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Everything posted by gcreptile

  1. gcreptile

    A Famous Belgian

    I just ignore this thread.
  2. gcreptile

    Crashing Companies

    Malaysian Airlines "technically bankrupt": http://www.bbc.com/news/business-32955818
  3. gcreptile

    Minimalists (and other classical composers/musicians)

    Violinist Peter Cropper dead at 69 after a heart attack: http://www.classicalmusicmagazine.org/2015/06/peter-cropper-has-died-at-69/ He came from the very music Cropper family and was apparently some kind of classical music expert for the BBC, so a more esteemed obit may come.
  4. gcreptile


    Dead Age 46 from Brain Cancer Wow, shocking. I should have picked him when I had the chance. It couldn't be good that they didn't say anything for a while. Edit: By the way, I believe they'd known it for quite a while. Yet, he apparently prepared a run for governor. That goes to show how ruthless one must be to make it in that world.
  5. gcreptile

    Time Added

    Tony McNamara, player for Liverpool and Everton, is dead at 85: http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/former-liverpool-everton-player-tony-9359505 He was the first player to play in all four divisions within 12 months, hmm...
  6. gcreptile

    The Dead Of 2015

    The Telegraph's obituaries are usually pretty respectful in their tone and follow a general policy of not referring to the subject's sexuality, if that person hadn't talked about it publicly while alive. At the same time they make it pretty obvious by acknowledging the "companion", "personal mainstay", "close friend", etc of the deceased individual. One notable instance of a complete lack of respect came from Nigel Short, the chess player, who wrote an obituary for Britain's first grandmaster, Tony Miles in 2001 and thought it appropriate to mention that: Classy guy. I have an on-again-off-again relationship with chess. I remember Mr. Miles was a bit eccentric. He once defeated Karpov with an irregular opening, generally considered an insult ("He's not taking the game seriously"). And Short is one of those autistic half-man/half-robot minds that top-level chess seems to attract or breed. So the obit is extremely honest, yet completely unaware of any social norms. It's indeed glorious since Short basically says that it was Miles' own fault he died, which, however might actually have been the case. The Wikipedia picture of Tony Miles shows what he looked like at the end. Generally though, the Telegraph obits are full of class, and I like their old-fashioned style.
  7. gcreptile

    Carl Reiner

    Yes, it's funny, but also somewhat insightful. Like a life in fast-forward.
  8. gcreptile

    The Dead Of 2015

    I like how the Telegraph writes lovingly detailed obituaries for fringe people and, generally, for people who do not fit into any category on this forum. Here for example, Laura Lushington, whose claim to fame is introducing the Turkish "swimming cat" to Britain. So here's a national obit for a crazy cat lady, sorry, "cat enthusiast". I like how they speak of Mrs. Sonia Halliday as "her lifelong friend". http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries/11638637/Laura-Lushington-cat-enthusiast-obituary.html Or here, Barbara Mackintosh, the chatelaine of Inverailort Castle. Her claim to fame is her great hospitality: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries/11635946/Barbara-Mackintosh-chatelaine-obituary.html Again, there is a Mrs. Lucretia Cameron-Head, "her friend and companion", "for more than half a century". Ms. Mackintosh already died in April.
  9. gcreptile

    Carl Reiner

    Carl Reiner, now 93, thinks Tina Fey is sexy, video included: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/05/29/carl-reiner-tina-fey_n_7473722.html
  10. gcreptile

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2016

    There's a report here of his death. I'd rather await something more substantial to confirm. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2015/05/29/hollywood-filmmaker-who-made-a-positive-impact-in-our-culture-for-christ-dies-his-legacy-will-continue-to-influence-the-world/ Looks like his death is confirmed. Pure Flix Home Page: http://pureflix.com/ Christian Examiner: http://www.christianexaminer.com/article/gods.not.dead.producer.loses.battle.with.als.dies.at.50/49014.htm Yes, some more sources: http://variety.com/2015/film/news/russell-wolfe-dead-dies-gods-not-dead-1201508419/ http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/russell-wolfe-gods-not-dead-798956 Darn it. I wanted to include him for 2016. Didn't expect him to go so fast. Interesting development, now that he's dead, the screenwriters of 'God's Not Dead' are getting sued by other producers who claim to have written a similar movie: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/dinesh-dsouzas-film-partner-sues-798948 These other producers are collaborators of Dinesh D'Souza, a conservative celebrity/activist/TV voice/director who is currently in jail for illegal campaign financing (I think he's in jail, but he was definitely convicted for it). The D'souza team created cheap, crappy "documentaries" catered to political conservatives and I think this suit is now meant to settle who is going to be the sole major producer of Conservative movies. God's not Dead showed that there is good money to be made from it.
  11. gcreptile


    His condition worsens, mutliple organ failure: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/6356d782-0618-11e5-89c1-00144feabdc0.html#axzz3bcLz6KWe
  12. gcreptile

    Joni Mitchell

    Joni Mitchell apparently suffered a brain aneurysm and remains in "very serious" condition: http://pitchfork.com/news/59756-joni-mitchell-reportedly-suffered-brain-aneurysm/
  13. gcreptile

