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Everything posted by gcreptile

  1. gcreptile

    Your DDP Salvage Lot 2023

    Faye Fantarrow has completed her first cycle of experimental treatment in the USA: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-tyne-64423991 However, she was not well enough for a fundraising gig.
  2. gcreptile

    Time Added

    Emre Can, german national player, has revealed he had a tumour and his thyroid removed four years ago: https://m.bild.de/sport/fussball/borussia-dortmund/bvb-dortmund-star-emre-can-spricht-ueber-tumor-op-82699408.bildMobile.html
  3. gcreptile

    Life In Prison

    John Keith Calvin, an alleged and convicted but possibly still innocent murderer has died of colon cancer at 56: https://www.kcur.org/news/2023-01-27/a-kansas-city-kansas-family-police-corruption-conviction-roger-golubski-kckpd-john-keith-calvin DDP pick. Edit: https://uk.news.yahoo.com/kansas-prisoner-sued-over-cancer-172518166.html
  4. gcreptile

    Law And Order

    They haven't yet killed future Netflix subject and DDP pick Luis Garavito yet, but the investigator who helped uncover his child killings in Medellin has now been killed: https://www.semana.com/amp/nacion/medellin/articulo/asesinan-al-hombre-que-ayudo-a-descubrir-los-crimenes-de-garavito-en-medellin/202302/ Mario Leon Artunduaga.
  5. gcreptile


    Gary Peters, pitcher for the Red Sox back in the 60s and 70s, has died at 85: https://sportsnaut.com/gary-peters-1963-al-rookie-of-the-year-dies-at-85/
  6. gcreptile

    Katie Price

    Katie Price "sparks concern" after her 16th boob job. https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/katie-price-sparks-concern-painful-29053761 On the other hand, she's now "ready for spring". I particularly liked this part: "The former glamour model's bra size has changed multiple times over the years – with the star also having breast reductions in addition to enlargements" She only does it for the press, does she..
  7. gcreptile

    Death By Numbers 2022

    Hello Everyone, here we are again. Time for a new round, are you up for it? Do you think we can ever surpass the original score record of 1838 by DevonDeathTrip in the first Death By Numbers of 2016? (The one of 2015 was a little different) Well, I guess it's time you try! The general rules: Send me 50 main team names by pm or just post them in this thread, if you want, from now on until Dec 31st 2021, 23:59 GMT. You can choose one joker who gives you double points - and you can also submit up to five substitutes in case one of your 50 names dies before the end of the submission window. You may also choose new subs before the game starts if they die. Submission form: Just give them in the normal "First name", "Last name" format Please don't number them, don't give any added data, like birthdays. And only note their claim to fame if there might be confusion, for example: Frank Williams (racing team owner) Frank Williams (UK actor) The scoring is [year of birth] - 1900 = score. So someone born in 2001 will get 101 points in case of death You may submit the following people: living, not expecting or knowing their precise date of death (by execution, dignitas, or whatever), at least 18 years old on the beginning of January 1st, 2021, and being somewhat notable. "Somewhat notable" means: they should at least be notable for something else aside from being terminally ill. "Something else" being something that has an effect on society. Terminally ill activists are okay if they've done at least something generally beneficial, a campaign, a book, or a winning court case. If they're only in the news because of their tragedy or because they need our sympathy I will not accept them. So no "cancer mums with cancer kids", no "terminally ill fans", no "ordinary person in a coma because of a car crash". This also counts for brothers/sisters/children of notable people - unless they are so notable that every relative is also notable by default, like the House of Windsor, or maybe the Bush family. Unfortunately, it is me who will decide if the person is famous enough. Previous BBC coverage will usually convince me. Clarrification: Anybody that gets rejected in the DDP would also be rejected here! However: "Oldest Person of XYZ" will always be allowed - even a completely irrelevant person (in the grand scheme of things) will be accepted if they are the oldest person of their country, or last survivor of World War II, Korean War, etc... Usually those people do not give many points, but maybe 5 pts is better than zero? And they are of a certain "historic relevance", you know President Tyler's grandson, and such. Anyway, I will allow them. Substitution phase: On the 1st of July 2022 GMT you may switch 5 old people still alive for 5 new ones for whom all the above rules also apply. When is a hit a hit: If the person permanently dies in 2022 (GMT!) and their death gets noticed in written form by qualifying media outlets within 2022 or the first seven days of 2023. The QO rules are: Everything accepted by the Derby Dead Pool 2022 plus The New York Times. Your host: I will also submit a team and will do so two posts below around December 15th and hide the names with "XXXXX XXXXX" and reveal them on January 1st. Main reason for not already submitting right now is that I want to avoid the situation of 2019, when I ran out of subs and then filled the gaps with "new" names, especially Edmund Capon, who revealed his illness mid-December. So I hope I will not run out of subs if I submit a little later. As in last year, I will also make use of the substitution window, but only use 2 names. After all, there's always a pretty broad consensus of a couple of names (example 2019: Ivan Milat, Michael Sleggs, Tom Long), so I wouldn't steal anyone's names by picking those who are universally known anyway. Also, I will substitute on the 30th of June, so you can see my two names. I will not read your submission emails until January 1st (I think you can check that) to prevent the impression that I might take a name from your posts for other deadpools. This also means that I might discuss borderline acceptable picks with you on January 1st or 2nd. We will have to talk then. If you're unavailable, I will replace a disqualified name with one of your substitutions. Remember, the disqualification in some cases might come only after the DDP committee has decided, so maybe not before the 2nd week of January. If you post your team right in this thread, you save me some work but also give away names. If you pm me, please make sure that I know what the mail is about in the header "Death By Numbers", "Team submission" or something like that. If you have other questions, you can also ask in this thread!
  8. gcreptile

