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Octopus of Odstock

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Posts posted by Octopus of Odstock

  1. ( I can't get anything right today, I blame Thatcher)


    Aah, don't worry - we all have these days. I made up a new religion yesterday which is why my post in the Oscar Niemayer thread makes no sense at all. ;)


    To be honest, I was more worried you were turning into Iain. :P


    I understand your feelings, I blame Bliar for everything - no matter how trivial. ;)

  2. lets just pretend hes dead for now-we have a quota to fill!


    no, let's just use a more reliable source for information than wikipedia.

    Unless I'm entering in the wrong search options, I can't find him listed on CNN, Reuters or BBC you'd think at least one of those would have some report.


    Well, morning comes and still no news reports. I think it's safe to say he's still with us.


    I'm more perplexed about this "quota to fill" business.... :huh:

  3. According to the news report, his condition is "stated as stable", not "critically injured".



    Were you the kind of child who stubbed a toe and went to the hospital saying "I've broken my foot"?!


    Whatever job you do, if indeed, you do one, I hope to God it isn't as a doctor. I'd hate to be on the end of one of your "prognosises"


    Dr Iain: "Your death is immiment - from lung cancer"

    Patient: "But doc, I only came in for a hip replacement!"

  4. if im wrong about thi sI will resign from the deathlist in embarrasment and humiliation


    You promise?!?!

    This isn't one of your false drama queen promises?


    Well, we'll see in 15 hours time I guess.

  5. No, he'd be older. The actor Billy Dee Williams was born in 1937, so he was 43 in 1980 when Empire Stikes Back came out. We're told the third film of the new trilogy takes place 19 years before the original Star Wars, so Calrissian would be approx. 21 then, 18 in part II. Arguably he'd be about 8 in the first film - it's hard to tell how much Anakin ages, while Natalie Portmann gets only 3 yrs older.


    Oh, right, thanks. Age is a difficult thing, in Star Wars, just look at Yoda.


    However, we must be mindful that they had Moff Tarkin, Mon Mothma & Wedge in episode 3 reduced to walk-on parts. Shame....




    Just to keep this on topic - Gerald Ford looks like the Emperor. :huh:



    The article doesn't refer to his death, in fact it says he's still living. I'll give you the benefit of a doubt for now, after previous cases, but there's no news articles on his death so far, almost an hour later.


    In addition, I will post this from the Wikipedia history page for John B. Fenn:


    (I can't find any press releases, and anon IP who has declared him dead appears to be Polish, and the first edit had him dead tomorrow)

  7. Incidentally, watch the news this weekend for details of promotions from and - possibly - the new champions of Coca Cola League Two.


    What, Grimsby Town? I like them. They smell of fish but they're likeable all the same. :huh:

  8. Quite right about the lack of Lando/addition of Jar Jar adding to the disappointment of particularly the first of the three new films. He would have brought a bit of dash, charm & indeed swash to the whole sorry affair with a mere smile or a smooth 'hello'.


    Yeah, but, in the new films, he would've been about 8 years old, if that. There's only so much dash, charm & suaveness a 8 yr old can bring, even if he is an 8 yr old Lando. And a smooth hello, would've been more like a pipsqueak "Hi".


    I mean look at Boba Fett. The Mr. Cool of bounty hunters, and he's just a moppy-topped kid...

  9. How about the actor Paul Shane? I always thought he looked incredibly unhealthy and I think its fair to say he hasn't been a stranger to tobacco and alcohol. Haven't seen him on TV for years.


    If you look just 28 posts before your post, you will see I not only brought him up, but supplied a very recent picture of him. In summary, then, and now, a good outside bet.

  10. I don't know how often it happens with celebs, but quite often when one half of an old couple departs, the other kind of drifts away fairly soon afterwards, nothing to live for etc.


    I wasn't going to mention it, as it seemed quite minor, but that's exactly what happened to Sir Peter Masefield & his wife. Sir Peter died a few months ago, and it was reported today, that, just 60 days later, his wife has also died.

