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Octopus of Odstock

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Posts posted by Octopus of Odstock

  1. I thought about including her in my DDP top 20 for 2007, but decided not to do so as I don't think she is famous enough in the UK to warrant an obituary. Besides, I'm growing sceptical of "illnesses", a la Davidson, Spencer, Tomlinson, Biggs et al.


    MPFC, you keep adding an extra D, when you are describing all DP's. It's most confusing. I, for one, am losing track.


    DDP = Derby Dead Pool

    WDP = Weatherman's Dead Pool

    HDP= Hartlepool Dead Pool


  2. Literally, a stop press announcement this, Doug Serrurier, former GP racing driver & ex-constructor (LDS) died last night, aged 85. He had been ill for some time, and was on my DDP list, as a result. It will be interesting to see how much press coverage this death gets, as J S-G's got little. Nonetheless, to lose two GP drivers in a week is always sad, even if there hadn't been a death since July.



  3. If Didier Six died on Tuesday, that truly would be ironic.


    Likewise, Harvey Stephens, Damian in The Omen.



    iain's musings created a cogwheel of activity in my brain. Has this day (you know all the numbers) done any good before?


    5/5/05 No

    4/4/04 No

    3/3/03 Horst Buchholz

    2/2/02 No

    1/1/01 Ray Walston

    9/9/99 No

    8/8/88 No, but a member of the Royal Family was born

    7/7/77 No

    6/6/66 No, but James Meredith was shot on this date



    So, historically speaking, it'll either be an actor or nothing.

  4. So this is the first time that I've majorily "enjoyed beverages" and I went to this thread to see what I could post.

    But then I was like, why would I want to fight with fellow DLers? Why not spread the love?


    Handrejka: Where have you been lately?


    You missed me out. Twat. Ain't no love spreading from me. ;):)


    Handrejka's on holiday at the moment.

  5. Great shame about Johnny Servoz-Gavin.

    12 GP's these days means nothing. To survive 12 back then meant a lot. Just looking at his debut race, of those who are no longer with us (2/3rds of the field), only J S-G & Hulme died of natural causes. The rest all killed.

    Shame injury meant an early retirement, as he had some fair talent but I don't think Johnny cared. From what I understand, he thoroughly enjoyed life.





  6. Vic Barney, who served Reading with great distinction and was one of the last survivors of our record win over Crystal Palace in 1946 died last week on the same day as Dr. Kevin Patrick O'Flanagan, surely one of the more remarkable footballing internationals. Ex-Arsenal & Brentford, also played international rugby, and was of international athletics sprinting ability, chief medical officer for Ireland's sporting teams for aeons & a IOC member. Also not bad at all at golf.

    It was because of all that ability he was on my DDP possibles for 2007. Anyway, obit.

  7. Living god or not, the old king wasn't exactly famed for telling it like it is. It's not even June yet, I wouldn't rule out cashing in that joker in 2006.


    I agree. Sihanouk was just as liberal with the truth as Pol Pot was when it came to violence, torture & general whinging. Whether this extends to this "announcement", I don't know. :)

  8. Tempus my good man:


    I'll bow to your Michelmore knowledge, but there's loads of misguided souls out there in cyberspace disagree.


    Definitely Michelmore. A HUGE amount of people on the internet are stupid & cannot spell as proved here

  9. WTF?

    How come DWB's post, which I replied to, is AFTER my first post?





    The answer to your most recent post, DWB, is the one I gave you in your original post which is no longer there, but is the same as your first post.



    Oh, this is too much for me. I'm having a lie down.


  10. More topical jokes:



    What does the Premiership & a cordless drill have in common?



    Neither of them have Leeds.





    What do General Pinochet & Sunderland have in common?


    They both round people up into football stadiums & torture them.




    What's the difference between a Swansea City fan & a coconut?


    One's thick & hairy, the other's a tropical fruit.



  11. Guest/DWB:


    I think it has to be a proper newspaper article. The Monsters & Critics is a more a news website, and that obit was the only one there for a week, so I presume it hasn't been accepted.


    But like Hein said, we're not the ones who make the decision. The wise ones at DDP HQ are. To be honest, I'm doing so badly this year, I don't really give a sh*t whether he has an obit or not in the end.***


    *** View will change if 15 of my team drop dead & I miss out on winning because of bloody Rukeyser ;)

  12. Did OoO rant against me somehwere? I was not aware of it.


    He's referring to the football thread.

    I thought you actually supported Milwall FC, which inspired the rant. Now I know it is coincidence, (ie you commented on football with that name, when you aren't a footy fan) most of the rant doesn't apply & I tweaked it as such in some cases.

    I thought you were on a rather dodgy agenda, but you're weren't at all - in fact, you're on the same agenda as me ;) . Just me putting foot into mouth before brain.


    Sorry if there's any offence.

  13. Thanks for the update OoO. Though I might not always agree with Charlton Heston's ideas, it's sad to see a fine actor, or almost any human being, go out like this.


    I wouldn't wish the disease on my worst enemy. Watching my grandmother transform from powerful, but happy matriach to living ghost means, although I may pick Alzheimers sufferers on DDP, I'm trying to keep out of discussions regards Heston and other notable Alzheimers victims.

    Of course, though, the thing that eventually kills Alzheimers sufferers is another complication, especially pneumonia (Gran & Charles Bronson). Although obviously an ill man, Heston was both very strong in body & mind. So was my gran, and she lasted 12 years with the disease.

    My surmise then, is keep him on the list, without a doubt, but don't expect a hit just yet.

  14. Charlton Heston health update:-


    (Because the site this article is on has an obscene amount of pop-ups, I'm reproducing it here)


    According to a story in the Globe, screen legend Charton Heston, 81, is in the final stages of Alzheimer's Disease, a terribly debilitating condition that robs one of their memory and ability to function normally, and is no longer able to carry out normal activities.

    This fine man, once the epitome of robust health and fitness, who often played demanding physical roles such as a gladiator, ape, and circus performer, is stuggling now to just to make it gracefully through these trying times.

    Heston announced he had Alzheimer's disease in 2002, before it became noticeable, and ever since then has stayed within the perimeter of his Beverly Hills estate. A close friend of the Heston family told the Globe: "He's way beyond the point of slight memory loss and forgetfulness. He can hardly comprehend a thing anymore."

    In a heartbreaking description of the strong man's condition, the friend adds:


    "Chuck can barely communicate... and he can no longer carry out daily activities, like eating and walking, without assistance. His life, pretty much, consists of sleeping and eating... The most tragic thing is when he breaks down and cries for no reason at all. You wonder what he's thinking about, but there's no way of knowing. That's unbearable to witness."

  15. I almost feel apologetic for posting health news about Niemayer in this thread. Part of me wonders if anyone gives a sh*t about his chances.

    Anyway, Oscar is still working & designing at 98, and this article mentions that and no health problems:


    Oscar gets busy

  16. The Financial Times had a link to an AP article mentioning Rukeysers death, that probably doesn't count though.


    I don't think so, because The Times had a link to an AP article mentioning Miura. I think it has to be an article per se. I could be wrong though...


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