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Everything posted by Book

  1. Book


    Oh, it's even Björns 75th birthday today!
  2. Book


    Maybe I should think about it again, haha! Translation: 1 - And what about you in Cologne? - On my balcony, roasting my nuts in the sun, listening to ABBA! Pleasant for the nerves! 2 - Yeah, sun! Now that it's just April! And once more no rain! The Summer is frightening me more than the virus .. - By the way, what about the two new ABBA songs they had promised? - What? 3 - No one's talking about that anymore! A new album by ABBA right now, this would keep humanity sweet! - Probably there'd be peace in Palestine! 4 - Right, as long as we've got fresh water for our diswasher, the only thing missing are two new songs by Abba! Sagat, stop it! - Somebody should talk to Björn! -Absolutely
  3. Book

    Political Frailty

    An exception!
  4. Book

    Political Frailty

    German politician and former minister of labor and social affairs Norbert Blüm has died: https://www.zeit.de/politik/deutschland/2020-04/frueherer-arbeitsminister-norbert-bluem-gestorben He was 84 and since 2019, he was paralyzed due to blood poisoning on the arms and legs and was in a wheelchair.
  5. Book

    The 2020 Deathlist Cup

    One hit after all! Believe it or not but once I considered Bob Glanzer, Hassan Hussein, John Pine, Christophe and Abba Kyari taken up in my April-Cup-team. But then I found much better picks, which seemed to be in more critical conditions, and I chose them instead. I don't have to say more. Congratulations, Jiroemon!
  6. Book

    The 9th Death of 2020

    Prince Philip, on his wife's birthday.
  7. Book

    how long till' the next hit ?

  8. Book

    20 /20

    Ok, the last hit that counted was Javier Perez de Cuellar on March 5th. After that hit every player who wants to play within the next round (which runs up to the next hit) has the oppurtunity to send in his team. This team can be the same as last round or maybe a new one or maybe some picks are changed or snatched from other players. A hit means, that this person was within a team of current players. Current players are Bibliogryphon, YoungWillz, Death Impends and me. Others come and go, everyone is welcome! So join us, but please send in a correct team: A pick can't be used twice in one round (e.g. I have Pierre Cardin and you also picked him, but I sent my team first, so you can't pick him) and has to be the right year of birth (e.g. Vera Lynn was not born in 1920). Also, this game is called 20/20 which contains the years 1920 to 1929. Not 1930. Everything's clear now?
  9. Book

    20 /20

    No, sorry. Please read the rules.
  10. Book

    The DL Prediction Game 2020

    Happy Stirling Moss-Easter-points for the Committee as well as for Bibliogryphon, Book, Cant Wait, CaptainChorizo, Clorox Bleachman, Etushispushingupdaisies, gcreptile, Great Uncle Bulgaria, Joey Russ, msc, nantonian2013, Prophet, RadGuy, Sean, The Mad Hatter, theoldlady, ThereWillBeDeaths7, TomTomTelekom and YoungWillz! German double peak for TomTomTelekom and me, haha!!
  11. Book

    20 /20

    @Yvonne If your team had been correct, you would have received a point now for Stirling Moss. You may want to revise your team again.
  12. Book

    Notable Coronavirus Victims

    Get well soon, GUN!
  13. Book

    20 /20

    Yes, no problem. Duplicate picks are not allowed in this little game, e.g. Jackie Stallone and Prince Philip are both in my team this round. And I guess that Vera Lynn is born in 1917, not 1920.
  14. Book

    20 /20

    Yes, but he left us all alone and didn't show up for ages. So we took over! And yeah, I only will take part up to the end of the year. But maybe other players will stay - so welcome @Yvonne
  15. Book

    how long till' the next hit ?

  16. Book

    The DL Prediction Game 2020

    Honor Blackman is a hit for the Committee as well as for Book, BuffaloPhil, CaptainChorizo, Clorox Bleachman,, msc, Etushispushingupdaisies, Deathray, gcreptile, Great Uncle Bulgaria, nantonian2013, Prophet, RadGuy, The Old Crem, ThereWillBeDeaths7, TomTomTelekom and Vaagheid. If I'm right, it will be tight at the top... 8 hits for The Mad Hatter, TomTomTelekom, Vaagheid and myself.
  17. Book

    The 8th Death of 2020

    I can't believe that 7 people from this years DL went before Prince Philip...
  18. Book


    Hopefully not. Personally I don't need new ABBA-songs. And I don't want them to disassemble themselves and their iconic status to be scratched.
  19. Book


    Unbelievable but true, the lovely ABBA-icon Agnetha is getting 70 today! Congratulations!
  20. Book

    Marianne Faithfull

    Oh no, not my Marianne! But of course, with all her health problems, she is a risk patient! I keep my fingers crossed that she gets through.
  21. Unfortunately that's often the case with the international press and the obituaries for the Germans...especially for the so called qualifying obituaries which are accepted for many death pools.
  22. Book

    Dead Pop Stars

    Oh, Bill Withers, that's quite a big name... R.I.P.
  23. Book

    The 2020 Deathlist Cup

    Damn! Second hit in two days. I'm goin' down!!! But nevertheless:
  24. Book

    The 2020 Deathlist Cup

    Thank you, @DevonDeathTrip I guess it was more luck than talent, so... And that is what I need again in this round against @JiroemonKimura Strong team! Good luck!

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