    But for every Jim & Audrey Callaghan, there is King George & the Queen Mum...

  11. I'm not really surprised at how this year is turning out, to be honest.



    2005 was one of those years when famous person after famous person died. And not just mildly famous, we were talking either mega-famous or top DP picks:-

    eg (just small selection) Pryor, Burns, Best, Parks, Barker, Wiesenthal, Rehnquist, King Fahd, Doohan, Heath, Franklin, Vandross, Whiteley, E Albert, Mills x2, Rainier, Thompson, Pope JP2, Callaghan, D Allen, Dee, A Miller, Schmeling, Noble, Carson etc. and at regular intervals.


    2006 was never going to be more of the same.


    This year, we're actually seeing more deaths, but more niche ones - ie. you've heard of them or are kinda aware of them, but them being dead makes no actual difference than them being alive. If you're into football, it's a been a year with many big names gone already. If not, then it's had less impact.

    I would say only Milosevic, Shelley Winters & arguably, John Profumo & Gene Pitney have been well-known enough worldwide by a majority of people.

    Tony Banks, Merlyn Rees, Peter Osgood & Linda Smith, in the UK, yep, elsewhere.. pushing it.

    Ibrahim Rugova & Weinberger.... to a certain group, yes, but not to the public as a whole...


    Less entertainment deaths than last year as a whole, so far, and bar football, less sporting deaths, too. I think these tend to have the biggest impact on the public as a collective whole.


    So, in summary, I see the odd really big name death or big DL/DDP death being the odd example, rather than the norm, and has been proved already, probably longer gaps for them to happen.



    That's my findings submitted to the DL boffins, anyhow.

  12. member of the US House of Representatives from 1983 to 1999 Daniel Schaefer has died.There is no articles about his death that I can find at present although I'll post a link as soon as I find one


    In other words, there's no link on Wikipedia. Well, whilst we all wait for you to find the Google News Search page: :)


    One of only 11 obits in two days for Schaefer. Looks like no-one actually gives a sh*t about him.


    Obit from LA Times


    Though the article mentions John Swigert, the Apollo 13 astronaut, who I have heard of & Schaefer got his "lucky break" from Swigert's early death.

  13. Former West Ham & Ipswich manager John Lyall has died.


    A great shame. Nice bloke and his teams played lovely football. Also responsible for a lot of players emerging in the last 20-30 years. :D


    Pardew doesn't need to worry yet. If he wins the Cup, that's another matter as West Ham have only won the cup under.. Greenwood & Lyall. :)


    And, yep, West Ham, in 1980 was the last time a non-top flight team won the FA Cup.

  14. Now that we're done with that, OoO claimed that there were at least two candidates that he could think of. My only question is, how could you have picked only two?


    Now since I believe OoO is closer to my age, I'm guessing that our next girl was one of the ones he was thinking of


    A bit of a large picture, but totally worth it.


    Well, I did say at least two, not only two. :D


    Mills was one - my dad's favourite of all time. Barbara Hale was a real hotty - I was watching a film of her's on video - The Jackpot (1950), to mark her birthday today - good comedy that one too. She's outlived both the actor and actress that played her children in that film....


    and Melissa Joan Hart was the second. A large picture indeed, but, yep, totally worth it. :) She's a true credit to sexy actresses of kid's television. :D

  15. Why is everyone going on about the brief role she played in Titanic?

    I always thought she was best in "The Invisible Man" where she co-starred with Claude Raines


    I think simply as it was more recent & seen by more people.

    To put in another context, if you said to the average person on the street "What do you think of Claude Raines?", they'll look at you as if you've just farted in their face.

    Say to them, "do you remember the old bat in the film Titanic?", they will be more likely to remember....

  16. Gloria Stuart still active


    (small mention under the Space sub-heading.)


    Hmm.. seems like another bad DDP choice. ;) I hadn't heard anything for ages, so that's why she was on this year.



    Whilst searching, I found another thread with the same title, but no replies - probably doesn't need a clean-up but if one of you likes things just so, then there's something to do! :ghost:


    [Threads merged - ff]


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