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Posts posted by Bibliogryphon

  1. I knew it was the tip of the iceberg and I reckon the BBC knew and covered it up. glitter , savile and another unnamed celeb abused a girl in a BBC dressing room in the 70s .


    Any idea's who it could be ?


    couldnt possibly comment.could have done an act with an agressive blue bird though.alledgedely



    Rod Hull is conveniently dead. So that leaves the police with the challenging problem of arresting the one surviving participant - Emu - and charging him with either assisting a rape or - at least - withholding evidence. He's excitable; they'd better send a mini bus load of their toughest guys.


    At least the suspicion has shifted from Rod Hull.


    We now know that there was nothing sinister about his invitation to children to visit his pink windmill.

    • Like 1

  2. My father-in-law leant my daughter the DVD of the Ladykillers. Herbert is the only surviving member of the cast but my daughter (aged 16) loved it. Superb film. So gentle but wickedly funny


    Does your father in law have any DVDs of Margaret Thatcher he could lend your daughter by any chance? :)


    I hope it doesn't work like that otherwise David Jason and Lynda Baron should be scared. :)


    Good grief! Whatever happened to Lynda Baron?


    She is alive and well and appeared in the 2011 episode of Doctor Who Closing Time.


    It would be a very long shot to consider her for any Deathlist.

  3. Michael O'Hare at 60, was Commander Sinclair on Babylon5




    from producers Faecesbook page


    I regret that I must convey the sad news that Michael O'Hare passed away today. He suffered a heart attack on Sunday and was in a coma until his passing this afternoon. This is a terrible loss for all B5 fans and everyone involved with the show wishes to convey their condolences to the O'Hare family. He was an amazing man.


    This is a bit scary as quite a few of the cast of this show have died relatively young.


    We have just started watching it through.


    Very Sad.

  4. Ok, I get the fabulous TV star but Im hoping we aint talking about Lesley Judd here for the other one, dear GOD not wonderful Lesley!!!!!


    A little bit later, LFN. Let's just say Duncan was not the only one who was daring...

    ??? We cant be talking about St Peter, surely? Then again... :ph34r:


    I thought it was ''Green is the colour''............

    Ah, thats more plausible. She once went down on Mike Smiths Chopper.....................


    I'll bet she rimmed Pip Schofield as well.


    I remember when I was 13 or so and my older sister speculated that Schofield "slept his way to the top". I naively thought there was a surprising amount of women in top positions at the BBC! :blink:


    If you consider the top to be presenting This Morning!

  5. My father-in-law leant my daughter the DVD of the Ladykillers. Herbert is the only surviving member of the cast but my daughter (aged 16) loved it. Superb film. So gentle but wickedly funny


    Does your father in law have any DVDs of Margaret Thatcher he could lend your daughter by any chance? :)


    I hope it doesn't work like that otherwise David Jason and Lynda Baron should be scared. :)

    • Like 1

  6. Clarissa Dicson-Wright has suggested that people eat the badgers that are being culled which led to heroic badger defending vege Rock God Brian May to suggest that people should eat her.


    A new twist on celebrity masterchef - the celebrities are the actual dishes!


    Kinda fitting really, as May appears to have some sort of wildlife permanently residing on his head


    Are you sure thats not Anita Dobson

    • Like 1

  7. The discussions in Margaret Thatcher on the 2012 names page got me thinking of all her triumphs and naturally 'The Miner's Strike' came to mind. Roy Lynk who founded the Union of Democratic Mineworkers (Traitor in chief) does not even have his own wiki page. Is he still alive? A UK obit would be a certainty.

  8. Clarissa Dicson-Wright has suggested that people eat the badgers that are being culled which led to heroic badger defending vege Rock God Brian May to suggest that people should eat her.


    A new twist on celebrity masterchef - the celebrities are the actual dishes!

    • Like 1

  9. David Cameron was not an outright winner of the 2010 election.


    At the risk of being labelled a pedant, David Cameron was an outright winner of the 2010 election; he took 58.8% of the vote.


    The Conservative Party is another thing entirely.


    Time you are a pedant.


    But that statistic throws up another question. Over 40% of the inhabitants of Witney don't think David Cameron is the best person to be thier MP. Surely he should be getting over 70% in a part of the country where children are born sporting blue rosettes.

  10. There is also a view that she destroyed the Conservative party as well and rendered it unelectable for years because of her obsession with Europe - read Maggie - Her Fatal Legacy by John Sergeant.


    So I suppose we do have something to be thankful to her for!


    Didn't stop them eventually regaining power tho :(


    As part of a coalition. David Cameron was not an outright winner of the 2010 election.


    Considering how the media were going for Gordon Brown at the time there was still something in the British psyche that whispered "Remember".

    • Like 1

  11. Last week I was in Tokyo which is a candidate city for the 2020 games (imo a shoe-in since the other contenders are Madrid (broke) and Istanbul (dangerous)). If the bid is successful I think someone should celebrate by reminding everyone of Japan's contribution to World cinema by making a new film Godzilla vs Wenlock.

  12. Joanna David - played Cathy Carter in 2 episodes; born 17 January 1947 (aged 65) has appeared in numerous telivision roles and was still acting as of this year (Doctors); obit chances - pretty good.


    Joanna David a certainty for an obit, I'd say. She's married to Edward Fox and both their children (Emilia and Freddie) are actors too.


    She was also in the seminal BBC Pride & Prejudice in 1995 as Mrs Gardiner - just for that she will get an obit.

  13. There is also a view that she destroyed the Conservative party as well and rendered it unelectable for years because of her obsession with Europe - read Maggie - Her Fatal Legacy by John Sergeant.


    So I suppose we do have something to be thankful to her for!

  14. Richard Wilson, so start bringing out yer " 6 foot in the Grave' jokes, dusting em off and hold a Dachshund to yer ear for slight amusement.


    Pip Pip




    A couple of years ago I saw Richard Wilson play Malvolio at the RSC. For someone who is well over 70 he was remarkably sprightly and cavorted around the stage, so unless there is some medical suggestion of an underlying problem I would not take any bets on him for 2013.


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