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Octopus of Odstock

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Posts posted by Octopus of Odstock

  1. Iain, I think you are getting your breakfast cereal confused with your Motor racing. A mistake anyone could make. I'm off to drive round Silverstone in a box of cornflakes this weekend...


    Well, he is & he isn't. John Jordan, he of cornflake fame, ran Formula 2 racing cars etc. in the 1960's & 1970's - so he is effectively, a "motor racing team boss" -he's got nothing to do with the Jordan F1 team - that was run by Eddie "Wiggy" Jordan. Anyway, I did mention JJ's death in the F1 thread as well.


    Donaldson is a shock. I know, I know.. it shouldn't be, but it is to me.


    Martin Gilks obit to confirm Vinegar Tit's sad news BBC News report re. his death


    I don't know if anyone here, bar myself, has heard of him, but Blackpool FC legend Ewan Fenton has also died.

  2. and the motor racing team boss William Jordan has died


    He was known as John, btw, not William. William is on his birth certificate, but it was as "John Jordan" that he was mildly famous in motor racing & his business interests. It says as much in the link and on Wikipedia.

  3. Do all these cronies for Sadaam pass the fame test? I mean, I suppose they'd pass the UK obituary test, but they all seem like bottom-of-the-barrel candidates to me. Certainly looks like a good choice for the DDP though...



    Aziz is very well known. "Chemical Ali", "Comical Ali", "Queen Germ", "Mrs Anthrax", Izzat "ginge" Ibrahim, Barzan "Raving Nutter" Al-Tikriti & Tassin "I haven't got a nickname" Ramadan, are all relatively well known.

    Otherwise, it's hit & miss. But all of those in the Saddam trial now would get a mention, simply just because...

  4. RA, first of all, AFAIK, both Brabham & Williams have no illnesses. Maybe just age taking its toll on both.


    A little round-up for youse:

    John Jordan, who ran a successful racing team (not F1), has died, as has the aptly named Dicky Dies, an ex-midget racer.

    A very minor US sprint car racer was also killed at the weekend, but the biggest death is of 11 times Indianapolis 500 veteran, Bob Veith.

    Bob Veith



  5. The serious point is that them good old seventies accidents combined track marshalling from the Keystone Cops with rigid fuel tanks that would rupture and explode to the point that the most useful response to an accident would be to run up with a long handled fork and a few slices of bread ready to toast.


    From the IRL's point of view, the Williamson death is irrelevant. The accident that changed US racing forever was The Sachs-McDonald Crash :D

  6. Just to confirm that Al Lewis was: 82.


    Al Lewis 30 Apr 1923 3 Feb 2006 New York, New York, New York


    That's from the Social Security Death Index.



    Yes, I know it hardly matters, but at least it sets the mind at rest. <_<

  7. Ah, good to see this back.


    Hal, the Central Park Coyote is dead. Blow me if I know who Hal was, but it's got nearly 30 GNS mentions already in the last hour - that's more than some on Near Misses' got in total!



    Is this dumbing down of the highest extreme or can someone enlighten me on why the late coyote was so famous?

    Link - if anyone is that bothered about it :lol:




    Is this like the Thames Whale? Captured the attention of the nation blah blah?

  8. Ok, I'll bite.


    Observant users may have noticed that I often move posts from "Near Misses" to "Not Exactly Famous". The criteria I use for such a decision are arbitrary. There are no formal rules, nor would I like it if such rules were to be formally written.


    That's not what I was referring to really. I didn't make it clear, sorry.

    I was referring to the fact that the "Not Exactly Famous" thread was un-stickied (if there is a correct term, I don't know it!), just as progress was being made. No reason given and I don't know whether that meant we post everyone in Near Misses or not.

    Your criteria is fine, and I see you adhere to it, for which I applaud you. Shame others (mods & users) don't seem to, otherwise we wouldn't hav 770 posts of Near Misses by 1st April. <_<

  9. Which gives me an idea. How about only posting on the Near Misses page deaths of people who you can show were mentioned prior to 2006 somewhere on the site? Then they truly would have been "near misses".



    Already suggested it, was flamed down for it. There has been a deathly silence from the mod's regards the not famous but/near misses debate, with the end result being even more confusion.


    Sometimes I wonder if what I post makes the slightest bit of difference to anyone bar MPFC & CP as my original Lomond post proved. <_<

  10. Peter Shand Kydd , the stepfather of the late Princess Diana has died


    I don't say this as it's only Wikipedia that's reporting it right now (in fact that burial info is quite solid information and so I err on the side of it's true), but I find it odd this hasn't been reported more. The link with Princess Bimbo is small, but I would've thought some of the Diana luvvy papers would've reported this online already, seeing he apparently died a week ago.


    :o(or maybe it's just been announced - might be in all the broadsheets tomorrow..)



    It's in The Times Death Notices - this link may work, but if not, it'll be online soon.

    Shand-Kydd Dead

    Same link reveals the Earl of Swinton is dead too, whomever he may be.



    Well done unknown contributor to Wikipedia & Iain for spotting it before the press!

  11. I dunno, I found that mystifying & confusing myself. However, I am glad that I'm not the only one who hasn't heard of him, considering the news coverage of his death. And I used to work in a bookshop, so you'd think I would know of him!!


    I am hoping though, with all the deaths in twos, that an Irish writer is followed by an Irish leader....

  12. Yahoo weren't even the first with that, the cricinfo site were, so who knows what their game is!


    Anyway, John McGahern, Irish Writer is dead. I'm sure he's somebody I should've heard of, but I haven't. Link.

    So having no idea if he's really famous or not, I've put him in this thread.

  13. I saw an article about Tele Santana, the former Brazil football coach ('82 and '86 World Cups), who is apparently "in intensive care in hospital, had a leg amputated three years ago, and is currently struggling for breath because of an intestinal infection." He smoked for many years.


    But is he famous enough?


    Yes, he is - he'll get a mention on the BBC & his illness has already been mentioned by Reuters UK, but I don't think he'll make it to 2007.



    CP, Edgar Ray Killen might. I've heard of him and the film link might just be enough....

  14. Thank you very much Mr Corkdood! (lovely area of the world with very comely woman too :o )



    At last, some positive news about one of my DDP selections!




    (and also for people to cheat when guessing numero Cinq!)




  15. As no-one (I think, correct me if I am wrong) has managed to get this right so far, I'm not going to plump for any of my DDP choices on the list & go for someone unusual (in context), so I'm going for Ernest Gallo. :o

  16. Octi; not much sign of the crash footage on yer link although I did find my way to a lively little site where someone compared Dana's driving to Sonny Bono's skill on skis.


    Assuming an interested and serious minded person wished to view the footage, purely for intellectual and research purposes, any idea where it might be in cyberspace?



    MPFC, I did say it was for a short time only. Try this link http://www.teamjuicyracing.com/vids/dana1.wmv


    It's actually better from a assessment point of view as you see not only a slo-mo (where Dana hits the wreckage first) but also from Scott Sharp's car behind. It's possible Dana, had he not hit the wreckage MIGHT have gone wide & missed Carpenter, but I guess we'll never know.

    FYI, Carpenter crashes first, Dana 2nd.

  17. Well, in all the hoo-ha about Charles Taylor, can I quickly mention that Tommy Burns, the footballer & manager has been diagnosed with skin cancer. I know he's quite young & what he has isn't as serious as some other cancers, but my aunt died of the same thing at about the same age so..


    Also, how interesting that in, this, the greatest week ever for my football club, this man, (well, of those living) who did the most to wreck it & send it to oblivion, gets his come-uppance. :o


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