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Everything posted by gcreptile

  1. gcreptile

    The Generation Game

    I think you had the benefit of our research getting better and better, so you got a couple of good names after I, or others, submitted our teams. I also got someone like Colin Meads because I submitted my team a bit later than others. But then, once those quick cancer hits are over, you need a better eye for those who just don't live long. I think it's more difficult. And who knows, someone else might still win with picking the right baby boomers.
  2. gcreptile

    Performance Drug Athletes

    Rich Piana even received a BBC obit: http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/41049179/celebrity-us-bodybuilder-rich-piana-dies-aged-46-after-collapsing-two-weeks-ago
  3. gcreptile

    The Generation Game

    Does this indirect obit count for Harry Beitzel? https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2017/aug/25/white-knuckle-ride-awaits-as-afl-regular-season-reaches-spectacular-denouement Edit: Ok, if the obit rules are the same as in the DDP, then it counts. Then I just go ahead and claim hit nr. 30. 50% done!
  4. gcreptile

    Coleman Falls?

    Wait a second: Indirect obit: https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2017/aug/25/white-knuckle-ride-awaits-as-afl-regular-season-reaches-spectacular-denouement
  5. gcreptile

    Coleman Falls?

    Meh, Drew Morphett, australian veteran sportscaster dies at 69 and gets Daily Mail and Guardian coverage: https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2017/aug/26/drew-morphett-veteran-sports-broadcaster-dies-at-69 But I'm still waiting for a Harry Beitzel obit for the Generation game.
  6. gcreptile

    Elizabethan Deadpool

    Is Gord Downie currently free? If so, he's my successor for Rich Piana. The rest stays. Edit: Ah, Zsazsa's leg has him. Hmm... Well, then I pick Anna Irwin.
  7. By the way, funny calculation, well, funny for me, at least. If the consensus is right and Bracknell and Downie still die this year, then those two, plus Connie Johnson and Rayya Elias (who everyone assumes to die this year), put my main team at 128pts, which is exactly one point ahead of The B-Team, so the hierarchy is restored!
  8. Update for Colin Meads, Bruce Forsyth, Susanne Cameron-Blackie (obitability down to 5%), and other people without impact on the Top 20 (Jerry Lewis, Aundrea Bannatyne) 1. Golden Slumbers (188,74) (+1) 2. David Quantick's Showbiz Pals (184,45) (-1) 3. Thomas Jefferson Survives (181,25) (+1) 4. Still Life (180,945) (-1) 5. To Kill a Gabor Sister (173,33) (---) 6. The Love Boat (168,88) (---) 7. drollercoaster (168,215) (---) 8. Poochie died on the way back to his home planet (165,26) (+1) 9. Deceased Hose (164,75) (-1) 10. Buckets of Blood (162,82) (+6) 11. Heading Nowhere (159,55) (---) 12. Dead Ends (158,105) (-2) 13. The B-Team (157,13) (-1) 14. Day in the Death (157,1) (-1) 15. Crossing The Styx (156,77) (---) 16. I'm sorry for your trouble (156,045) (+3) 17. The Living End (155,01) (-4) 18. New Years and Drinks All Night (154,82) (-1) 19. I will not die, it's the world that will end (151,54) (-1) 20. Dead as a Doornail (148,49) (---) Colin Meads gives just a small boost, because I already had him at 7,29pts before dying, and now he's worth the full 9 pts. Bruce Forsyth received a bigger boost, which is why Golden Slumbers is now ahead again. The numbers neatly express my opinion, that Golden Slumbers is the favourite to win now - because he just needs one out of two (King Michael, Patrick Cryne) whereas DQSP NEEDS Rayya Elias (Bracknell and Downie make no difference, and the others won't die in 2017 - in my opinion.). Buckets of Blood had both Meads and Campbell, so he's the big winner. The non-obit of Cameron-Blackie is, of course, bad news for DDT. But maybe a lucky obit still appears, though I find it hard to imagine where that would happen. So far, this was a nice exercise, but I'm not sure if I will do the same again next year. I think I got too much wrong early in the year. I had my main team and msc doing too well, and Golden Slumbers and my B-Team doing too bad. Though in my defence, King Michael, Leah Bracknell and Gord Downie not being dead by now, has warped almost everyone's expectations (plus Catherine Nevin). I also overrated Greg Gilbert and Simon Ricketts. The numbers are only as good as my deadpooling skill. And I still had to learn quite a bit this year.
  9. gcreptile

    Authors Last A Long Time, But....

