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Everything posted by gcreptile

  1. gcreptile

    The Deathlist Cup

    Ahem, an "innocent" question. The second tie-breaker -age- is it young or old age?
  2. gcreptile

    Kim Jong-Un

    Two women with poisoned needles... reminds me of Bambi and Thumber in the Bond movie Never Say Never Again....
  3. gcreptile

    Dead Pop Stars

    It's on wikipedia, too (so it must be true!)
  4. gcreptile

    New Moderator(S)?

    My money is on Sir Creep. He was the only one crazy enough to apply.
  5. gcreptile

    Death By Jazz

    So... was it a heart attack?
  6. gcreptile

    Kirk Douglas

    Big Guardian interview: https://www.theguardian.com/film/2017/feb/12/kirk-douglas-i-never-thought-id-live-to-100-thats-shocked-me
  7. gcreptile

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    Shameless continues to populate the list of the Lost, now Natalie Daniells (plus Alan Aspin): http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/news/health/brave-natalie-dies-aged-20-after-courageous-battle-with-cancer-1-7765516
  8. Once again, all the "contenders" are connected through a canon of about 20 people all picked by at least half of them. GS is pretty much in the middle of this web, so yes, it's the "outstanding" picks that need to come through for the others. I wonder where the two-point differential is coming from, as I have you both at max. 214pts. Maybe Jagraj Singh? It was hard to me to find his age, I think it was 28 or 29. Though I guess he's older? He's in his 30s. Started secondary in 1990 according to Linkedin. Ah ok, I saw some video of him walking on the street teaching people about Sikhism and he was around 28 then. But honestly, I'm not only going to reduce his base score (from 12 to 10), but also his obitability, because the year of birth needs to be known? Who knows if that Guardian brother will mention it... Edit: Though maybe that's a mistake, because the year of birth could be given by a non-qualifying obit.
  9. Once again, all the "contenders" are connected through a canon of about 20 people all picked by at least half of them. GS is pretty much in the middle of this web, so yes, it's the "outstanding" picks that need to come through for the others. I wonder where the two-point differential is coming from, as I have you both at max. 214pts. Maybe Jagraj Singh? It was hard to me to find his age, I think it was 28 or 29. Though I guess he's older?
  10. Update, with Sumner dead, Aspin's obitability reduced to 5%, and a new team: Deceased Hose. He/She is tied for second in the current "real" scoreboard, so I checked, and yes, the team belongs here (11th place). Also, I've only just realised that Garn2's team is "Poochie died...": 1. Golden Slumbers (159,96) 2. The Love Boat (156,12) 3. David Quantick's Showbiz Pals (154,72) 4. Thomas Jefferson Survives (153,11) 5. Day in the Death (151,73) 6. Still Life (151,65) 7. To Kill a Gabor Sister (151,38) 8. Poochie died on the way back to his home planet (149,05) 9. Dead Ends (148,6775) 10. Pan Breed (147,45) 11. Deceased Hose (147,18) 12. Droller Coaster (146,42) 13. I will not die, it's the world that will end (145,07) 14. The Living End (143,97) 15. New Years and Drinks All Night (143,95) Golden Slumbers is pulling ahead with the death of Sumner. His team is also fairly riskless, so if he gets beaten, it will happen because of what he already said: Mario Soares might turn out to be a bad pick, because he's only worth 5pts. Golden Slumbers' total possible score out of 20 possible hits is "only" 204, as compared to, say, 214 of DQSP. So DQSP has one mulligan. If Golden Slumbers gets 18 hits (say, Golmard and Cryne not dying), DQSP may need only 16 or 17 hits to beat him. Golden Slumbers will be beaten if, and probably only if, this year becomes another record year with several people at 15+ hits, and new score records.
  11. Daily Mail too unreliable for Wikipedia: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/feb/08/wikipedia-bans-daily-mail-as-unreliable-source-for-website
  12. gcreptile

    Death By Jazz

    Al Jarreau retires: http://www.chicagotribune.com/suburbs/lake-county-news-sun/news/ct-lns-al-jarreau-cancelled-st-0208-20170208-story.html Exhaustion, shortness of breath - heart attack incoming?
  13. gcreptile

    Deathrace 2017

    Morrie Boogaart, the hat-knitting man in hospice care who was picked for this competition by me, now out of hospice, alive, and possibly still knitting hats: http://www.naplesnews.com/story/news/humankind/2017/02/06/92-year-old-man-leaves-hospice-after-story-goes-viral/97451216/
  14. gcreptile

    Donald J Trump

    Woman names her tumour "Donald", gets Mirror coverage: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/woman-names-tumour-after-trump-9757041
  15. gcreptile


    So 2016 was not an exception at the top, but more by the breadth of it. But this breadth will increase this year again. Edit: Ah, Shameless isn't in there. I should have made a screenshot of the moment I had 2 teams in the top 5.
  16. gcreptile

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    Sumner is the sixth hit for Bert Trautmann. He's the only one who could keep up with the breakneck speed of last year. Also ahead in my statistical scoreboard, but I want to keep at least a week of distance between updates.
  17. gcreptile

    Elizabethan Deadpool

    Vladimir Kara-Murza
  18. gcreptile

    The Dead Of 2017

    Yep, BBC: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-38900572
  19. gcreptile

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    Then give me the N, if you like.
  20. gcreptile

    The Dead Of 2017

    29 teams await a QO. I'm a little surprised by how many picked him. Would be the biggest List of the Lost entry ever...But then I DO have him in my B-Team and in the Generation game...
  21. gcreptile

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    How does it work? Via PM? I could do a couple of letters, next weekend will be very quiet.
  22. gcreptile

    The Dead Of 2017

    Chaim Ferster, survivor of eight Nazi Death Camps, dead at 94: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-manchester-38893479
  23. gcreptile

    The Dead Of 2017

    Susan Jones, nicknamed "Rosie the Riveter", notable for her factory work and involvement in a documentary by Ewan McGregor, dead at 93: http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/rosie-riveter-susan-jones-failsworth-12566032
  24. Chris Ewell, Sittingbourne's "Can Man", dead in his early sixties: http://www.kentonline.co.uk/sittingbourne/news/tributes-to-charity-can-man-120200/ He collected discarded cans, and used the metal refund for philantrophy. Well Done!
  25. Well Joey, this scoreboard is designed to reduce unexpected leaderboard changes. It is very, very unlikely that you drop out of the Top Five because lots of other people suddenly surpass your score. The only somewhat likely way you drop out, is when your cancer celebrities don't obit. But your margin to sixth place is enough to overcome Aspin's not-obiting. In short, you're only out if Ben Suisala doesn't obit.

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