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Everything posted by Youwanticewiththat

  1. Youwanticewiththat

    How Old Are Dl Users?

    Happy Birthday! How did you manage that???
  2. Youwanticewiththat

    Words We Dislike

    It probably is - people don't want to crowd yer grief but don't want to come across as hard-hearted bastardos either.....
  3. Youwanticewiththat

    DL Status Updates: Statements, Obsevations & Verbal Tennis

    & even then they want several other forms of ID. The 'admin' fees are despicable.
  4. Youwanticewiththat

    Death In The Family

    Thank you all so much for your kind thoughts - next time we get an 'irate visitor' I'll direct 'em to this thread.
  5. Youwanticewiththat

    Peter Falk Is Suffering From Alzheimer's Disease

    Poor soul just couldn't handle the death of his long-time partner Stephen Hawking. R.I.P.
  6. Youwanticewiththat

    Aretha Franklin

    Doesn't everyone's?
  7. Youwanticewiththat

    Death In The Family

    Our gorgeous 2 year old Juno died unexpectedly this morning - we got her to the vets but nothing they could do - poor girl had pulmonary aspiration and just went down too fast to save her.
  8. Youwanticewiththat

    Death In The Family

    So sorry for your loss YW - that 'last of the generation' gives ya a real extra belter.
  9. Youwanticewiththat

    World's Oldest

    Gawd I love it when Pedant Cat comes out to play xD
  10. Youwanticewiththat

    Burt Reynolds

    I'm really not sure which rug would look better in my hall.......
  11. Youwanticewiththat

    Olivia Newton-John

    She is 69 tho Dangerous age for a poplet round these here parts.
  12. Youwanticewiththat

    Grassing c***s using the report function

    He called me an old perv. That's just descriptive really isn't it? I am sure someone else finds Dara O'Briain a very sexy man
  13. Youwanticewiththat

    New Here And Just Saying Hello

    Loving the avatar - hope you're a dietician (yeah, yeah - you know where the emphasis goes)! Welcome
  14. Youwanticewiththat

    Whom Are You Tarring With The Epithet "twunt"?

    Marvellous Sir Creep
  15. Youwanticewiththat

    Anyone else miss LFN?

    I've dropped him a line already, the skiving lickspittle.
  16. Youwanticewiththat

    Five4Three2One Deadpool - 2018

    March 1. Nobby Stiles 2. Stefan Karl Stefansson 3. Marieke Vervoot 4. Leslie Phillips 5. Tom Baker
  17. Youwanticewiththat

    What Are You Giving Up For Lent?

    Aye -- I'm one of those - turns out I have very severe allergies (i.e. epi-pen jobbies) to common place things like Latex etc etc - I really thought I was' bonkers in the nut'* * I believe that's the current correct medical term
  18. Youwanticewiththat

    The Deathlist Kitchen

    & at the start of Lent - o get thee behind me Cat-the-temptor *drools*
  19. Youwanticewiththat

    Five4Three2One Deadpool - 2018

    On my current form....that's my team for next month
  20. Youwanticewiththat

    The Deathlist Kitchen

    Damn when I sped read what you were doing it came out...'muffin a dozen'. I am very pleased to see your marvellous manipulation of baked goods
  21. Youwanticewiththat

    The Deathlist Kitchen

    It's come out cooked so lovely and even Cat - did you use the local Crematorium?
  22. Youwanticewiththat

    DL Status Updates: Statements, Obsevations & Verbal Tennis

    Whatever took that extra minute this morning......... praise fortuna.
  23. Youwanticewiththat

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2019

    That's a sentence you (thankfully) don't see often.....

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