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Octopus of Odstock

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Posts posted by Octopus of Odstock

  1. Back on topic, Jane is going to cycle from Rome to Leeds


    Edit: ooops wrong link. Anyway she's just about to do some-or-other long run or bike ride.


    Yep, LD, I was going to point out she'd already done that.


    This one is across America


    She was on BBC Breakfast News this morning looking the very picture of health, and looked like she had gained some weight...

  2. Really? Can we get some support for this assertion please Mr. O?



    Colombia 1994: Andres Escobar (1967-1994), Herman Gaviria (who scored vs the Swiss) (1969-2002) Link

    Jamaica 1998: Steve Malcolm (1970-2001), Link Peter Cargill (1964-2005) Link


    French side of 1958: (Proof can be found on Wiki, the FFF (French footy site), etc etc.

    Francois Remetter (1928- ), Raymond Kaelbel (1932- ), Andre Lerond (1930- ), Armand Penverne (1926- ), Robert Jonquet (1925- ), Jean-Jacques Marcel (1931- ), Maryan Wisnieski (1937- ), Just Fontaine (1933- ), Raymond Kopa (1931- ), Roger Piantoni (1931- ), Jean Vincent (1930- ), Claude Abbes (1927- ), Yvon Douis (1935- )


    Maurice Lafont (1927-2005) is the only deceased player of that squad.


    Bizarre, I know, but true. Also, The 1970 England squad has 5 players dead now (Osgood, Labone, Astle, Moore, Newton), which is two more than the (eventual - obviously minus the Babes & Jeff Hall who also died early) 1958 squad (Haynes, Clamp, Wright)!

  3. No, no, no. Good idea to talk about Colombian footballers. Lady Di picked up on it a while ago




    Well, considering that two of their 1994 World Cup squad are already dead, they're not a bad choice.


    But worth noting that death-wise and taking into account recent qualifications, Jamaica are the worst. 2 of their 1998 squad are already dead, both in traffic accidents. And Robbie Earle was nearly added to that list when he was kicked in the liver, IIRC & needed emergency surgery.


    Three players from 2002 are dead - 1 Costa Rican (suicide), 1 Ecuadorian (shooting), 1 Camerooni (Foe - H/A)


    This doesn't mean much but perhaps worth looking into (espec. Jamaican traffic accidents) - just to put Jamaica & Colombia's early death toll into comparison:

    There are more dead players in Colombia's 94 team & Jamaica's 2002 team than France's 1958 team. :banghead:

  4. Got my ticket for the final home massacre, I mean game, against lowly Torquay.




    Carlisle United 1 Torquay United 2.


    Most mediocre massacre attempt ever. :banghead:


    Glad to see Torquay safe - looks like Oxford down!

  5. The youngest survivor of WWI, a mere chick at 103, David Samuel "Tex" Little has died, back in March. So called Tex as he was from Texas. Those people from Wyoming, such wit!! :D


    No news report, though, only this confirmation on the US Social Security Death Index, which is subscription only.


    Ancestry Link


    Wiki Entry


    There are two survivors who are 104 this year, but as neither fought in the war, but are included as they were drafted into the army around that era, the youngest who served in the war is now Maurice Starkey, a Navy submariner in WWI, who will be 105 in December, if he gets that far.

  6. [

    Hugh Lloyd was in the last series of Doc Martin (he was the old codger with the dead bird in his handbag...gripping plot...)


    He didn't look to bad to me for a man of his age.



    He was on "My Family" again tonight. Apart from being quite a fat chap, he looks robust enough. But compared to co-stars Rosemary Leach (80) & Trevor Baxter (73), he looked a lot older, and I don't think that was simply as he was supposed to be playing an older person than the other two.

  7. Alexander Trowbridge no longer eligible for 2007 list.


    and to prove an earlier point - how do the British press deal with this "colossus" of America? Bored indifference. Not one measly mention thus far - but a 100 yr old lady in Louth (I didn't even know where the F**k that was until the end of the article) does get an obit! Old Lady Dead




    However, I've just seen the Guardian has reported it. But these days, that hardly counts. They'll give an obit to everyone, even Laurel Hester. :D However searching news stories & "Trowbridge" has revealed this heart-warming news...



    Huzzah!!!! :D

  8. Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Phantom, Louisa Madelaine is a lovely name, hope you don't have too many sleepless nights! :D


    I'll second that and all other good wishes. (I can't comment on Godot's poo comments, but I expect it is true) It's two French sounding names - is that deliberate or just the way it's come out? I don't ask this as a bad thing, you understand!

