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Octopus of Odstock

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Posts posted by Octopus of Odstock

  1. A former Israeli political leader died today. If you heard it on the radio, you might be forgiven it was someone else, especially as the surname is very, very similar. In fact, he seems to have the names of most of the living Israeli ex-premiers (Shamir, Netayahu, and ol'Ariel)


    Unfortunately, for all those DDP'ers, it was Yitzhak Ben-Aharon , who died, aged 99. link

    Famous in his own right, without a doubt, but I must admit I saw the words "Yitzhak" "Israeli" and "party", and thought I had, at last, a 2nd DDP hit. The torrid wait goes on.

  2. CP, you are disappointing me with your sexy pics. I know you can do better than this.


    For Iain & Notapotato on the 16th, you said you could only find two (albeit wonderful) sexy girls.


    But where was Laura Pausini?



    That 90's goddess of tennis, Gabriele Sabatini?



    or even Rosie Perez?



    With Janet Jackson, Olga Korbut & Debra Winger also conspicious by their absence?



    As for the 18th, you claim to know of no decently sexy person.


    I would like you to tell this ladies below that they are not decently sexy to their face, should you be fortunate enough to meet these ladies in the flesh.




    Don't get me wrong, CP, you have done fine, fine work bringing sexiness to the DL, but I fear you might be letting your high standards slip.


  3. Bruce Bennett aka Herman Brix, is 100 today!


    Olympic medallist in 1928, former Tarzan, and profilic actor.


    No known health scares, but less public appearances than in previous years, apparently.




    Probably famous enough for a mention in the UK press, too.


    Anyhow, a new centenarian for the committee to ponder over......

  4. I know I wasn't the only person who watched the A-Team reunion last night on television - all the survivors looked in superb health, bar one fellow, Lance LeGault, who looked extremely frail when brought into the reunion room.

    Career listed here but I do have some doubts over his ability to get a UK obit, despite having starred in some major US TV programmes.

  5. It's good to note that despite the fact that their national team hasn't won a match since the days of Puskas and Hidegkuti (or at least that's how it sometimes seems), football is still important in Hungary


    Firstly, Well done sir, for remembering the great Hidegkuti. A legend, too easily forgotten


    "She neglected her household duties, refused to cook and liked a drink from time to time" After violently ending his missus, he rang the hospital, simply saying, "it looks like my wife has died," before taking off with his son for the big local soccer match.


    Can't see anything wrong here, the man clearly has his priorities correct. :)

  6. Given as how he is 80 years of age this is clearly a matter of concern. Perhaps as others have in the past Ecevit will pull through and surprise us all. Wouldn't that be divine?


    Umm.. no, not really.

  7. Again, I thank you for these most informative updates Iain.


    Go to Wikipedia Recent Deaths & you, too, can have the updates at your fingertips, minutes, hours, or even days, before Iain "brings" us the news.


    Would Hoffa actually count as a near miss, seeing that he's been dead 30 years? If he had been on a DDP or DL list by some freak chance, I wonder what the criteria would be, for him and Richie Edwards if their body was found etc etc

  8. Wouldn't it be lovely if he dropped sudddenly during the final hours of December? Has anyone on any past lists done so, or would that become a first?


    Artie Shaw, in 2004, did so, dramatically, in literally, the final hours of the year.

  9. Bulent Ecevit

    Ex-Turkish PM, who had been ill before. Recovered, and until yesterday, was doing well.


    Not Any Longer


    I'm not sure he'll make it to 2007 & it may be between him & Suharto for which world leader will die first, but surely worth a consideration, especially as this story has been covered by the BBC.

    • Like 1

  10. a delectable, obviously demure young blonde dressed in a pink bunny suit that clearly showed she 'ad an 'arris to die for, entering the house. Very nice.

    I then voiced the opinion to Mrs BHB that perhaps we should give BB a go this year.



    For you, BHB, so you don't have to watch the TV, and so you can keep Mrs BHB happy.