    Political Frailty

    Frederick Amato-Gauci, "Model civil servant" of Malta, dies at 98: http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20150529/local/frederick-amato-gauci-the-man-who-set-up-maltas-diplomatic-service.570209 After Maltese independence, he reformed the public administration, built their diplomatic service, their national insurance system, served as Ambassdor to Germany, and, according to the comments there, also founded two successful private companies.
  14. gcreptile

    Time Added

    Bruno Pesaola, an Argentinian who moved to Italy and then won several national championships and the cup as coach, is dead at 89: http://forzaitalianfootball.com/2015/05/legendary-former-napoli-and-fiorentina-coach-passes-away/
  15. gcreptile

    Herman Wouk

    Heh, I didn't know Stephen King wrote a short story called "Herman Wouk is Still Alive": http://www.theguardian.com/books/2015/may/27/herman-wouk-memoir-100-sailor-and-fiddler http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2011/05/herman-wouk-is-still-alive/308451/
  16. gcreptile

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2016

    There's a report here of his death. I'd rather await something more substantial to confirm. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2015/05/29/hollywood-filmmaker-who-made-a-positive-impact-in-our-culture-for-christ-dies-his-legacy-will-continue-to-influence-the-world/ Looks like his death is confirmed. Pure Flix Home Page: http://pureflix.com/ Christian Examiner: http://www.christianexaminer.com/article/gods.not.dead.producer.loses.battle.with.als.dies.at.50/49014.htm Yes, some more sources: http://variety.com/2015/film/news/russell-wolfe-dead-dies-gods-not-dead-1201508419/ http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/russell-wolfe-gods-not-dead-798956
  17. gcreptile

    Sepp Blatter

    Wellllllllllllll...... Jolie not only has a family history of cancer, including cancer scares of her own but also a personal history of a self-harmer, and a fixation on blood, apart from being one of the most recognizable people on the planet. I once read a detailed magazine article on Blatter. He basically lives for his position. He didn't have that younger girlfriend back then though. But his health would really suffer from losing FIFA. He said that this is going to be his last term and I guess as long as he can go out on his own terms, he'll be doing ok. But he will already be 83 then. However, I though it would make perfect sense to create this thread the day that Havelange dies.
  18. gcreptile

    Suicidal Celebs

    I think it's worth keeping an eye on former Speaker of the US House, Dennis Hastert, 73. He's just been indicted for trying to cover up payments "to conceal past misconducts": http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/may/28/former-house-speaker-dennis-hastert-indicted He was a teacher and wrestling coach and well, the rumour is that "past misconducts" means pedophile activities. He made these payments to somebody who claimed that the previous payments were not sufficient, i.e. Mr. Hastert was being blackmailed and it must have been something bad enough to hide even after his political career was already over. He lied to the FBI trying to explain what exactly the money was for. For his lies and his attempt to circumvent banking laws by dividing the big payment into several smaller ones, he faces up to 5 years in prison. Edit: About Aaron Schock, I don't know whether he has actually returned into the public eye yet. But it's looking worse for him, too.
  19. gcreptile

    Dead Drummers

    Mac Poole, who once turned down the offer to join Led Zeppelin, is dead after a long battle against throat cancer: http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/news/general_music_news/mac_poole_the_drummer_who_turned_down_led_zeppelin_passes_away.html
  20. gcreptile

    The Chequered Flag

    Oxford Speedway Racer Arne Pander is dead at 83: http://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/12979613.Oxford_Speedway_racer_Arne_Pander_has_died_aged_83/ As a Dane, he was also danish champion.
  21. gcreptile

    The Dead Of 2015

    Now it turns out he actually drowned after a seizure: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/05/28/josh-ozersky-drowned_n_7457932.html
  22. gcreptile

    Terrorists & Topical Terrorist Targets

    Leader of Somali terrorist group/militia Al-Shabaab Hassan al-Turki is dead at 73 after a long illness: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-05-28/al-shabaab-leader-linked-to-al-qaeda-dies-in-southern-somalia There were several links to al-Qaida including personal meetings with Osama Bin Laden.
  23. gcreptile

    Derby Dead Pool 2015

    Norman Tebbit's Bicycle Club gets two unique hits with one obit: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3099496/World-s-oldest-identical-twins-lived-two-world-wars-pass-away-weeks-apart-age-103.html Florence Davies and Glenys Thomas, the world's oldest identical twins
  24. gcreptile

    World's Oldest

    The two oldest identical twins are now both dead: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3099496/World-s-oldest-identical-twins-lived-two-world-wars-pass-away-weeks-apart-age-103.html This obit counts for both of them, so there's a lucky guy in the DDP with 2 unique hits.
  25. gcreptile

    Magicians And Hypnotists

    Technically, it's the right thread though it doesn't quite capture the spirit: Eron the Wizard - formerly Ian Wilson - a "real-life wizard" in the pagan tradition, has died at 63 to cancer: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/wiccan-funeral-eron-wizard-laid-5778317 It was the first pagan burial ceremony in Britain for centuries. Oh, there's even a BBC link: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-cornwall-32905942

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