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Predictor last won the day on December 27 2020

Predictor had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

1,045 Excellent


About Predictor

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  • Birthday 02/01/1994

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  1. Predictor

    World's Oldest

    Agreed, what should be mentioned is lesser-known facts, such as the hit song Mike Posner made about her almost ten years ago.
  2. Predictor

    2. Eva Marie Saint

    YES!!!! So happy right now. Eva Marie Saint is finally getting a deserved spot on the list. And second place at that.
  3. Predictor

    Death By Numbers 2024

    I appreciate your offer to help, but I have decided to not enter. My heart is not in it anymore. This will be the first year since 2011 that I don't play in a single deathpool.
  4. Predictor

    Death By Numbers 2024

    Thanks. Yeah, having good names probably helps haha. Actually, I've always liked to play faux upset at my lousy deathpooling, but it doesn't really affect me much. 2022 was supposed to be my "farewell tour", so I put in more effort then (and it shows). Other than that, I don't spend much time researching, just a few days in December. I am leaning towards no to 2025, but who knows, I might surprise ya right before deadline?
  5. Predictor

    Thoughts On The 2024 List

    My theory is that years ago, a mysterious man in a dark alley told the committee never to pick Glynis Johns. When they asked why, they were not given an answer. Yet they obliged year after year, despite incessant calls for the aged British national treasure to be selected. Until one day, they finally caved in to peer-pressure and made her #15 on the DeathList 2024. Within merely 4 days, she was dead. A short-lived high, certainly, but at what cost? Has it unleashed a new dark era of DeathList filled with disappointment and sorrow? Can the curse ever be lifted? Only time will tell...
  6. Predictor

    Death By Numbers 2024

    I have gotten worse each year. 2022: 1417 points 2023: 672 points 2024: 615 points Should I participate next year? It's a lot of hassle, and I have no clue which celebrities are sick these days.
  7. Predictor

    The 100 Club

    I know Japan was one of the Axis during WW2 and all, but man that logo is...errm...interesting.
  8. Predictor

    2. Eva Marie Saint

    Not that I know of, sadly. However, I do know that there will be fireworks all across the United States today in her honour.
  9. Predictor

    2. Eva Marie Saint

    SHE DID IT! Happy 100th birthday to this wonderful Saintly woman. All hail the next generation of Olivia de Havilland. https://www.theguardian.com/film/article/2024/jun/27/happy-100th-birthday-eva-marie-saint-her-best-films-ranked
  10. Predictor

    2. Eva Marie Saint

    There is an old Eminem and Dr. Dre song called Guilty Conscience, released in 1999, where he is referenced. Funny thing is he had already been dead for 3 years, but it was harder to look that up before the internet. "Look at the store clerk, she's older than George Burns".
  11. Predictor

    2. Eva Marie Saint

    I think that's fair, I was thinking about her career as a whole but Titanic really tipped the scale in her favour. Rainer was a bit of a one hit wonder (or two hit if you will, haha), wasn't she? Presle was definitely a huge star in France, I'll give you that, the rest were not in the same category nationally or internationally I think. I'd take Danielle Darrieux any day of the week ahead of Casadesus, for example. Caren Marsh Doll's biggest claim to fame is a movie in which she didn't even appear! That says a lot.
  12. Predictor

    2. Eva Marie Saint

    If Eva Marie Saint makes it to her 100th birthday in 3 months, where would you rank her among the biggest movie star centenarians ever? Kirk Douglas, Bob Hope, Olivia de Havilland, George Burns and Glynis Johns are arguably top 5 at the moment. She should be up there on their level. Then we have the tier below, with the likes of Luise Rainer, Gloria Stuart, Marsha Hunt, Norman Lloyd, Janis Paige, Baby Peggy, and so on. Another question, has there ever been a movie with a would-be centenarian leading couple? Because Eva starred with Bob Hope in the 1956 comedy That Certain Feeling.
  13. Predictor

    People Who Are Dead According To Wikipedia...

    Yep, we can add old Mossin to the list of dead Swedish centenarians.
  14. Predictor

    World's Oldest

    So........I'm dead???
  15. Predictor

    Death By Numbers 2023

    Two consecutive top 20 positions? I'm happy with that.

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