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Octopus of Odstock

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Posts posted by Octopus of Odstock

  1. someoine has just posted a message on t he BBC message board to say that Margaret Thatcher has died :P


    Well, I was on the BBC message board in early March & someone posted the death of Barry Chuckle. Suffice to say, it wasn't true. :party: Now, there's someone who should get a state funeral. :)

  2. It's a decent idea & one that might even triumph but I wouldn't even include Scarrabelotti, let alone make him a joker. If the UK's oldest lady gets almost nil coverage when she dies, why would Australia's oldest man get any press in the UK?


    Those WWI veterans who don't have a birthdate are already dead. Oborne, Robinson etc. died a few years back. Incredibly sloppy research by those DDP'ers.

  3. actress Lynn Perry who played the part of Ivy Tilsley from Coronation Street has died aged 75


    Hey, Iain, today, at last, you've been first on the button to report not one, but TWO famous deaths!


    Lynne Perrie


    Here's a link to support it - Note the correct spelling of her name.

  4. 3 comments.

    The tortoise was posted 2/3 days ago in the Not Famous but thread.

    Channing Pollock's death is not "just in" - I saw an article that he died some 4 days ago. I had heard of him, strangely enough, but didn't think his death was worth posting at Deathlist then or now.


    But Michael Attwell's death is not only sad, it's surprising. I can't remember him in Eastenders, but the obituary your link eventually leads to mentions that he was Derek, the Doorman, in the recent BBC programme Hotel Babylon. Although a big man, he looked well and I wouldn't have thought he was 63.


    Hotel Babylon links page - Attwell is the pen-pic left of More Characters. :)

  5. CP, when I found the Biggs info the other day, I also found a bit about Patty Andrews. Only thing was it's a bit misleading, I think. It looks like, initially, an interview with her to mark her birthday but I actually think it's an old interview with an added message of happy birthday.

    See what you think:

    Patty Andrews Interview

  6. Well, me ankle's giving me gyp. It's not swollen, twisted or broken or anything like that, yet it still hurts when I walk or exercise, with or without shoes on. I should see the doctor, but I might wait as if I get one of the new jobs I'm going for, I'll have to have a medical anyway. Or it might just go as quickly as it came...


    Apart from that, I feel fit as a fiddle & ready to go! :)

  7. Zahir Shah is on my DDP list - I was hoping this thread would have news on him.


    He is in poor health, but made a reasonably long speech at the opening of the Afghan Parliament at the turn of year, so I'm thinking more long-term (autumn-winter) at the moment.

  8. Gimme a break! Wiki is sh*t.


    I have an idea.Supposing the moderators just create a new thread entitled 'iains posts' so anyone who want to find out what total non entities or marginally semi-famous people have died can go there,and I can stop making posts on th e near misses thread.Then if you never want to see my posts again you can just avoid the 'iains posts' thread.




    Sheesh.. I try & suggest a solution to pacify everyone & end up either being ignored or berated. (Apart from CP, bless him :) )


    Remind me not to get involved next time :lol::):lol:

  9. It's not all that bad for DDADD though... as DDT said, Kember will still have issues to deal with for the rest of the year, if not the rest of his life, so his joker still has a small chance of popping off this year (though a greatly reduced one now it would seem). The other two are most likely lost causes for him though.


    I would think though if Kember can last through what he has done in pretty good health, I'd be surprised (although it would be highly ironic) if he did die soon.

  10. I think that if there has to be a criteria to be on Near Misses it should be as such:


    1) They must have a Wikipedia article on them before death.




    2) The news of their death produces a sizeable amount of articles on Google News Search (maybe 25-30 minimum?)




    For it to be a "Near Miss" as such, then a quick search of this forum will reveal whether this person has been discussed before or not in any thread.


    Otherwise, I'd say "Not Famous, but..."



    I think the problem Iain (or anyone else, but mainly Iain) has in one way is he wants to provide a service, but isn't sure which product is right.

    If we have basic set criteria, then Iain would know before he posted, which thread each person should be in.

    Repeated failure to keep adhering to the criteria could relate in a warning at the worst extreme...


    And I think that's fair.


    What do people think?

  11. Aye, but surely one notice is enough? I'd understand if he had a thread of his own to have repeated death notices but he was border-line famous..

    I would also imagine that most people check both threads now that they're both stickies.



    But hey, what I will say, is you found a proper mention about his passing. So, kudos.

  12. One has to say that when Fox's body was found, I thought Kember would be freed shortly, one way or another.

    Partly as I felt, well if they've killed Fox, they would've killed all three of them, but also, wherever they left Fox's body would eventually lead to the special forces finding their lair.


    I, for one, am pleased with this. I always felt very uncomfortable with those hostages being selected on the DDP, a la Kirsty Howard. Bit of a blow for Dave's Dead, Aye Dead Drunk though.....

  13. World War 2 flying ace Pierre Closterman has died at 85



    Yes, we know. :D:eshock:


    I posted that yesterday on the Not Famous But... thread.



    Do you ever read any other thread in this forum or do you come straight here? You did the same with the fellow eaten by a crocodile.... :o:eshock:



    What's more, you couldn't even spell his name right....

  14. Funny, he was on UK telly today. It was a recent (for KM) film, which the IMDB says is They've Taken Our Children: The Chowchilla Kidnapping.

    He would've been about 80-81 when he filmed that & looked great. Everyone's acting in it was appalling, apart from good ol' Karl


    Happy Birthday to one of my favourite living actors:




    (Photo taken in 2004 - still attending premieres & looking snazzy at 92!)

  15. I deliberated for a while where to put this one but Pierre Clostermann, one of THE great World War 2 pilots, who later became an author amongst others has died. Much more well known in France, however, which is why I decided to put him in this thread.

    At the moment, I'm trying to find a French obit, but proof he has died comes from this post. (if it doesn't work, then it could be down to subscription). Frank, who posted it, is really up on these things.

  16. Two of my DDP choices with articles describing their near death condition in one day? OoO, you are the hero of my finals week!


    Aah, you're welcome. I just wish my lot would do something to justify picking them. Even a sneeze would be a start.... :banghead:


    Getty sounds in the same state as my grandmother was. Gran was tough but when she did pick an illness up (pneumonia in her case) she went quickly. I would hazard a guess & say the same might happen to Getty. Good days, bad days, tough but weak resistence to illness.....


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