    Nikki - picture no 6.


    or here.


    However, this from The Sun may make you think again MODEL Nikki Graham will light up BB by getting naked all over the house. ;)


    I prefer Imogen meself.

    I have a strong feeling that Tempus is Shabbaz. :eshock:


    Apparently, they've been kept away for 2 and a half weeks, and what's better than "getting away from it all" than the BB House? :)

  11. Look. I hate to be the only one at a party not enjoying myself..... but Kunitz has NO UK obit yet. Not even one measly mention. So he's not a hit, yet then, surely? Or is Deathlist moving the goalposts as it sees fit?

    Will he get one? I mean, honestly. Who the F**k is he? To me, Kunitz is as obscure as Rukeyser - and Rukeyser ain't going to get any DDP points. Kunitz hasn't had any coverage over here, some 24 hours after his death and why should he - he's an obscure US poet. Not even Monsters & Critics has reported it yet!!


    Of course, if he doesn't end up getting a UK obit, and it means it's not a hit, then Iain will have to resign from deathlist after all.


    Once there's a UK obit, great, fa la la la!

    Just seems all of you are slapping yourselves on the back & awarding points, when the goal might be offside, as it were.

    The same might go for Astor & Gallo in time to come...

  12. I see Deathlist is celebrating his demise, but I still don't see a UK obit.


    I'm sure there will be (although I confess to have never heard of him before he was selected for DL), but aren't we supposed to wait for that, or have the rules changed? Or is Ireland counted as the UK??


    It's not so much being pedantic about this, it's a query for future DL reference & suggestions...

  13. I have been checking the web today to see if Windsor Davies was dead or not.I watched Never The Twain earlier today & that got me thinking(i'm also going to check on Donald Sinden


    I'll save you the time & effort.


    Sinden is alive, and disgustingly healthy.

  14. The wit & wisdom of Iain:


    On Quitting

    im seriously t hinking of leaving this forum

    i dont think i'll bother taking part in th is forum anymore.Goodbye

    if im wrong about thi sI will resign from the deathlist in embarrasment and humiliation

    7 weeks with no deathlist hits.Ive had enough of waiting.If nobody on the list dies by midnight tonight Im resigning from Deathlist

    well im taking a break anyway


    On Wikipedia

    I usually check to see if its reported elsewhere but 99% of the time Wikipedia is quite reliable.

    wikipedia is never wrong


    wikipedia is reporting the death of comedian Ricky Gervais in an accident


    On Charlton Heston, Patrick Moore & Gerald Ford

    I have been told that the death of Charlton Heston is imminent.I cannot divulge my source though


    I am going to maske this bold prediction...Charlton Heston will be the next deathlist hit .Hestons time is almost up.I'll be back to gloat when it happens later!


    Maybe ive been exaggerating Patrick Moores condition


    Gerald Ford will die in the next 7 weeks (March 28th)


    On his powers

    just wait and see if Im right or wrong..I have a feeling about these things

    I have a strong feeling that today marks the beginning of a period of rapid deathlist 'hits' (since this posting: 0)

    i just have a feeling that he may not be with us much longer..i wish i didnt..im partly psychic u see..


    and my favourite...

    1.18am wsome of you have been really insensitive on this thread.Frankly it disgusts me (Dana Reeve)

    1.20am ok folks so lets get together and pray for Kissinger to snuff it!



    I don't think Iain will go anywhere - he's had more farewells than Sinatra...


    But the two most important reasons are:


    PS my birthday is on may 16


    PS im not dead



    Happy Birthday for tomorrow - maybe you will have a DL hit to celebrate?

    • Like 1

  15. Things just get worse and worse for Whitney.


    Houston has brain tumour.

    This news obviously promotes Ms. Houston to the top of the would-be list for next year me thinks.



    The story comes from the National Enquirer. Do I trust them or not?

    Houston says she hasn't got a brain tumour, but I gave up listening to her aeons ago.


