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Posts posted by Bibliogryphon

  1. Bringing the level down somewhat. I have just finished Shada by Gareth Roberts based on Douglas Adams script for Doctor Who which started shooting but fell prey to a BBC strike.

    Roberts manages to capture some of Adams's style (possibly better than Eoin Colfer) but also has a lot of fun with the characters.


    Those who have read Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency may find some of the elements of Shada strangely familiar.



    I don't know why but i always thought that at least one famous person visits these forums or certainly people close to them.


    It is distinctly possible


    JR976evil I have unmasked your secret identity - Born February 1981 - You are Paris Hilton :D

  3. CriticalDivide, which other dead pool favourite will you be leeching off when Ron carks it? May I suggest you surgically attach yourself to General Jaruzelski next?


    If CriticalDivide, wants a job for life I suggest Clive dunn.


    I think its interesting though to find out people's reactions to being on the deathlist . Is Ronnie Biggs the first person to comment and respond to being on the deathlist ?


    Well strictly speaking it isn't actually him responding, still having someone 'on the inside' could prove advantageous...


    I don't know why but i always thought that at least one famous person visits these forums or certainly people close to them.


    Do you think there is any chance Carol Thatcher would post on here?

  4. Well some of you are a bit touchy when things don't go your way! Seems you don't like it when the Deathlist victims have a voice.




    I for one am quite interested in the views of the candidates selected for the Deathlist and I appreciate that CriticalDivide does not have to share his (or Ron's) opinions with us. People are not put on the Deathlist with a will for them to die but with an expectation of them to die. For many of the names on the list their is actually a fondness shown towards them (e.g. Clive Dunn).


    There are probably a large number of convicted criminals who have been forgotten by the public but Ron because of his escape, lifestyle and subsequent return has worked his way into the British psyche. Because of this programmes like Mrs Biggs are always likely to air (I did not watch this because I did not hold out high hopes as this was on ITV).


    When Ron does die I imagine there will be a media frenzy and all the old arguments will be played out in the daily papers at least we can have the debates here in a hopefully calm and unfrenzied manner

  5. Esther (b.1941) & Abi (b.1937) Ofarim. Israeli singers who had a UK No.1 hit in the late sixties with Cinderella Rockafella. Apparently after they divorced Abi did have issues with drug and alcohol addiction.


    Those of you who are old enough to remember this will be cursing me for weeks for even mentioning it but a warning to the under 35s - under no circumstances allow your curiosity to get the better of you and look this up on YouTube. :old:


    You mean


    Yep! That's right, I'm bad to the bone.


    When I was growing up there were only a small number of 7" singles in the house and they received extensive playing. There was this, Ob-li-de, Ob-li-da by the Marmalade, Twelfth of Never by Donny Osmond and Big Yellow Taxi by Joni Mitchell all of which have scarred me for life.

  6. Esther (b.1941) & Abi (b.1937) Ofarim. Israeli singers who had a UK No.1 hit in the late sixties with Cinderella Rockafella. Apparently after they divorced Abi did have issues with drug and alcohol addiction.


    Those of you who are old enough to remember this will be cursing me for weeks for even mentioning it but a warning to the under 35s - under no circumstances allow your curiosity to get the better of you and look this up on YouTube. :old:

  7. Not strictly Hollywood, but Eunice Gayson (b. 1928) was the very first Bond girl in Dr. No (and From Russia With Love), set to publish her autobiography and part of some cash-in for the upcoming release of Skyfall




    One to bear in mind, would definitely generate a fair bit of press coverage


    There is a Sean Connery/Roger Moore thread as well as a Bond villans threas. Hell Lois Maxwell got her own thread. Maybe there should be one merged thread for all things James Bondie.


    I am unlikely to post in it as I have not watched a Bond film since poor old Timothy Dalton played him!

  8. I see no reason that dementia should prevent him from standing trial, the cruelty and mass murder unleashed by this man and his associates should not go un-punished. As the very large majority of the victims of this regime had no idea why they were being tortured, murdered and worked to death, it would seem fitting that he should be punished with no comprehension as to why.

    Best regards



    But then the justice system would be lowering itself to their level

    Yes a valid point. . . Still I think a justice system that allows the guilty to get off without punishment just because they can use corruption and power to delay due process is a pretty low thing in its self. Sorry in my book there is a place for retribution and appropriate punishment in any society.

    If you had ever stood in a small (2.5 acre) grave yard about 6 miles outside Phnom Penn you would know why I think this.

    Best regards



    Maybe so, but the issue here is that the defendant is not judged mentally competent to stand trial, and no civilised court in the world can oppose this. You can't really justify trying a person who is unable to defend himself, without resorting to biblical eye-for-an-eye justice


    I agree with you but there does seem to be a large number of people who are suddenly too ill to stand trial and who then seem to carry on with their lives as soon as the threat goes away.

  9. Update from Brian Christopher:


    Ok, here’s the latest real update. Lauren and I are here at the hospital in Montreal. He does not look good at all. He is responsive to questions that he is asked which is very good. His sedation and breathing support are being lowered slowly right now. He was shocked a total of 7 times at the arena and underwent a balloon stint to open up a clogged artery when he arrived at hospital. Everyone out there needs to say a special prayer for his brain at this point, please. Tests on his brain will not be available until the morning. One of us two will keep all you guys informed as we know more"


    I think Lawler gets to go onto the 2013 longlists now.


    Only if you want to remove him again in a few days/weeks.


    I am no medical man but that does not sound good.

  10. Fourteen month old children who can climb out of their crib faster than you can put them in it.


    Congratulations you have an active and intelligent child who is aware of thier surroundings and shows purpose in life.


    Surely you would rather this than an ignorant pudding of a baby.

    • Like 1

  11. Where I previously worked one of my colleagues was looking at having some promotional ties made and the saleswoman from the tie company came in and showed us a headscarf she had had made using the images of all the front pages of the newspapers from when Thatcher has resigned. It seemed very fitting some how and as we were working for British Coal nobody was going to say "That is a terrible thing to do"

  12. On Saturday Strictley Come Dancing will return to our screens allowing Bruce Forsyth to justify his exclusion from the list for another 12 months but veteran children's TV presenter Johnny Ball is set to be the oldest contestent they have had. (He is still younger than Brucie)


    I wish Johnny well and hope to enjoy his latin routines set to Fat Boy Slim tunes, but out of curiosity will the Deathlisters boost the BBC viewing figures. Bearing in mind the alternative is to go to the other end of the spectrum and pick up some pointers from X factor for some wannabes who may well have drank/overdosed/debauched themselves to death by 25.


    I hope Johnny Ball doesnt "reveal all"


    That would encourage you to "Think Again"


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