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Everything posted by Youwanticewiththat

  1. Youwanticewiththat

    DL Status Updates: Statements, Obsevations & Verbal Tennis

    I hope you're a copper LFN
  2. Youwanticewiththat

    David Cassidy

    Something both ends of the age spectrum share
  3. Youwanticewiththat

    The Dead Of 2017

    Paging Mr Geldolf..paging Mr Geldof......
  4. Youwanticewiththat

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    Surely a slice of Mountbattenberg I'll get my coat.
  5. Youwanticewiththat

    David Cassidy

    No No No No No Noooo Noooo not in the same sentence EVER.
  6. Youwanticewiththat


    He sounds as if he was a right character - it blooming hurts when ye have to say goodbye.
  7. Youwanticewiththat


    'Super Sick' doesn't quite cut it round here....
  8. Youwanticewiththat

    Operation Yewtree(Including Alleged) Death Predictor

    You don't suppose he used his cock as the nose for the 'Snowman' instead of a rancid old carrot?
  9. Youwanticewiththat

    Room 101

    Was that after the photo above Lardy?
  10. Youwanticewiththat

    Room 101

    Ah LFN, so considerate, now we all know what to get you - I love a considerate giftee. I'm sure someone else will be delighted with that Bradley Walsh album I'd purchased on your behalf.
  11. Youwanticewiththat

    Thoughts On The 2017 List

  12. Youwanticewiththat


    The END is fecking nigh then.
  13. Youwanticewiththat

    Death List Convention

    Garn; it's me Windows update causing me system's lack of puff ye dedicated Cumbrian Corpse Hound. As for the obit - mebbe Incontience Times.
  14. Youwanticewiththat

    2018 Names for 2018

    Reaching for yer Spartacus files are ya MSC?
  15. Youwanticewiththat

    The DL Academy Awards 2017

    Funny that LFN; the one I currently use (NOT the LFN approved cock wand) - you wave it over a fifty quid note and it turns into a tenner.
  16. Youwanticewiththat

    The DL Academy Awards 2017

    That probably looks enormous to a doe. But can it do magic?
  17. Youwanticewiththat

    Death List Convention

    Yes me too MPFC - driven by asthma rather than steam - off to bed to read a book.
  18. Youwanticewiththat

    Authors Last A Long Time, But....

    And more so than Julian May dammit!
  19. Youwanticewiththat

    Robert Mugabe

    DEAD! but you know he isn't really...... mebbe under the 'careful wot you wish for...
  20. Youwanticewiththat

    The DL Academy Awards 2017

    Dear LFN Please can you fix it for me to have my very own cock wand? I could trade you a (slightly used) gold lame tracksuit.....
  21. Youwanticewiththat

    Been To Any Good Gigs Lately?

    Bloody good for her.
  22. Youwanticewiththat

    Death In The Family

    I am so sorry to read your post CL - shocking and understandingly devastating.
  23. Youwanticewiththat

    Advent Avalanche 2017

    Clarkson - it's what AA would have wanted.
  24. Youwanticewiththat

    Room Lovely, Look You.

    I was pleasantly surprised how kindly time has treated Trotsky's favoured love-child. Funny fecker still, praise jebbus.
  25. Youwanticewiththat


    King Mihai 13/11/17 4.00am local time.

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