    Famous Quebec author Réjean Durcharme dead at 76: http://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/famed-quebec-author-rejean-ducharme-dead-at-76 Was also a playwright and sculptor, and very reclusive.
  10. gcreptile

    Javier Perez De Cuellar

    I already knew you were a fan, so I just leave this here:
  11. gcreptile

    Elizabethan Deadpool

    Alright, Aundrea's Army wasn't big enough for the QO. So I replace her with Rich Piana. I also fill my 5th slot (Kevin Murray) with Johnny Ruffo.
  12. gcreptile

    Javier Perez De Cuellar

    61. His daughter-in-law was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer in 2015 and the chemo stopped working about three months ago.
  13. gcreptile

    Javier Perez De Cuellar

    59. His mother is still alive at 111 and, oh, so fat.
  14. gcreptile

    The Dead Of 2017

    So that's where Rob Liefeld gets his inspiration from.
  15. gcreptile

    Spanish Civil War Veteran(s)

    After the death of Yisrael Kristal, oldest man alive is now Francisco Nunez Oliveira, a Spanish Civil War veteran, aged 112: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Spanish_supercentenarians#Francisco_N.C3.BA.C3.B1ez_Olivera He had his kidney removed at 90.
  16. gcreptile

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2018

    Brauner's wife Maria also died last week, aged 90: https://www.morgenpost.de/kultur/article211605147/Maria-Brauner-im-Alter-von-90-Jahren-gestorben.html The article calls her "grande dame of West Berlin".
  17. gcreptile

    Sinéad O'Connor aka Shuhada' Davitt

    Oops, sorry
  18. gcreptile


    Anyone currently better than Shaun's 8/10? Drol had Karl-Otto Götz.
  19. gcreptile

    Sinéad O'Connor aka Shuhada' Davitt

    Sinéad O'Connor thanks Russell Brand for his comfort and asks him for a pity fuck: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4808524/Sinead-O-Connor-sends-explicit-message-Russell-Brand.html
  20. gcreptile

    Art For Death's Sake

    Karl Otto Götz, first notable german painter post WW II, dead at 103: http://www.faz.net/aktuell/feuilleton/kunst/karl-otto-goetz-maler-im-alter-von-103-jahren-gestorben-15161317.html (german) As teacher of Gerhard Richter, there should be many english obits coming soon. Edit: DDP pick for two teams, also.
  21. gcreptile

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    Marseille: Car drives into bus shelter, one dead so far: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/aug/21/marseille-car-old-port-france-police
  22. gcreptile

    Only Famous For Being Ill And Dying

    Well, 50% of that pick is dead by now, QO would have been given by The Sun: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/4182935/heartache-cancer-edward-stewart-family-dies/
  23. gcreptile

    Summer Olympic Deaths/Dead Medallists

    Is s/he a sports guy/girl and comes from an island next to an island? (And is this pick not as good anymore as it was last week?)
  24. gcreptile


    Yes, but more because he isn't mentally capable to make these decisions. At least that's how I interpreted it.
  25. gcreptile

    John McCain

    Close-up from a week ago: https://pilotonline.com/news/nation-world/national/sen-mccain-faces-cancer-battle-with-typical-feistiness/article_e50d2753-1621-5fd9-b5f5-fe9c8d4a501d.html Looks like the radiation has burned his skin, or something. He really looks very, very tired.

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