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Octopus of Odstock

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Posts posted by Octopus of Odstock

  1. the well known child actor from the 1940s Gary Gray has died. Your bound to recognise his face.He was in tonnes of those old black and white films. He starred in the original 'Lassie the dog' film


    Bottom line though is I have no recollection of this Gary Gray person. Sad to see him go though and so young too


    don't recognise him at all, he's been in quite a few movies throughout his career though.


    Don't argue with Iain you know hes occasionally almost right


    Iain, can you check your sources, please? Gary Gray, the actor, it appears, is STILL ALIVE. Just another Wiki hoax? it seems, as there is no report of his death anywhere- your link just goes straight to his imdb page.

    (or that's what it seems like so far - unless someone can produce a reliable source)



    EDIT - apparently on a message board there is a mention of his death. :o To Iain, I apologise & to others, :o but my point stands, let's try to have a source with it. In this case, though, this is NOT a knock at Iain, but at the Wikipedia person, who took some 4 days to come up with a source.

    It's only natural I should be sceptical after the Peter Klein fiasco of last month. Seems there's a mad rush to be first without checking facts... :D:pop:

  2. Michael DeBakey.

    Now 97, he has just had heart surgery, and is probably the oldest person to recover from it. DeBakey was in charge when they did the first transplant of an artificial heart, so he's probably, unwittingly, kept himself alive a little longer, aside from will-power.

    Should (might?) sneak an obit in the UK, but not famous enough for a thread, IMHO, which is why I've included him here.

    He may have "recovered" but heart surgery takes it out of you, especially at 97...


  3. I'm pig ignorant where Algerian politics are concerned, are there factions brooding behind the scenes who'd be likely to meddle with the health of a poorly man to bring about his demise or is it a stable country?


    I've been there. Nice place but with an undercurrent of uncertainty & distrust.

    CP has covered a lot, it's thanks to AB that Algeria IS a stable(ish) place now. The more radical members of society in Algeria have different targets - Europeans, Pro-French politicans, lawyers etc, or sometimes the general public, in the more barren/bandit areas just to make a point. Political violence has gone waaaaayyy down on 4 or 5 years ago.

  4. Aye, this thread is a mite quiet, there was more life and invention around Cliff Mitchelmore. If they every shut Dickie O down again we could mark this as the next DL common room.


    Incidentally, anyone have - like - any idea about the health of the Algerian president? Just thought I'd ask.


    Well, he's still as active as ever - meetings, speakings the lot. I haven't seen a specific article regards his health, though, so although he looks & sounds fine, don't forget Rugova kept on working to the end...

  5. It's not often I suggest candidates, but looking at a photo of the man in the middle, and then taking into account his obesity & his age (86 in August), he would be a serious candidate for 2007, I think. Certainly famous enough, and for his own thread, I think.

    Only thing is, he's still doing book signings & obviously his brain seems intact, if not his body, going by the blurb.




  6. I would consider it...but there would have to be a vote of some sort, so it would not greatly upset any players. I am also considering prizes for most unique picks and other categories. Post any thoughts here....


    I'm happy for you to do what you (or the consenus) like. I would suggest, one possible prize, which is 100 points to anyone who names an Ethopian on their list. :rip::unsure:

  7. Really sorry to hear of this - I always liked his songs, especially the original "Something's Gotten Hold of my Heart".

    Performing one minute, dead the next. Meanwhile Haughey, Sharon & Ross Davidson live on. Just shows how random & daft this death lark is sometimes.... :unsure:


    Anyway, :rip::(

  8. Sir Richard Powell, who was former permament secretary to the Board of Trade, amongst other high ranking Civil Service jobs, has died aged 96.


    link - search for Powell, last 14 days


    When I did my politics degree, I studied Powell, amongst others, when we looked at the Civil Service & Politics. It was mostly dull but thankfully, the tutor kept us awake & entertained by playing "Yes, Minister/Prime Minister" as it was a better way of illustrating what civil service mandarians did than reading any old book.


    Powell was also on my DDP "20" for next year. Drat, I might've sneaked an unique pick there.



  9. Considering he was an unique pick on the DDP & he has died an un-natural death, should we think about shopping The Caulkhead Coffin-Kickers to the authorities? Or should we wait until Hilda Braid (god forbid) suffers the same fate? :unsure:


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