've got him on life support. I thought the whole idea of going into a hospice was to live out your final days in comfort, not to prolong them.


    Maybe the Democrats are doing what I suggested the Republicans should do with Nancy Reagen, waiting for the opportune momnet to make most electoral capital out of the passing of a veteren party figure.

  15. I wonder if there is a tipping point when these "allegations" drift into the realm of attention-seeking bullshittery?


    Remember the old adage about not believing what you read in the papers?


    I think this will only be resolved by finding someone alive they can pin some real charges on and then get a trial.


    Wouldn't it be good if Paul Gadd found it in himself to tell the whole truth about his life and everything that went on - assuming he can remember it all.


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