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Octopus of Odstock

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Posts posted by Octopus of Odstock

  1. thats maybe why Im a big fan of Bob Marley


    That's kinda why I asked as you had that avatar of him (or I presume it was of him) a month or two back and that set me thinking*




    *= Always a dangerous thing, me & thought.

  2. Who in heaven's name was Wilf Mannion? Because I support Newcastle I only know Jackie Milburn and I've also heard of Raich Carter - but I don't know who he was.


    Wilf Mannion was an absolute genius. I know it's used often, but he was. There's a book about him, Golden Boy. Well worth a read. Very little DVD/video clips of him playing, I would imagine, but if you say Wilf Mannion to any Middlesbrough fan, watch their face light up, even if they never saw him. He was Brian Clough's all-time favourite and a huge influence on Bobby Charlton. That, in itself, should tell you something.


    That you haven't heard of him isn't your fault, more the media's fixation with "Is it on tape? No? Well, it don't count" and also, those that saw Mannion play are dying off, where as the present media saw George Best play at his pomp, hence when he (and Osgood) died, they were mourning their lost youth.



    Milburn wasa fine player too. By coincidence, we were in Newcastle on the day of Milburn's funeral, my Dad & I. I've rarely seen anything like it.


    If you do find a decent video/DVD of Mannion playing, check it out. You won't be disappointed. And I'm not a Middlesbrough fan, so I'm not biased here.

  3. Other old warhorses not mentioned already:


    Peter Alliss,

    Stuart Hall,

    Max Robertson,

    Reg Gutteridge,

    Richie Benaud



    Godot, I completely agree with you. Sometimes, listening to Barry Davies was a joy, but for every moment of commentating genius, he ruined it by moaning. I think you hit the nail spot on & bang! Still, BD was far better than the current new crop of football commentators (Tydelsley especially).


    Arlott was class personified. Reading supporter too, so he had excellent taste!! :ph34r:

  4. One for the not exactly famous first:

    Georgy Korniyenko, who was a US based Soviet foreign minister & diplomat, and a key figure in diffusing the Cold War,

    has died, aged 81.


    Two, not famous at all, but worth a mention:


    Holiday Reps Killed


    I don't know either, but I do know their manager, and many of their colleagues. I can barely imagine how they're coping right now - It's desperately sad when it happens, as it did to us, in Crete, in 2000. The spokesman's right - We are a close knit community. :o;)



    Added to this, it looks like one of my sister's bridesmaids for her wedding on the 10th June is going to lose her battle with terminal cancer before the wedding AND one of the youngest attendees, a lad of two, has had an accident, suffered terrible burns and now is greviously ill in hospital, means I've been in a foul mood today. Looking at my posts, I'm surprised I've sounded so normal. Maybe coming here is a release, I don't know.

  5. David Coleman is still very well. He just wanted a quieter life, to spend more time with his family. He was deeply affected by Brian Moore's (and Ron Pickering's) early deaths, and didn't want the same to happen to him (ie virtually no retirement).

    As for "disappearing without a trace", he was on the news only a few weeks back, commentating on the demise of Grandstand !!



    My favourite football commentator by far. I used to love the simple "1-0" whn anyone scored. I always felt, as does my dad, that he made even the most tedious game exciting.

  6. Yossi Banai at the age of 76.He was simply a genius in his field


    PS can i mention in passing that today is the 25th anniversary of my beloved grandmmothers death.RI.P


    Hardly surprising he was a genius in his field, considering "his field" was singing Jacques Brel songs in Hebrew. Can't imagine there's a plethora of artistes in that category. :o


    As for your gran, well there's a dedicated thread for things like that, but, interestingly I note that she died the same day as Bob Marley, who also died 25 years ago today. Co-incidence?

  7. If you want to go and have a nosey, I can't stop you, it's Uke Players of the World. Enjoy!!


    Good God. :o It's fora like that, and the Power Rangers one I stumbled across over that obit of that dead actress, that makes this one, where we frantically check google news search for any news on Ernest Gallo positively normal


    I fear by giving away the site to all, and not just Mr. N, your husband may be soon irate with a vastly increased number of trolls! ;)

  8. Iain,


    Also stop relying on Wikipedia as a source for reporting deaths. As you can see on numerous occassions that it's used as a frequent place for people to plant a hoax



    Indeed. Today's glorious example of a Wikipedia hoax:


    Prof. Dr. Kim, 55, professor of pomology, Chungbuk National University, heart attack. [citation needed]


    I don't know whether to laugh or cry....

  9. Former Ajax Amsterdam and Man U football player Jesper Olsen (45) is in a Melbourne hospital after a stroke.





    It was a brain haemorrage wasn't it?


    Sometimes you have to say that footballers get Parkinsons, Alzheimers, and other brain/head afflications through football but as Jesper was so small, I can't recall him heading that many balls <_<

  10. actually that reported death has now been taken off wikipedia so may be another fake.I will check it out


    Iain, stop lying & stop posting sh*t.


    The edit page of Nicholas Courtney on Wikipedia reveals that the last edit was on the 20th April.

    You have just made this up this morning.


    I'm sure, like many of us, you're disappointed it's so quiet on the deaths front, but there's no need to keep making up false rumours, lies & deaths. It just makes you look stupid, if nothing else.


    Why the F**k do you do it? It only pisses everybody off.

    A lot of the DL 50 were chosen due to you exagerrating their condition (Moore, Heston, LBJ) & then you keep moaning, more loudly than others, of the misses, which were misses as the "reliable" news got buried under all your sh*t.


    If you've got proper news or deaths to post, fine, but stop posting this utter sh*t.

    No wonder Tempus has gone..

  11. Now we just have to have a forum topic for Lady Johnson, the wife of the 36th president.


    do you have any specific info on her state of health?


    Iain, and for that matter, Kristen, why don't you check the Lady Bird Johnson thread, here. <_<:angry:


    [Posts moved -- MH]

  12. The Indians who man the phones for LloydsTSB certainly haven't, which is why I now have Internet banking. <_<


    Perhaps there is a method in their madness.


    Likewise, but for HSBC. All perfectly amiable, but they ask you to spell EVERYTHING! :angry: Even London ! :o

  13. To those of you of a certain age, or disposition, or for those of you who have had to watch/suffer it via kids Yes, really... you'll probably be familiar with one of the characters of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, a certain Rita Repulsa. I kid you not. Anyway, the actress who played her, died recently. I must admit she doesn't look in her 50's in that photo, but she must've been.


    From Yahoo Japan:

    Soga Machiko passed away today at the age of 68. She was found in her apartment home by a friend around noon on May 7th. She was a Tokyo graduate with one living relative who visited the same day as she died. As an actress she played the role of a villain many times in tokusatsu sfx programs. Around June last year it was announced that she had a terminal physical condition.




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