    Houston says no


    Also on that page, I see some interesting reader contributions & Britney Spears to play a naked superhero.... :P

  16. former USSR deputy foreign minnister Georgi Korniyenko has gone .he headed the soviet embassy in Washington DC during the Cuban missile crisis and thius played a key role in saving humanity.Is he famous enough?



    I didn't think so, which is why I posted him in "not famous, but worth a mention", about 4 days ago.


  17. Tommy Rowe, I think BB was referring to.

    Incidentally, Eric Tindill is the oldest living test cricketer but does anyone know the oldest living international footballer - I've so far failed to find out. Similarly, England's oldest living professional footballer is proving elusive.......




    Oooh............ do I tell you or not? They're both on my DDP short-list, and might well be unique picks..



    The oldest living professional footballer?

    I don't think anyone knows for sure. Just look at how many of them there are!

    This site covers all football league players. Every single footballer!!

    It'll be a long slog, but if you've a day or two to waste...


    Reading's oldest is Michael Boyle , who will be 98 in October - I guess he'd have to be up there as one of the oldest. He was definitely alive last year, and his family are in close contact with the club, so one presumes he is still alive. He also played for York, Darlington, Exeter & Bolton. We have a couple of confirmed nonagenarians too.

    Of those who played post-war, there are around 20-25 players (maximum) in their 90's. The problem is, how many are alive pre-war? Remember, this is just the English league....

    That Hugman book advertised on the site is an excellent book. Some superb DDP possiblities.



    So, that brings me back to the DDP.

    Oh, to hell with it. You'll forgotten by December!!

    England's oldest living player is Septimus (Sep) Smith , who was 94 in March. Won 1 cap pre-war, and is a Leicester City legend. I think Phil Taylor , who's on my DDP 20 this year, is the 2nd oldest.

    Worldwide - well, no-one knows for absolute certainty - but it is probably Francisco Varallo, of Argentina.

    96 earlier this year, and what's more, he not only played in a World Cup, but in the 1st final too.


    Of the other 1930 teams, well it's less easy to verify. There might be a Mexican still alive, but their records are shady, whilst Juan Valdivieso, Peru's goalie, appears to be still alive. All the rest, are, not surprisingly, dead.



    Don't say I don't ever tell you lot anything!

  18. sad news..the american actor Frankie Thomas, Jr of Space Cadets fame has died at 85


    You're getting slightly confused here. He wasn't in Space Cadets, he was in a 50's TV series in the US called Tom Corbett, Space Cadet. Small difference, but a significant one.


    My Halliwell Film book says that not only was he a noted child actor, but amongst other things, was an international-class bridge player, and apparently wrote many books on the subject.


    Still doesn't change the fact, that I have no idea who he was & wouldn't recognise him in a film.



    One that Iain won't tell you about, as it isn't on Wikipedia, is Tommy Rowe, who was the last surviving pre-war FA Cup finallist, for Portsmouth, back in 1939. He was 92. Considering yesterdays game, and how knackered some of them were, you'd be forgiven for thinking he wouldn't be the only FA Cup fatality yesterday.


  19. Small cell carcinoma is a type of carcinoma usually associated with the lung.


    When associated with the lung, it is sometimes called "Oat cell carcinoma" and often leads to ectopic production of hormones ADH and ACTH. Smoking is a significant risk factor.


    That's all I could find about the particular problem.


    Old, yes.


    But caught early, and if anyone's a fighter, it's fiery Fred.


    I think Boycott's cancer was worse, and he came through that, so we shall see.

  20. itv did, indeed, carry it. brian moore was the commentator, and his version of 'they think it's all over' was someting along the lines of 'ooh... no... hurst... yeeeeessssss!', or so i'm led to believe (i was only 18 months old at the time).


    I'm not sure it was Brian Moore, though I could be wrong. Was it not Hugh Johns for ITV, and Brian Moore was commentating on the radio that day or have I got the two mixed up?

    I know Johns did commentary for that game, anyhow.


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