  9. Henry Allingham is finally awarded freedom of his town


    I know it was posted before but the ceremony was postponed as Allingham was ill last month



    I love Henry's quote from that day ""Cigarettes, whisky and wild, wild women - and a good sense of humour are the reasons for my longevity , but I make sure I keep within my limitations "


    What a guy - gives hope to us all!!!



    I've decided to take the unusual step of removing Allingham from my DDP list in the future. He's on my team now, but come the end of the year, if he is still living, he will be dropped, as a token of respect - the same reason I don't include Harry Patch. From another point of view, the man looks like going on for a bit yet, anyway.


    The other WWI veterans are fair game - they seem quite boring by comparison!!


    2 more German veterans died in the last month - total is around 75. I say around as there's probably two or three on that list who can't be verified as still living.

  10. Aye fair point Mr - ermmm - Guest.


    I can't think of one robust 88+ year old who does make public appearances. Unless you count Norman Wisdom on telly.


    Ronald Neame, Max Robertson, Luise Rainer, Henry Allingham (robust for his age), Eli Wallach, Kevin McCarthy, Anna Wing, Art Linkletter all defy their age, to name just a few....

  11. Do any Deathlisters share my irritation at poor grammar here and elsewhere? What are your biggest niggles? One of mine is the use of in tandem (favoured by football commentators who think it means side-by-side when in fact it means one behind the other).



    "A Big Ask" (or something similar) always gets me irritated when said by sporting commentators. On here, I tend to let the shocking grammar, punctuation & spelling go. Bruno Brimley's posts wouldn't look right if they were grammatically perfect, somehow. :)

  12. The recent flurry of football deaths continues:- :D

    Gerrard Bowler, ex-Northern Ireland international, has died, aged 82;-


    The man who discovered Mark Hughes, Clayton Blackmore and many more for Manchester United, Hugh Roberts, has died, aged 84.


    Nobby Lawton, Preston North End legend, has died from cancer, at 65.


    Hibernian star Willie Finnigan, has died at the grand old age of 93. Link



    and two men to serve my club, Reading, have died:

    John "Jack" Cross, aged 78.

    and Tom Wilson, who has died, aged 72



    I've heard of "dying in threes", but dying in nines?? (add Santana, Lyall & Labone) - a very sad week or two in football. :(

  13. Marriage, it ain't worth it. Mrs G has gone frosty on me because I raided the box of chocs that her work colleagues gave her for her birthday. It was only four chocs. You'd have thought I'd been caught in bed with the neighbour.


    I share your pain in a way. Last year, being the cheeky scamp I am, helped myself, at work, to two chocolates, as I was hungry, had no money & even though they weren't mine, thought "what harm can it do?" and thought of my work colleague's waistline as I expanded mine.


    To cut a long story short, the female colleague was so incensed by this, she almost made me pay for a flight to the UK, which I got 'free' due to work. She would have suceeded too, had I not made an almighty fuss. Whilst her anger over two chocolates was bizarre, it has taught me a lesson. I no longer eat chocolate & have lost weight as a result. I hope she chokes on her chocolate. :D

  14. I thought it was flobalob.


    It's one of the all-time great etymological debates, but "flobbadob" seems to result in more hits on Google regards Bill & Ben than "flobalob". Not saying that it's right, mind, just what seems to be the majority consensus of public opinion. :D

  15. I've heard that Peter Hawkins who provided the voice for Captain Pugwash at al has some kind of degenerative brain disease and can no longer remember anythin pre 1990s. He was born 1924 and he's bound to get an obit. What do you guys think?


    Not just famous for Pugwash - I've a soft spot for him as he did so many voices in the programmes I watched as a child - Penny Crayon, Superted (The narrator in the opening titles), most of The Family Ness voices, he was the original voice of Zippy in Rainbow, was a comic sidekick in Dave Allen's programmes, did the Dalek voices in the early days, and gave them their distinctive voice, and also did voices in The Woodentops & Bill & Ben - the man who did "flobbadob".


    That's one hell of a resume. Definite obit, and certainly a very ill man. It's up to everyone else, but he's a prime candidate for my DDP team, although it saddens me a lot to have to add him to that list - he's provided me with many fond memories. :D


    I had no idea he was that old - I suppose, thinking about it, he must be, but I always thought he was in his late 60's.

  16. I was remembering the very sweet and moral TV show ' Family Ties ' the other day. Anyone remember it? It had Michael J Fox playing the part of Alex something-or-other. We all know how ole' Mikey's doing, but what of the others? I know the guy who played the father in the show was also in that wonderfully amusing 'Tremors' film, but I've not seen him since.


    Any possibilities???


    I don't think so, really. They all look well enough or are active enough, and age wise, don't really fall into the "likely to drop" category.

    But then look at John Ritter and Dana Plato - I guess you never know..


    Family Ties Webpage - for anyone whose curiosity needs killing


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