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Scraggy Taters

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Posts posted by Scraggy Taters




    Some discussion about lack of Bernard Ingham's remorse and health today.

    Looked ill.I don`t understand why he couldn`t just have said to reporters "I made a catastrophic mistake and am very sorry for my previous comments and all the offence it caused." I mean he is no longer working or in the public eye so the concession wouldn`t harm him at all now in fact may redeem him.



    Well, I can answer that bit. He didn't say that, because he is a twat! With a long history of being a twat.


    His eyebrows look like whats his face out of the muppets!


    What, Bert, the Mancunian drug-dealer-lookalike ?



    • Like 2


    Anyone reckon another UK PM'll ever die in office again?

    Hopefully the next one will be before 2020.


    (awaits Doc Zorders comment about mass-Islamic bumming-to-death of Cameron wearing a 'Peppa-pig' gimp mask)

    I was making internet comments about Cameron sexually submitting to Islamic figures in like fucking 2012 while you were most likely still making Baby's First Political Comments™ about how the likes of "Mitt Romney" would start World War 3 if he won, just merely by not being Magicalman Magibama, etc. (and you had the cheek to call yerself right wing in the chat the other day)


    I don't need a prompt from you or some carpetbagging fake geordie / GenericGuyWhoPretendsToDespiseMeButDreamsAboutMeInTheShower(Notthatthatsecondpartreallydifferentiateshimfrommostpeople)


    Erm, your keyboards SPACE bar seemed to have something fluidy & sticky spilt over it. That'll be why it's not working.

    Anyway Dad, Mum wants to know when you'll be wearing those Batman underpants again ?

    • Like 2




    Has any American president ever died whilst still in office ?

    Well, 6 or so got assassinated, and 2 or so died from health issues.


    The latest being JFK in 1963 (well, duh, did you have a brainfart, Scraggy? :P)


    :D History never was my strongpoint Radders.


    Re JFK : Erm... forgot about him. Yup ,Major Scraggy-Brainfart moment there. *salutes* :banghead:



    How can you forget about JFK? It was all over the news.


    Was it ?? I was merely a random collection of atoms, molecules & spermyesque particles brewing in my fathers pre-pubescent scrotum back then. At the time I assume he was more looking forward to the first episode of Doctor Who...

    • Like 1

  4. Further information is proving hard to come by, but it appears that Emile Ford, who with the Checkmates had a number one with 'What do you want to make those eyes at me for' died on 11th April. That's the date Wiki has recorded for him - though I haven't seen a single UK obit for the man behind 1959's Christmas number one.



    Billy Paul, best known for his 1972 hit, "Me & Mrs. Jones", dead at 81. :skull:

    We got a funeral.....goin on....


    Me-and-er misses his 82nd birthday.






    Actually, I have seen fried egg on pizza. The Grosvener Cafe (long since gone and mourned) used to serve it, and it was lovely. Obviously, the egg doesn't bloody go in the oven, its not part of the pizza itself!


    Mind you, meat in the US tends to look like this from what I know:


    And all of them fit my definition of not cooked properly. So glasshouses and stones about the old food poisoning, eh.


    No, I will admit that I like it done so that a good vet might be able to get it back on its feet


    A 'knock the horns off and put it on the plate' type of gal eh? :lol:



    A cream pie perhaps?



    < consults Urban Dictionary and then wishes hadn't >



    Did the context not give away the nature?


    On a totally unrelated note, the whole premise of deathlisting is "pointlessly tasteless" according to the stazi mods at DigitalSpy. http://forums.digitalspy.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2147965


    Eugh, Digital Spit... it's the homosexual, manic depressive, left-wing version of Deathlist, minus any humour whatsoever.


    the 37-year-old had been left temporarily paralysed on one side and was unable to use his left arm and leg.



    Best birthday present I could have wished for, I managed to walk and my mum arrived to see this. "




    But she soon got bored of him hobbling around in somewhat small anti-clockwise circles...






    Anyone top Queen Victoria ?


    No, I'm pretty sure she died of natural causes.


    :D THAT is THE post of the day !! :D



    Shit and I thought my cream pie one had it!

    I got the cream pie one, so that'll be my 2nd fave.. oh hang on it's nearly midnight here... you can have that one for Monday. :hatsoff:

  8. Just listened to the latest More or Less on Radio 4 (a staple programme in my house) and the first topic is;


    A number of people have asked the team if more famous people have died this year compared to other years. It's a hard one to measure - but we have had a go at some back of the envelope calculations with data from Who's Who and BBC obituaries. Is the intuitive feeling that more people have died this year misplaced?


    A good listen and pleasingly the obit writer for the Beeb agreed with my witterings down the Nags over the past few weeks that 2016 is the start of a long-term trend - the first slate of modern pop culture celebs who were 18-35 in the 60's-70's are just more likely to start dying around now en masse.




    I bet it's great fun in your house. Are you a student in reluctant shared-accomodation perchance ?


    Anyone reckon another UK PM'll ever die in office again?

    Hopefully the next one will be before 2020.


    (awaits Doc Zorders comment about mass-Islamic bumming-to-death of Cameron wearing a 'Peppa-pig' gimp mask)

    • Like 3


    Has any American president ever died whilst still in office ?

    Well, 6 or so got assassinated, and 2 or so died from health issues.


    The latest being JFK in 1963 (well, duh, did you have a brainfart, Scraggy? :P)


    :D History never was my strongpoint Radders.


    Re JFK : Erm... forgot about him. Yup ,Major Scraggy-Brainfart moment there. *salutes* :banghead:

    • Like 1



    Still Waiting For Alan Young, William Schallert, Bob Barker, Norman Lloyd, Mike Connors and Shelley Berman to be added to the list






    Have they all been members of The Drifters at some point since 1955 ?

    • Like 1


    It's on!


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    after 2018 - msc


    Nobody's mentioned May 2016, so I'll predict May 15th 2016.


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