    Derby Dead Pool 2023

    Thank you all for your discoveries! The game now hopefully includes all of them (so far). The scoreboard will be updated completely tomorrow (but it has begun!). For the people who want to assist with the photos, it's coming soon!
  9. gcreptile


    New Zealand activist Titewhai Harawira, associated with the Ngati Hine Hapu of Ngapuhi and Ngati Wai has died tomorrow at age 90: https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/483043/titewhai-harawira-dies-aged-90
  10. gcreptile

    Dead Architects

    Pritzker Prize winner and yet a miss for us.
  11. gcreptile

    Political Frailty

    Former president of Guatemala, Alvaro Colom dies 2,5 years after a cancer diagnosis: https://www.prensalibre.com/guatemala/politica/fallece-alvaro-colom-expresidente-de-guatemala-confirman-fuentes-allegadas-a-la-familia-breaking/
  12. gcreptile

    Derby Dead Pool 2023

    I think I found you, but your excel file requires a permission for access. I hope you just got some message.
  13. gcreptile

    Derby Dead Pool 2023

    I have marked Thelma McKenzie as dead now actually. Wikipedia links that article of the just deceased other old cricketer. So it's a case of a death that got known just in time. A substitution will be used. Katsumi Tezuka stays though...whoever picks him knows what they are getting into... I corrected the birthdays - finally. Hopefully, it carries over into future years, lol.
  14. gcreptile

    The D-A-CH-DeathList 2024 (page 18)

    Our no. 11 Freddy Quinn has been hospitalised and in quite critical health for a few weeks: Herz-Kollaps und Krankenhaus: Große Sorge um Schlagerstar Freddy Quinn (msn.com)
  15. gcreptile

    Derby Dead Pool 2023

    I think I should wait with the scores until all the teams are in. Not today, but maybe tomorrow or wednesday. Maybe we have to change the submission file. Admittedly, this year was an extraordinary challenge, but we probably need more subs, a 2nd joker preference, and already the forms to enter teams two and three, so we know where to look.
  16. gcreptile

    Minimalists (and other classical composers/musicians)

    I'd probably laugh if I knew him...
  17. gcreptile

    Minimalists (and other classical composers/musicians)

    Martha Argerich, among the greatest, if not the greatest living pianist, cancels all further concerts because of heart problems: https://theviolinchannel.com/pianist-martha-argerich-cancels-performances/ She also canceled a couple of concerts late last year, but appeared to support Daniel Barenboim in between.
  18. gcreptile

    Bobby Charlton

    One brother just died of dementia and cancer and another brother also has dementia: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/sir-bobby-charltons-family-lose-29021748
  19. gcreptile

    Derby Dead Pool 2023

    513 so far, it's an increase of 15 actually.
  20. gcreptile

    Derby Dead Pool 2023

    That's actually correct though. It was a nickname of hers, Soeur Andre, i.e. Sister Andrea, or something like that, Thanks Willz, one Duane Eddie gets replaced.
  21. gcreptile

    Derby Dead Pool 2023

    Wrong names will be corrected, provided we have enough info. I am currently changing all the Prince Edwards and most of the Simon Cowells. Don't worry, everything will be done.
  22. gcreptile

    Derby Dead Pool 2023

    Ah, yes! They had a theme (and name) change actually. They are now "Clerically Dead". Thanks, that's easy. It's probably what's wrong with the other one also.
  23. gcreptile

    Derby Dead Pool 2023

    Well.. I hope the team issues are resolved now. That said, Yes, this is still weird, but it seems to be the way it is. Please complain (to me) if you still can't find your team. Hopefully, the two Pazuzu teams are the only ones missing now.
  24. gcreptile

    Derby Dead Pool 2023

    Most teams are actually in. But there are about 10-20 where there's a name glitch. Sorry, I have to redo it. Scores will disappear again, but most of your teams are actually in even if you don't see them. Give me a bit.
  25. gcreptile

    Derby Dead Pool 2023

    The errors will be sorted out in due time. There are always a few. Just notify us and it will get done. Also, yes, we need volunteers for the photos of the new names. It requires downloading the photos, cutting them down to size, and giving them the correct file name. Please message me if you'd like to help out. I'll create a group here and we can assign the letters of the alphabet among us.

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