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Magere Hein

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Posts posted by Magere Hein

  1. Hmm, Ronald Mulkearns, former bishop of Ballarat and possibly a protector of the pedophilia system within the Australian church, may not be as sure a hit as I and maybe DDT believed:




    His lawyer says he has colon cancer and maybe only months left to live. It sounded worse in Janaury when he supposedly was in palliative care.

    And the mastermind of it all, Cardinal Pell, definitely isn't as ill as he claims to be...


    Demjanjuk gambit, anyone?

  2. Is there still a small part of your nation that believes that the Belgians are all just treacherous bastards who should be forcibly brought back into the fold and swear fealty to your King or were you glad to see the back of the dull equine devouring pen pushers?


    I´m not aware of adherents of such irredentism, but such sentiments lived well into the 20th century. Belgian territorial claims after 1918 caused some anti-Belgian sentiment in the Netherlands, but that died PDQ.


    There are people on both sides of the border who subscribe to the idea of a Greater Netherlands. Ever since WWII this idea has become strongly associated with the far-right, in Belgium as well as in the Netherlands. The Dutch government position on the matter was expressed well by former Dutch PM Balkenende: "the fate of Belgium is not for us to decide".

    • Like 1




    On a point of pedantry it's Magere not Margeire.

    At least the twat didn't call him Maigret


    I wouldn't mind that. sherlockzk0%5B1%5D.gif (damn, wrong hat)


    So that's why you stole that smilie :D


    Of course. I read several Maigret novels in Dutch translation, my dad had a bookshelf full of 'm.


    BTW, Maigret's author, Georges Simenon, had an interesting sex life, if we´re to believe him.

    • Like 1


    Today in 1831 Dutch naval lieutenant Jan van Speijk, aged 29, blew up his gunboat rather than surrender it to Belgian rebels, when it was blown into Antwerp by a gale.


    Dan liever de lucht in!

    Who were the Belgians rebelling against?

    This is an area of history I know nothing of.


    The Dutch. In 1815 what are now The Netherlands and Belgium were united in one Kingdom of the Netherlands. The Belgians rebelled against the Kingdom in 1830 in what´s known to English speakers as the Belgian Revolution. On 7 February 1831, the Belgian Constitution was proclaimed and the separation from the Dutch was a fact. The war continued on and off until in 1839 the separation was settled in the Treaty of London.

  5. None of the books I did at school were on the list. I did The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, A Kind of Loving, Lark Rise to Candleford and Billy Liar and the wretched Kes in English Lang.

    Books I read for my exam in English language and literature:

    • Kiss Kiss - Roald Dahl
    • Robinson Crusoe - Daniel Defoe
    • The Old Man and the Sea - Ernest Hemingway
    • The Third Man - Graham Greene
    • Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
    • Moby Dick - Herman Melville
    • Animal Farm - George Orwell
    • The Fountainhead - Ayn Rand
    • The Merchant of Venice - William Shakespeare
    • Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck
    • The Lord of the Rings trilogy - JRR Tolkien
    • Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain
    • Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance - Robert M. Pirsig
    and two books I can't remember, presumably thin ones.

    • Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll (Yes)
    • 1984 - George Orwell (Yes)
    • The Lord of the Rings trilogy - JRR Tolkien (Yes)
    • War and Peace - Leo Tolstoy (No)
    • Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy (No)
    • The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle (Some of them, not all)
    • To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee (No)
    • David Copperfield - Charles Dickens (Started reading a Dutch translation, but abandoned the read after some 100 pages)
    • Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoyevsky (No)
    • Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen (No)
    • Bleak House - Charles Dickens (No)
    • Harry Potter series - JK Rowling (I read most of them. They get worse as they get thicker. I gave up after the Half-Blood Prince)
    • Great Expectations - Charles Dickens (No)
    • The Diary of Anne Frank - Anne Frank (Yes, in Dutch)
    • Oliver Twist - Charles Dickens (No)
    • Fifty Shades trilogy - EL James (No)
    • And Then There were None - Agatha Christie (Yes)
    • The Great Gatsby - F Scott Fitzgerald (No)
    • Catch 22 - Joseph Heller (Yes)
    • The Catcher in the Rye - JD Salinger (No, but all Salinger's other books)
    Oh well. No French? Or German?

  6. I never thought I'd feel like a luddite for using a keyboard and mouse, but sometimes, just sometimes....

    I am since a few weeks the embarrassed owner of a smartphone (I think a jellyfish is smarter, but let's not go there). Embarrassed, 'cause even a basic function like answering a call gives me trouble. I missed several ones because the bloody thing wouldn't pick it up. Me previous dumbphone was smart enough to have a clearly labeled push button for that.


    Anyway, what most annoys me is the lack of keyboard and mouse.

    • Like 2

  7. Here's a silly lawsuit 2009




    PANAMA CITY, Fla. (AP) — A former waitress has settled her lawsuit against Hooters, the restaurant that gave her a toy Yoda doll instead of the Toyota she thought she had won.

    Jodee Berry, 27, won a beer sales contest last May at the Panama City Beach Hooters. She believed she had won a new Toyota and happily was escorted to the restaurant's parking lot in a blindfold.

    But when the blindfold was removed, she found she had won a new toy Yoda — the little green character from the Star Wars movies.

    David Noll, her attorney, said Wednesday that he could not disclose the settlement's details, although he said Berry can now go to a local car dealership and "pick out whatever type of Toyota she wants."

    After the stunt, Berry quit the restaurant and filed a lawsuit against Gulf Coast Wings, the restaurant's corporate owner, alleging breach of contract and fraudulent misrepresentation.

    The restaurant's manager, Jared Blair, has said the whole contest was an April Fools' joke.

    Obviously she's using her religion to sway the court's decision to win a settlement. Oh wait, there's no mention of religion in the article.


    Obviously a closet Halibut.

    • Like 2

  8. Many years ago I was a big supporter of the EU. My reasons for that (integration, rather than war to solve political problems) are still valid, but what the Union has become has diminished my enthusiasm quite a bit. I think leaving the Union won't solve Britain's ills, nor those of the Union. I also think that leaving the Union won't make much of a difference for the UK and the EU: after all, the UK has for many years been the Special Child in the class.


    What the Union should do, with or without the UK, is reinvent itself along much more democratic lines and with a strict delineation of what are Union and what are national matters. A European Parliament that has actual power and isn't afraid to use it would also be nice. We should think about how countries become members. A referendum for that would be nice. After all, should the UK defect, we might not want them back in.

    • Like 2

  9. A former reporter for The Daily News in New York, Michael J. Feeney, (32) was about to start his dream job as an entertainment reporter with CNN when he became sick last week. On Sunday, Mr. Feeney died in a New Jersey hospital of complications from a staph infection in his kidneys.



    Ehrm, ironic? For Alanis Morissette values of ironic, then.

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  10. My knowledge of English law is contrary, I mean non-existent, so I'm confused. I presume that, even for sex crimes, criminal proceedings in England need a live accused, so no luck there. Under Dutch law, seeking damages from heirs of a dead defendant is difficult anyway, but after such a period any judge would summarily throw such a case out.


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