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Everything posted by Predictor

  1. Predictor

    Hollywood Possibilities

    Thank you Zorders, you're much too kind.
  2. Predictor

    Hollywood Possibilities

    Looks like my Rooney-Berle theory was true, since both died at 93. Too bad I didn't have him on my DDP team.
  3. Predictor

    Mickey Rooney

    RIP Rooney. You've had a long and remarkable life. Cinema won't be the same without you, even if you were a bit arrogant/annoying sometimes.
  4. Predictor

    Hollywood Possibilities

    Ambitious Hollywood stars - Some people are confident they'll reach 100, and we shouldn't understimate their will to live. Just a warning for those who want to pick these for DDP 2015. 1. Looks like Marsha Hunt is "still vertical" 4 years later! 2. Said about Irwin Corey in May 2005: "I used to work in a video store in Manhattan. Irwin came in one night and I was delighted to strike up a conversation with him about the good old days of live tv. We had many great talks about celebrities (He knew them all, past and present) and show biz in general. He even took a picture of me behind the counter which is one of my favorite photos of myself. He once told me that one of his greatest goals is to live to be 100, and by God I think he's going to make it! I hope so, cause he still has a lot of laughs to give the world.He is the "Original Nutty Professor"." Do we have more examples of this?
  5. Predictor

    Ask A Deathlister

    Do we have a Robert Blake thread somewhere? I think he has suicide potential and other personal issues (watch his interviews). He's not in the Little Rascals thread so where to read about him?...
  6. Predictor

    Be my guest

    I thought the whole point of DeathList was to be rude to each other. There's a reason why it's called deathlist.net and not mylittlepony.net, haha.I checked the howto page, all I see is Lord F. Nelson bickering with Deathgray. Oh well... If you want to be South Korean, we can always call you Dr. Psyorders (ok that was uncreative). I wasnt "bickering" I was merely pointing out that his thread was shit, most of, if not all, his threads are shit and that I find him an irritating pain in the arse. All of the above points cannot be argued to the contrary by anybody but Deathray. He's just making sure we have enough material for his upcoming masterpiece called Name a Million Locked Threads.
  7. Predictor

    Be my guest

    I thought the whole point of DeathList was to be rude to each other. There's a reason why it's called deathlist.net and not mylittlepony.net, haha. I checked the howto page, all I see is Lord F. Nelson bickering with Deathray. Oh well... If you want to be South Korean, we can always call you Dr. Psyorders (ok that was uncreative).
  8. Predictor

    Be my guest

    In what thread did you and charon argue? Just curious.
  9. Predictor

    Name A Million Dead People

    Go ahead, if anyone actually wants to have a crack at this go here http://amilliondead.proboards.com/. That way were not wasting DL data. How's your forum coming along? I just noticed that it has 2 members there. Someone named "morbid" has been active there......Hmm
  10. Predictor

    Name A Million Dead People

    This is one tragic thread...
  11. Predictor

    Name A Million Dead People

    1782. Schlitzie 1783. Julia Pastrana 1784. Norman Chaney
  12. Predictor

    Name A Million Dead People

    1711. Alice Babs :/
  13. Predictor

    Kirk Douglas

    IF YOU KNOW IT'S AN OBVIOUS HOAX, THEN WHY ARE YOU POSTING IT HERE?!? Just leave Kirk alone and let him reach 100 and then 110!!!!
  14. Predictor

    Seven Brides For Seven Corpses

    Marc Platt dead at 100 http://www.sfgate.co...ies-5363857.php Yeah right...after the incident at Kirk Douglas' thread, I don't trust guests any longer. I bet Marc is alive and well.
  15. Predictor

    Kirk Douglas

    Oh no, and I watched Ace in the Hole yesterday. RIP Kirk Douglas.
  16. Predictor

    The Hare's Death Pool

    I've personally never started/created a thread on this site, because all the good ideas have already been taken (not surprising for a 9-10 year old Internet forum). And something tells me I'd get criticized for my threads too, hahah.
  17. Predictor

    Name A Million Dead People

    Go ahead, if anyone actually wants to have a crack at this go here http://amilliondead.proboards.com/. That way were not wasting DL data. I don't understand...Is the purpose of this game just to name every celebrity that has ever existed throughout the history of mankind? Where's the challenge? Where's the fun? On a few forums I've visited they have these "Count to a Million Threads", I thought this was boring so came up with this variant for our forum. The challenge is getting to a million, the fun is trying to think of a unique dead person when we're in the hundreds of thousands. 63 - James Callaghan In other words, this is an easy way to increase your postcount and gain more status around here. 69. Jackie Cooper
  18. Predictor

    Name A Million Dead People

    Go ahead, if anyone actually wants to have a crack at this go here http://amilliondead.proboards.com/. That way were not wasting DL data. I don't understand...Is the purpose of this game just to name every celebrity that has ever existed throughout the history of mankind? Where's the challenge? Where's the fun?
  19. Predictor

    Derby Dead Pool 2014

    If your picks refuse to die, then you can always make them dead on Wikipedia. Oh wait..
  20. Predictor

    The Deathlist Howto

    No you're right it hasn't. I have no idea when it was introduced, though, being fairly new myself. It came in to use with the forum system upgrade at the end of October 2011. There was quite a big change in layout etc from the previous versions and included the option for posts to be shared on social media, that option was disabled quickly. Thread about the upgrade here : http://www.deathlist...hl=upgrade&st=0 Thanks for the reply, Grendel.
  21. Predictor

    The Deathlist Howto

    I have a question about this place. Has the like button existed since the beginning? I've noticed that many of the ancient users have very little likes. I doubt they were an unfunny bunch of people so what's the explaination?
  22. Predictor

    Derby Dead Pool 2014

    Excluding Alice (yes, I will continue to whine about this throughout the year), I currently have 2 hits and 11 points. So I need 6 more hits and 32 more points to do as good as my first season.
  23. Predictor

    Chuck Norris

    Being 70+ doesn't automatically mean that they're close to death. Otherwise, you'd have 150/150 on December 31.
  24. Predictor

    Dying Bigots

    I personally admire and respect Mr Phelps for bringing us more awareness towards the problem of baby-eaters. It's an issue that really needs to be dealt with in the future. Fred's a man ahead of his time.
  25. Predictor

    How Old Are DL Users?

    DI? Don't you mean DL? Anyways, I'm 20 and at that age, you rarely think about death and stuff like that. That's why I only come here occasionally, and not every day.

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